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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Sorry, couldn't help but ? at that! Unfortunately, both of those items are really bad for ya. Hopefully, you'll be healed and off that stuff soon Dave! I'd suggest probiotics once you're done with the antibiotics since they don't discriminate between things it's supposed to kill and what it's not! Expect at least a couple of months to try and get your gut health back.
  2. Me thinks someone is reading our feedback! ? The icons I couldn't see are now white on black. Much better! (Thanks!!!??)
  3. 56??? Hmm... Just read that she's had lots of mental issues including suicidal tendencies (and even her son committed suicide last year at 17)... Sad.
  4. There's more blue (links, surrounding the reply area, etc) and the notifications and message icons are very hard to see.
  5. Testees, one, two... Testees, one, two...
  6. Looks like the mods can't hide anymore too! They all have these cute little shields.
  7. Got here just in time to be told the forum's being updated... I'm seeing some changes, like a line that says what's unread in a topic, and a few different colors, but I also can barely see the buttons in the header now! Apparently, dark grey on black is a thing now? ?
  8. Hey, it's easier than using face paint or wrestling masks! ?
  9. Ohhhh, I've gotta!!! ? Lipps Inc. - Funkytown
  10. Back when Raiders of the Lost Ark was worth seeing! ?
  11. Pink Floyd - The Pipers at the Gates of Dawn (full album!)
  12. Klaus Schulze & Pete Namlook - Three Pipers at the Gates of Dawn
  13. Ok, ok... I'll be the weird one and mention that you definitely don't want to let that condition go unlooked at! As much as I know what a fraud the Western Medical System is, that still could be pretty serious and they should be able to check it out! That said, when feet got hot (even from a brisk walk) they do swell so, if you have your shoes on too tightly, this IS the result you can expect! Just make sure that you're not getting edema!
  14. No time for PC games currently, and I'm still just getting by with my "help others" work (programming with one guy and making websites/logos/signs for friends starting new businesses). That said, I'm working to have enough of a buffer (both financially and timewise) to enjoy some games during the colder months ahead. Once it becomes more important I'll go do my usual research and probably end up with something that will last a long time!
  15. Maybe, but for which year??? ? I just received a replacement headrest for my office chair last week. I put in the warranty repair request back in NOVEMBER of last year! ? They said it could take "up to ten weeks!" Maybe their math is different than mine though, I will admit, they didn't say which ten weeks... ? I'm just glad I went to Home Depot and bought replacement bolts to fix the chair myself!
  16. I've seen him if a few cool videos. Like one where he joins two celloists in a Guitar Center for a jam and another where he's the guest "stunt guitarist" for a new group (which I believe was posted here originally). When I have some time I'll see if I can find both!
  17. I'm a bit divided on whether I want to be on what he is or not! ?
  18. A Clockwork Orange has worn out the 9th for me and those annoying answering machines did the same with the 5th! ?
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