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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Sorry to hear that! ??? ?
  2. Oh, they'll find any excuse to delay getting money back to you! I worked and lived in Washington, but for companies that have their main office in Oregon so Oregon takes out State taxes every year then I have to fight to get them back. Then, I find out they have money that belongs to me (apparently the extra received from when they auctioned off one of my houses). They never informed me of this (it was now almost 14 years ago!), so I filled out all of the forms required to request the money (plus a few extra hoops of fire I had to jump through). They have a website where you can check the status of your claim and it says: "Your documents have been received. Notification will be sent by email when your claim has been processed. Please allow up to 12 months for a response." (My emphasis!) 12 months??! Really??!!! ??
  3. Cairo > Capital of Egypt Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian
  4. I haven't looked, but did Keith write that one? ?
  5. I kept wondering "THIS is a waltz???" ?
  6. I've been involved with some of the sound-therapy / brain-mind music types for decades. Since, as Tesla as pointed out, everything is energy, vibration and frequency, it's seems obvious to me that anything within (and even outside) the frequencies we, as humans, can perceive as sound will have an impact. Lately, I've been studying how a dominating frequency can cause lesser frequencies to resonate at its frequency. Here's an example using metronomes:
  7. I think this guy's about to give himself a stroke! ?
  8. I STILL remember paying $510 for a 20 MB harddisk! (And thinking "I'm never going to fill this sucker up!") ? Now I can't wait until I can pick up another 8 TB SSD... (I've got almost 14 TB used; which equates to14,000,000 MB! ? )
  9. Yeah... I personally cannot listen to someone puking into a microphone.
  10. Kind of like asking (while F# is being repeatedly pounded in the background), "Do you feel tense?" ?
  11. Is anyone going to let Rain know that he really IS dead? ? (And that this isn't Heaven??? ?? )
  12. Also, this was the back of the Boston album: ⬆
  13. C'mon! They look nothing alike! (That first guy is wearing these big ear thingies...) ? Ok, I'll admit that IS a pretty remarkable similarity though! The angle, face, nose and hair match perfectly.
  14. ...and sampling, loops and DJ'ing? ? Now imagine each one of those keys initiating a sample instead of just one note! ?
  15. But then you'd only be able to do covers of the Dead, no? ? (Well, we're glad you chose to stick around! Who knows? Now you might be still alive just in time to experience the end of the World! ? )
  16. Who IS this guy who keeps posting using Rain's old account? ? (RIP Rain!) ?
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