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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Looks like they're in Ridgefield WA on the 22nd. Will be interesting to see what reaction they get to that song! I live too close to Portland and we lost clients there due to the "peaceful protests" (a.k.a., full-on riots) that went unpunished. The ones that attempted similar things in Willamina, OR (a small town about 75 miles away where my friend lives) were lucky they didn't get strung up by the residents.
  2. craigb


    Hmm... I wonder how many plugins Bapu could get rid of if he deleted duplicates? ? ?
  3. I just sent it to a drummer I know. Just to be helpful, roight? ?
  4. Were these from before he made his famous keyboard? ?
  5. No idea! Hopefully it's being enjoyed somewhere. We weren't expecting Bo to check out so soon. He's probably playing in a collab with Bill, Billy and Jan now (our other passed-over Coffee House brethren - that I know of!).
  6. Ha! I wish! I sold my third one to Space Cowboy here (RIP!) and it was too nice so he put it on a wall in a display box.
  7. Ironically, I'll be camping on an island tonight that's only accessible by boat, so I will send a thought to Jimmy as I'm sitting by the edge of the river!
  8. So, is this on topic then? Blondie - Once More Into The Bleach (full album).
  9. Ram Jam - Black Betty (double points! ?)
  10. Yes! I mean, Unicorn blood and unobtainium are hard to get, ya? ?
  11. I recall some stories about how bands were onstage to play a song they wrote but, since they didn't have a name yet, they just got announced by the song name and it stuck.
  12. They come with the Kundalini Plugin Suite! ?
  13. Kind of like hitting the floor after you've had too much to drink, ya? ?
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