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Douglas Kirby

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Everything posted by Douglas Kirby

  1. That really rocked Bob - that was a cool listen. It sounds like the adjustments you made to the mix improved it - because it sounded great to me - radio ready. Nice job.
  2. Douglas Kirby

    Red Tide

    A cool jazzy number - I enjoyed it. I liked your vocal and the sax solo. The mix sounded fine to me.
  3. Douglas Kirby

    Lone Wolf

    A cool blues - rocking song. Your vocal fits this style well. I liked the vocal harmony when you sang the phrase "Lone Wolf" - it's a good hook for the song. The mix sounded good to me. Thanks for posting.
  4. Douglas Kirby


    I enjoyed the song - nice job there. Impressive lead vocal. Cool video too. The synthesizers in this song were really wild - fun to listen to.
  5. This is a cool composition - something about the piano in the mix - I'm not sure what - it just didn't sit right in the mix. I got into the groove of the song - I enjoyed the listen. Thanks for posting.
  6. First off - I liked your vocal - fit the song well. The song is good - nice ballad. The mix sounded good to my ears. Nice job on the lyrics - I enjoyed the listen. Once crit - it ends too abruptly - it needed a longer fade. Thanks for posting.
  7. Wow - that was hardcore metal - nice job. The drumming on this is quite intense - great performance there. The guitar playing was intense as well. The mix sounded good to me - maybe bring out the bass a bit more, but that's a minor crit. Thanks for posting - I enjoyed it.
  8. Nice job - that was an enjoyable listen - the mix sounded excellent to my ears.
  9. That was a catchy tune - I liked it. That lead guitar tone was unusual, and it worked well. The chorus was a good hook. The mix sounded good to me. Good lead vocal and bgvs - sounded cool to me.
  10. I thought the song had a cool groove to it - easy to get into it as I listened. The lyrics were clever - nice job there. The mix sounded fine to me. Sounds like you were playing a Strat, but I could be wrong there - I liked the solo.
  11. That was a cool blues jam - I really liked your vocal. I enjoyed the lyrics as well. The mix sounded good to me - sounds like you have a good band behind you.
  12. I enjoyed that Bjorn - that was a cool slideshow. The song itself was touching - nice job - I enjoyed the lyrics and that piano solo. I've always wanted to visit Sweden. Thanks for posting.
  13. Wookiee - Thanks for listening and I appreciate your critiques. I backed off on the hall reverb on the rhythm guitars - maybe it was a bit much there.
  14. I thought it was a pleasant composition - I would have liked to have heard more.
  15. soundregion - Thanks for your comments and for listening.
  16. Douglas Kirby


    I enjoyed the composition - the melody hooked me - nice job - I think it's impressive. As far as it sounding realistic - I think it's close (I'm no expert with classical music) - to me it's the melody/melodies that matter - does it make you feel something. Just my two cents?
  17. Hi Everybody, This track is off an album I'm working on called "Relics". It entails a bunch of old songs I wrote but never recorded. This is the first track off the album. Any comments and critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13741787
  18. Chuck E Baby - Thanks for your comments and for listening. That is a Strat through a tweed amp sim with reverb (TH3). Good ears there. freddy j - Thanks for your comments and for listening. A Lou Reed comparison sounds cool to me. Thanks for complimenting me on the lyrics - when I start writing lyrics for a song, I never know what's going to come of it - a bit of an adventure.
  19. I think this is an excellent mix - nicely done. You did a cool job on this cover - sounds great.
  20. Cool tune - sounds like it came from the heart. I liked the vocal, and the mix sounded pretty good - maybe the bass could come through the mix just a bit more.
  21. This song rocks - nice job. I really liked your vocal on this one - you have a cool metal voice - I was trying to think of who you sound like, but nobody comes to mind - so it's unique in its own way. Did you use a amp sim for the tones, or did you run a real amp through Cakewalk for this?
  22. This song does sound like a 80's version of Hotel California. It's a bit darker, in my opinion. It would be nice if BGVs were added to give it a bit more depth. Nice job overall - the mix sounds decent.
  23. kloon - Thank you very much for listening. emeraldsoul - Thanks for your comments and critiques.
  24. This is the eighth track on my 2018 album "Incessant Absurdity". Any comments and critiques are welcome and thanks for listening. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13760592
  25. Impressive lead vocal, and i enjoyed the lyrics to this. I agree with Johnbee about wanting to hear more bass in the mix.
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