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jono grant

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Everything posted by jono grant

  1. If a clip is showing an envelope such as volume, is there any way to select it? You used to be able to lasso it with your mouse in the older versions. I have to set them back to "clip" mode or I can't seem to select them. Thanks!
  2. Tempo drawing would be good if you could move nodes around to tweak it, it also creates a jittery tempo map. I need this particular thing to line up to another track that had no click. But I don't want any noticeable tempo jumps on a double time percussion instrument. This method actually worked great and didn't take much time at all. It would be great for CW to have nodes on a tempo line and also a way to smooth out a curve by average.
  3. Actually, I figured it out, thanks! To average out a tempo mapped section, I did the following: - I put a marker at the beginning of a bar and at the end of a bar of the section I wanted to average (6 bars) - I cut an audio file at those two points so I had a single chunk of audio representing that exact section - I took the chunk into sound forge and under status format “edit tempo” I told it exactly how many beats were there (24 beats) - I divided 24 beats by 14.670 seconds and multiplied the result by 60 - The tempo average was 98.16 rounded off - I told Sonar to insert a series of tempo changes from the in time to the out time and chose the same tempo for the in and out time - It inserted the (single) tempo for that section and everything seemed to stay lined up after that point Awesome!
  4. Thanks! Really, what I want to do I think, is just fix the odd section of my already mapped tempo, without altering the tempos AFTER that point. In other words, I want to smooth out a section by averaging the tempos into one continuous tempo for a particular section but leave the map as it is from the end of that section on-wards. The only way I can think of, is to calculate the length of the section in seconds, find out how many beats in that section and then calculate how much a beat is (in seconds or fraction of a second) then multiply X 60 to get the amount of beats per minute. Then somehow put that BPM in as a continuous tempo from beginning to end of that section and hope that everything lines up after that. Does that make any sense? (I kind of grasp what you wrote above but not quite sure. I can't alter the reference track as that is ultimately what I'm trying to match...) Thanks! Jono
  5. Anyone have an idea about this? Thanks Jono
  6. Hey folks, Just wondered: Is there a way to smooth out a tempo map after it's been created? I've mapped the tempo for an existing track because I have to match it and replicate the track as closely as possible. The tempo map is good and it follows the beats well but certain parts you can hear the fluctuation. I just wondered if there's a way to smooth out the curve of the tempo map I created. I guess it would be like adding all the tempos together and dividing to find an average. Any methods out there? Thanks! Jono
  7. Okay, so not just me... The envelopes really need to be upfront so you can manipulate them and actually see what you're doing, regardless of the waveform changing after an envelope move. (That actually doesn't really work properly until you replay the audio through it anyways) It makes it so you can't even see the nodes to grab onto them. Also, the waveforms getting displayed is intermittent sometimes, you have to click on the screen to get them to show the odd time. Some of the many video bugs I'm fining in the BL version. (fix it CW!) Thanks J
  8. Are those buses or tracks? Mine display properly on tracks, but on buses or synth audio outs, they draw behind the wave form. (This is when you use the "waveform preview button and it draws the audio coming into the bus)
  9. Also; The same is true on the synth audio outputs. If you have it draw the waveforms, all envelopes sit behind the waveform display. Noticing many video card related bugs in the BL version of Cakewalk...
  10. PS. Don't know why the photos look so crappy when uploading to this forum... the image above has perfectly good resolution yet looks like crud here...
  11. Hello, Volume, pan and other envelopes are displaying BEHIND the waveform visual on buses within Cakewalk. Huge bug guys, please fix it!!! Makes the wave display feature totally useless...
  12. That seems to do it, thanks! This is one of those things that's been a bug for decades in cakewalk. It's funny how many things they add and change to the program but leave the simple fixes behind. Someone should put out a book of Cakewalk Work-arounds!
  13. Hi there, Trying to get a click that is just quarter notes, all equal level. I've selected the same sound for the first beat and the other beats and set the levels equal. (ping low -3.5db) It still accents the first beat, even if I drop the level of the first beat click. Is there any way to stop that? Thanks
  14. For anyone who had this problem, the easiest way to get your template back after Cakewalk update overwrites it, is to simply open one of your project sessions from before the update as it will likely have had that template loaded on startup. So, open the file, delete any session data that might be in there and quickly re-save/overwrite to the basic template .cwt that is kept in C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\project templates. You can save a copy of this template in a different location so if Cakewalk overwrites it you can go and get your copy of it to replace the updated one. J
  15. Hi there, I just let BandLab update Cakewalk to the latest version and it seems to have killed my basic template. I worked hard setting it up and wonder if I need to system restore to get it back? Wish updates didn't mess things up.... Thanks, if anyone knows. Jono
  16. I thought they did and actually they don't. I solved my issue as well. For some reason when I setup CBL it wouldn't pick up on the UAD plugs at all, unless I added "Universal Audio" in the folder scan path. But looking just now, I realized that X1 did not have "Universal Audio" in the scan path. X1 was seeing the UAD plugins in the Steinberg VST folder. That folder is in my CBL path too but won't see the UAD stuff at all. So I removed Steinberg AND universal audio, re-scanned, then put back the Stienberg folder, scanned and the UAD stuff showed up! Mono versions too. So ya, folder path weirdness. Thanks all. J
  17. I'm trying to show that my Mono UAD plugins are listed in the X1 path (lower image) but fail to list in the BandLab path (upper image) The post is me asking why my UAD mono plugins won't list in CBL VST plugin manager Cheers J
  18. Sorry, not sure how to work the upload image thing quite yet. Are they showing here?: BANDLAB VERSION SONAR X1 VERSION
  19. Sorry poor quality, these are better: CBL vsts Sonar X1 VSTs Note the word "mono" in the lower file name. And there are two of each plugin (plus the SE version)
  20. Thanks, I get this for sure but it's a little different. The plugin names may or may not contain the word mono but if you click on them, it displays the basic properties at the bottom of the plugin manager window. It will say (mono) if it is mono. My issue is that there is only one version of any UAD plugin showing in the list. Where there should be a second listing of the plugin and it would be the mono version. CBL won't show them, SPLAT and X1 will show them in the list. J
  21. I haven't setup my template in BL Cakewalk yet. I want to include some of those mono plugins, so until I figure out how to get them to show up, I need to wait. This is right in the main vst utility that they are not showing up, so before any template
  22. Yes, everything is setup as it should be. I looked at excluded plugs and other things that were suggested. If you do look, just go to your main list in VST utilities and scan the VST effects. They should all be there, every UAD plug, whether you own or not. If you see a duplicate name, it's likely the mono version or vise-versa. My guess is you will only see a single entry for each plug though. (in bandlab anyways) Thanks J
  23. Yes, I use custom VST templates as well, but the mono UAD stuff doesn't even show in the main list (in the VST utility) Whereas is does in earlier versions of Sonar. It's just the BandLab version that they don't show up in. On the one hand, it's nice to not have to look at a billion plugins but on the other, sometimes I need to load a mono plug to save DSP in the session. Where did they gooooo? J
  24. The scan path is the same in both programs pretty much. UAD put their plug as in one place so it wouldn't be a missing folder to scan or anything.
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