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jono grant

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Everything posted by jono grant

  1. I just opened an older version of Sonar (X1) and the mono UAD plugins do show up there, also in Platinum. This is something to do with the newer bandlab version of Cakewalk. Anyone with UAD notice this in their VST list? Thanks Jono
  2. I looked at the ideas above but didn't help. The mono UAD plugins are not in the main vst list. I see other mono plugs from different manufacturers but not UAD. I'll hit up the UAD forum and see if anyone has any similar issues. Thanks J
  3. Hello! It used to be, that when you zoomed in, horizontally in cakewalk, it would keep whatever track was highlighted at the top of the visual area. So it would zoom in to the focused track so-to-speak, (also expanding the other tracks but keeping the selected track on top. Now, it seems to jump to the bottom of all the tracks when I zoom in and it's rather annoying... Is there a setting for this? Thanks Jono
  4. Hey there, for some reason the mono versions of all my UAD plugins are not showing in Cakewalk. They used to in Sonar X1. All I see are the stereo versions. Is there a way to get them to show up? Thanks Jono
  5. @Noel Borthwick Would you have any idea what's happening here? Thanks Jono
  6. Hi, I've been in a situation where I'm working on projects that have different sample rates. I use UAD Apollos as my sound interface. Cakewalk seems to have a problem switching to different sample rates. I've gone to the UAD forum about it and the folks there say, as long as you switch the sample rate in the UAD software first, everything will switch to the correct rate. Cakewalk though, is inconsistent with this, even after switching sample rates in the UAD (AND windows sound properties) cakewalk often is playing slow and is sending a message to the UAD to switch to the wrong sample rate. I open a 92 kHz file and it's playing super-slow, the UAD gets switched to 44.1 or 48 and I have to go back and forth and change it a bunch of times before Cakewalk kicks in and realizes the correct rate. When I play different sound files with different sample rates outside in Windows, the UAD follows along and plays the correct rate. Also, when I open another program or DAW it seems to do the same. It seems Cakewalk has some difficulty sending sample rate messages. Any advice here? Thanks
  7. Why I try to copy/cut paste the bus automation, it goes away/disappears. Some sort of bug I think. Perhaps because I'm on windows 8.1? Not sure
  8. Just tried that and yes, it will select the buss automation, but if you try to move it... the buss automation just goes away (deleted). What the heck? (bug for sure) I don't know if it's related to Windows 8 (which I use) but I'm finding so many bugs in the workings of the newer versions of cakewalk. Thanks for the info Jono
  9. Hi, Age old question here... why doesn't buss automation get selected when selecting "all"? You want to move your song or a part of it etc. everything moves except your buss automation stays put and making it all useless. You have to recreate all the buss automation. I tried cut/paste special etc. it doesn't work. (at least in the BandLab version, it just incorrectly pastes to one buss) I believe in older versions of Sonar you could at least try to figure it out that way. Buss automation should be selected when selecting "all". All means all! ...Incredibly frustrating. Are there any workarounds to this? Thanks Jono
  10. Cool, that does work, thanks! I guess the challenge is figuring out what the new thru time is depending on what you need to do and then get the calculator out!
  11. Hi, I have a midi session that has a tempo map, so the tempo changes over the course of the music. I need to speed the whole thing up but wondering how I can do that, given I have a tempo map? Similar to how there is an "offset mode" only one for tempo. Can it be done with the length function somehow? I need to keep the existing tempo map but speed it up along with the file.
  12. A good way would be to select all, then hold control and double click the place where you individually size the waveform display for each track.
  13. Hi, Is there a way to set all tracks waveform visual to the default value all at once? I know how to do them individually, and increase or decrease all tracks at once, but how to set to default? (The same as double clicking does to the right of the track properties area for an individual track, only for all tracks at once) Thanks
  14. Hi, When I capture the resulting audio waveform on a bus and I add an envelope, say volume, the envelope displays BEHIND the waveform so you can't see what you're doing when moving the nodes of the envelope. It doesn't do that on a regular waveform only on a waveform preview drawn waveform. Seems like a bug unless I have a setting on that I don't know about. I thought x-ray might have something to do with it but it's the same whether x-ray is on or off. Edit: I realize I can create an automation lane but sometimes it's nice to be able to tweak the envelope while looking at it on top of the waveform.. Any way to change this? Thanks Jono
  15. Yeah, that's got it! Thanks! I must have been doing a redo command and messed it up. Cheers!
  16. I think I've clicked on something that is making all my tracks resize when I'm only trying to click/drag/resize one of the tracks. I know this is normal within lanes but it's doing it out in the normal track view. PS. If I "maximize" one of the tracks it will let me resize independently but not otherwise. Any idea what I've clicked on here? Thanks Jono
  17. Hi, I have my record preferences set to "do not group tracks" yet, if I record some takes on a single track (sound on sound) they seem like they are grouped. When I slip edit one of the clips in a lane, they all slip edit with it. Though, it does let me slip edit from the end of the clips separately, in a random kind of way (some clips are grouped, some not) Is this normal? I can't seem to find a good tutorial on take lanes/recording. I'm still used to earlier versions where it was just layers... Thanks Jono
  18. Hi there, wondering how to set up Cakewalk's "external insert" with my UAD system. When I open an instance of the external insert on a track, I see only the UAD "virtual 1" input showing in the list. Under outputs I see all my available outputs. Am I supposed to use the virtual input to do this? In other words: Choose Virtual as the "send" and then in the UAD console, send Virtual to the output of my choice and then choose that same channel in the external effect return? Thanks Jono
  19. Thanks very much for the detailed explanation! Will give it a try. JG
  20. Thanks for the replies! Auto-save has auto-saved my butt too many times to turn off, however, now that I know about plugins causing the changes I can control it a bit more. Cheers! Jono
  21. Okay, thanks. It's a pretty big file with over 100 tracks etc. and many plugs. Perhaps an automation envelope on plugins might cause that do you think? I assumed it would only consider manual changes made by the user. It gives me something to test, thanks! I will say that sometimes it will happen after not playing the file or anything for a minute or two, and when I return to do something it auto-saves. Interesting indeed Jono
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