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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Good thing his first name isn't Mike! I used to work with a guy named Dave Hoff who did indeed have an uncle named Jack.
  2. Somewhere snowflakes are melting! ?
  3. And, so as to not accidentally hijack the thread, back to Tool! ?
  4. @Rain Hey, being Canadian, have you ever listened to the best Prog band from there (that's not named Rush)? I'm referring to the Mystery. I listen to them much more than Rush and I like Rush! Here's one example album (I love Snowhite!):
  5. Fruit and Veg > Beef! Gary Clail - Beef
  6. Pick it, lick it, roll it, flick it! ?
  7. Unless you're a drummer, then every project can be considered a music project! ?
  8. No, those only go down into the depths of Hell (so they can verify things with their boss). ?
  9. *Goes off to write a program that generates chords based on all possible combinations...* ?
  10. Eggzactly! (I'm just about to start growing some. For health reasons naturally! ??)
  11. I know people who think that "D.A.R.E." stands for "Drugs are really expensive!" or "Drugs are reality enhancing!" It always makes me shake my head that shrooms, the safest drug, are illegal (yeah, I know about Oregon's micro-dosing law for clinical use) while alcohol and tobacco, which are both much farther up the scale, are legal...
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