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jono grant

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Everything posted by jono grant

  1. Thanks, ya, trying this way of course. it just crashes. Perhaps a Mac/PC hatred issue is my guess. oh, well. Wonder if the new Sonar has fixes this.
  2. So, I can't seem to open either OMF or AFF. I see export OMF. Any work-arounds for this? J
  3. Thanks for the replies! I had bought Sonar Platinum before it was taken over by BandLab. Do they consider that when purchasing this, or no? New features look interesting. I was curious if they had done anything with some of the older issues: Score editor, video compatibility mainly. And yes, "decades old" I've been using cakewalk/sonar since the late 90's. Time flies!
  4. Curious about the new Sonar version. Is it just the same-old with a face-lift? Have any decades old issues been sorted? Thanks
  5. This seems to be helping! Thanks! I am combining UAD/Waves/FabFilter and a few other plug manufacturers. Interesting.
  6. Glitches are in the exported audio.
  7. Hello, I'm having issues with glitches or gaps in audio, after I export it from Cakewalk. Everything fine during playback but after I export (live or not live export), there is often a glitch or a few glitches near the top of the file. I'm a long time user, I know about buffer size etc. Something else is causing this I believe. I've played with read and write caching, they don't seem to make any difference. I'm using a combination of UAD plugins (Which never seem to cause issues) and also waves and a few others. Never had these issues before. I also try disabling internet/security etc. Sometimes helps but not always. Task manager not showing any large use of disk or memory. Curious if anyone has any suggestions I could try. Thanks Jono
  8. Hi, I'm working on a surround music mix (5.1) in Cakewalk, all is good. (Monitoring through a UAD Apollo x8P, in 5.1 monitoring mode) I notice in Vegas video, there is a single button method of monitoring the downmix on-the-fly. So you can flip back and forth between 5.1 and the stereo downmix. (It's in the monitor mixer section) Is there a method of doing this right in Cakewalk? Perhaps a workaround way, like, exporting the surround mix to a multichannel wave and then re-importing it back into Cakewalk? Would that replicate the down mix, or would it be inaccurate? Any ideas appreciated. Thanks! Jono
  9. One more bit of info: If I just import the kick drum audio into superior drummer with the tempo map it synchs fine. It's if I try to create a kick drum midi file and bring that in. Then it doesn't sync. I'd like to have the midi file though so I can trigger to other samples that are outside of Superior Drummer 3. So this has something to do with the way I'm bringing the kick drum midi file back into Cakewalk. perhaps it want's no tempo map in Cakewalk after importing? Can't figure it out. J
  10. Hi I have a Cakewalk session with a rather detailed tempo map. I have live drums following the click that uses that same tempo map. All good. I export my individual live drum tracks that I want to bring into SD3 trigger. When I work with a single tempo, I simply type that tempo in to the superior drummer program and everything lines up. In this case, I make a separate midi track from start to finish. I export that midi starting from bar one. It makes a midi file with the tempo map embedded. All good. When I import that midi track into superior drummer's tempo map area, it goes in but it is not accurate. When I create the drum midi file say for my kick drum and bring the resulting midi file into Cakewalk, the tempo map really doesn't match Cakewalk's tempo map. It definitely has a tempo map, I can see it in SD3. But it drifts from the main tempo map in Cakewalk. What could I be doing wrong? (The SD3 tempo map doesn't seem to have as much detailed resolution. If CW reads 125.15bpm, SD3 seems to round off the number to 125bpm. Is that the issue? Not fine enough resolution or something? Any help appreciated. Thanks! Jono
  11. Well, I'm not going to apologize for using the word soundcard. ? And yes, I suppose I'm old. Anyhow, the ASIO panel (A button located in Cakewalk's preferences) has always opened THE SOUND INTERFACE'S settings page. It is no longer doing that. I was curious if anyone had noticed that change. I imagine is has to do with the UAD update. Jono
  12. Hey there. After a recent update of my UAD software, clicking on "ASIO panel" in preferences no longer opens the soundcard properties. Wondered if anyone else experienced that? Please let me know , if so! Thanks Jono
  13. Sorry > The "band Lab Assistant", launched from Windows. It has a login button but goes to a blank screen. It used to go to another screen where you could update etc.
