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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Did you mean to say the S ex Pistols? ?
  2. CPA: "So, why are you broke?" Girl: "I bought 32,000 dominoes to make a YouTube video!"
  3. He wanted to become a porn star too, but he wasn't bun length...
  4. I used to get wicked migraines. After keeping a log, mine turned out to be food-allergy related. I found I have to stay away from the seasoning thyme, and can't have too much cheddar cheese. I have no issues with a small amount of cheddar cheese, but once I hit some threshold, watch out! Turns out there's a chemical called Tyramine in cheddar, and some other aged cheeses, that cause a lot of people issues. As a side-note, if you get a boost from drinking caffeinated coffee, that means you were actually below the energy baseline you should be at! In other words, you are not getting enough decent sleep and/or have other life-issues (like a poor diet or lack of exercise) that are draining your energy. I drink coffee because I enjoy it, but can easily do without if necessary and can even go directly to sleep after having a mug. When I did get a migraine, if I didn't address it IMMEDIATELY, I was screwed for several hours pulling my hair out in pain. But, if I hit it fast, it went away very quickly. Although I prefer natural remedies for everything, I don't know of one (other than avoiding what causes 'em!). The original recipe of Tylenol Sinus used to work, but the new version doesn't. That said, Excedrin Migraine REALLY works for me and wipes out the pain from the one or two migraines I still get during a year. YMMV! ?
  5. She doesn't mind Kenny. She's flexible! ?
  6. Have you ever gone to the museum that holds all the arms? ?
  7. Is she from Manila? ? ?
  8. Nat King Cole Trio - You're The Cream In My Coffee
  9. I've heard that, as you get older, many will walk into a room and forget why they went there. Not me! Several times every night I get up and go to the bathroom and each time I know exactly why I went there! ?
  10. I thought bass players were supposed to have better timing! ?
  11. craigb

    Home Base

    Personally, I would have gone with a fretless for this setup...
  12. craigb

    Home Base

    Or, after you tell the lovely lady you bought ANOTHER bass, a place to play solo? ?
  13. craigb

    Home Base

    A.k.a, "Fourth bass?" (as in "base!") ?
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