Oh yeah, the situation has definitely changed! A couple who both worked (and still do part-time) for a law firm that was a major client for us got the chance to start a new business. Because he's Mexican and she's from Nepal, they qualified to become subcontractors on a huge transit project in the Portland area. They keep the new bus stations clean (most aren't even open yet). I've been helping them set up things and I work two to three days a week. The kicker? My hourly rate (to clean bus stations!) is more than my best rate as an IT Help Desk guy over the last 15 years!
I'm REALLY enjoying only working a partial week and having time to catch up on other stuff. I've gone from being six months behind in rent to three in only a couple of two-week paychecks. Good thing too, since I couldn't sell anything even at low prices...
Oh, and I DON'T need to use any gym membership! The work brooming, shoveling, leaf-blowing and picking up trash with a grabber is definitely getting me back in shape (albeit by almost killing me! LOL.).