  14. Hi, curious, when I open Bandlab on my computer, a screen opens but it just sits there and doesn't go to a login screen. Any reason for this? Thanks Jono
  15. Band lab doesn't seem to want to open or go to login screen. Is it down? Thanks JG
  16. That shoulds just strange enough to be the issue! LOL I will check that. I should be able to change back by setting the properties of the folder i'm guessing? I'll report back. Cheers J
  17. Yup. If you read my post, I'm aware of all that. It works for me. I'm trying to help someone else. For some reason it seems to be not looking where it should. I'm thinking because of an earlier install of a different version perhaps. Thanks
  18. Thanks. I checked. There doesn't appear to be any such folder. It's most definitely kept in: C:\Users\computer name\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Plug-in Menu Layouts *This is where mine defaults to, and works fine.
  19. Hi, I'm trying to help my sister create a user plugin folder that has select plugins in it, so it's a little more organised. I do it on my machine and it works perfectly. I go to plugin manager, create a folder, add plugs to it and save it as a layout. I open cakewalk, go to a tracks plugin bin, insert audio effect, go to "plugin layouts" the new folder is sitting right there, as it should. When I do it with hers, it never shows the new plugin folder. it only shows the main lists of: Category, Manufacturer and Type... no user created folders. In her preferences, the plugin layout is set to go to the correct folder in appdata, but they never show up. We installed the most recent cakewalk update in case it had any effect. No luck. No plugin layout user folders ever show up. * I should add, she has an older version of Sonar X1 installed but doesn't use it. I thought it could be messing things up, but as I mentioned above, the folder path seems correct: C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Plug-in Menu Layouts What could cause this? Or better yet, how can I fix it or trick it to work? Thanks Jono
  20. Very frustrating working with broadcast waves in the revamped export window design... - The setting "Always export broadcast waves" in settings used to ALWAYS export broadcast waves (as it should). It no longer works correctly, for a while now. - If you export a BCW and then go to export a second one, possibly clicking on an older title to overwrite with a more recent version, it automatically changes it to a regular wave! WTF??? WHY??? "ALWAYS EXPORT BROADCAST WAVES" Is there a way to change that? Guessing not. Why hasn't this been fixed? It's been broken since the redesign of the export window. Also, the enter button means "execute" in pretty much EVERY windows process... WHY REMOVE THAT FUNCTION in the export window??? Why??? It's honestly like someone purposely goes through Cakewalk and decides ways to slow down professional workflow...instead of fixing problems that have existed for DECADES like, terrible notation features... God, just copy Cubase! Or all the video issues. No one wants to edit video in Cakewalk, but many would like to SCORE to a video in a DAW with at least SOME thought put into the design of that. Work with QT and MP4 files properly, simple way to full screen your video. Basic features of literally any other DAW. Just copy them! No more bloatware or free effects... fix the program. I saw they were going back to Sonar for some reason... PLEASE FIX THE OLD, OLD, OLD issues. Sorry for CAPS lock but please fix the issues in this program. BASIC ISSUES. (more caps) Is there any place for me to leave a nice long simple list of broken Cakewalk features that someone might consider changing/fixing? Please let me know. ? Jono
  21. Hey David, I created a very small bundle file, where I copy paste some clips in various ways. - The first clip on track one, is just a random clip placed wildly on the timeline. - The clip after it on the same track, was the same clip, drag copied to my cursor (properly) and then I placed a marker at the clip start. Which is late. - The Clip on track two, was copy special/paste special to the exact beginning of the top clip. You can see it pasted a bit late. - The clip on the bottom track was special copy/pasted to the marker. It went to the same place as track 2 clip. *I also tried this with regular copy/paste same result. Can you see a reason for this? Thanks in advance! jono Sync Test Jono Grant.cwb
  22. For sure. So perhaps overwriting the melodyne folder within the project folder might allow it to open? (copying over the original folder, I mean)
  23. Hi, just a note here, I've recently had to resave some files to a new location, where I open the file, move the data to a new place on the timeline and then save to an altogether new location. Recently, after doing this, the files won't open. They close right before they finish loading everything. So, I open in safe mode and disable synths and plugins one at a time to find the culprit. In all cases, it's been melodyne. I don't allow it to load the melodyne and the file opens fine. There must have been some unconsolidated clips with melodyne on them. Normally, that's okay, but I guess it's dangerous to move any unconsolidated Melodyned clips to a new session. kind of strange. Just posting in case this helps someone else. Cheers Jono
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