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Everything posted by John Vere
Funny, I just updated Melodyne the other day after not even authorizing it for over 2 years. I also have just updated CbB. I have ONLY used it to convert real Bass into midi. I just dragged an audio Bass track to a midi track and it worked like it has always worked for me. Sorry to hear it didn't work for you Larry. I think it depends on how the bass was played. It certainly doesn't like any fancy picking and slapping. I find the only bug is the note durations are all overlapping, The fix is to highlight the whole track and drag them back until they don't over lap. It does take a 10- 20 minute run through to fix minor glitches. I also have to raise it up an octave. But I have now converted probably 80 bass tracks. This has been over the last 5 years I guess and using all versions of Cakewalk. What's cool is for my bluegrass songs to now have access to an acoustic bass. And for my backing tracks it gives me a dependable quantized bass line that sound almost as good as what I can get with Audio and a complicated $$ rig. I use the Ample P bass freebie. For serious recordings I will still use real bass but man it's hard to get that sound I'm after. I even used it on a version of Home Studio that was installed to a laptop that never had anything else installed ever. It works fine. I came to the conclusion that it was sort of built into Sonar. I tried it once on a simple guitar one note melody and it didn't work at all. It only seems to work on bass for me. Someday maybe I'll try and sing out of key and see what Melodyn can do for that!
I'm glad you got it to work, but I myself would recommend doing it the way they intend it to be done and use the track inspector dialogs. Then the patches are in clear view at all times and super easy to change. I'm not sure you found where to do this in the track inspector?
Normal behaviour is if you solo a midi track or the VST track that it is pointed to only those 2 tracks will show as soloed. This is a handy way to check what tracks are associated with what. If you solo the midi track only the instrument track associated with it will also show as soloed. Also there is a possibility that your synth is set to output midi data. Go to it's GUI and options ( gear) and make sure it is not set to transmit midi. This can cause a loopback.
Obviously your drop outs are not related to your buffer settings or any background processing as reported by Latency Monitor. You should have no problems working at a mid buffer setting ( Focusrite speak = 10ms ) I've actually read somewhere that turning buffers up too high can cause issues but don't quote me on that one. So your dropouts and crackling must be something else. If it was me the first thing I would do is try these few things as it is possibly your hardware or your drivers that are not performing correctly. The driver you can try and re install. Go to the Focusrite support page and get the latest. Also try a different USB cable and/or a different USB port. Older interfaces didn't like USB 3 ports. Last thing to try is if there is someone or a music store you can borrow an interface from try that too. For sure turn off your internet while troubleshooting. But I doubt that's an issue judging by your screenshot.
I made a bunch of tutorials as I have 3 people I'm teaching how to use the program and thought some screen capture videos would be useful. They are working very well for my students. They said they are making good progress and nobody had to phone me so far. I shared them on my web site ( see signature) and Utube but seems I've only had 3 or 4 people watch them so I might as well remove them. It's hard to make effective videos that get to the point as it's easy to go off on a side tangent with the 3 or 4 ways there is to do everything. I found the videos posted in the OP contained to much personal workflow, and I could barely understand him. The older Sonar videos are well done and are more or less still relevant. What I found very cool was when I opened Vegas Movie studio for the first time I followed the tutorials which used the actual GUI window and animated how you did things. It gave me a whole tour of all the menus and tabs, I was up and running in no time at all and that software is at least as complicated as Cakewalk.
Boy that takes me back, I never dug that deeply into the bowels with all those system exclusive things you could do. It was more just setting up a your sound module the way I wanted it to sound and feeding it notes. I do remember that you had to lay out all the events with 1/16th note gaps at the start of the song to prevent a log jam. My old midi files still show that in the event list. My event list used 96= whole note, 48 was half, 24 was quarter etc. Triplets were 8, 16 and 32. Everything had to add up to 96. Boy do I not miss that!! I can't even fathom the time it used to take to edit even a simple bass part.
Ahh, very interesting Steve. When people complained that changes they made in the track inspector would immediately revert I always advised to slip edit or split away the first part of the track up until the first note showed. This sometimes worked but not always. For me it was not only the PG but reverb etc. would jump back. My solution is I don't use TTS-1 for most parts, I use other none GM synths, and if I delete the events in the Event editor list all these problems go away.
No, you were correct in pointing it out,, the OP should learn to use the event list for sure,, it's an important tool for midi editing still... As a person who has in the last few years started to use some downloaded files I can attest to the fact that they rarely seem to show the PG changes in the event list. I even thought this was a bug but it was pointed out to me that all PG changes are put in the dialog of the track inspector. It's true that my old files I made in Dr T will show the PG changes in the event list.
Of course, we all know that,, But if you have auto save on and set to save after any changes or what ever you've chosen, there will be a bunch of back up copies of your project in the folder. The last back up before you accidentally delete the tracks will be good. I only engage auto save when working with clients, just in case of a mishap. It's easy to get distracted and forget to save after a take. On my own I'm just very much on the ball about saving often. Especially when I use my W7 Laptop. It crashes Cakewalk from time to time. My W10 computer has not crashed for a long, long time.
Yes,, but in my experience they ( PG) often do not show on the event list,,, it's the first thing I go to after I open a midi file. I usually uncheck the "notes" so I can see what sort of mess is in there. I then often delete nearly everything as I wish to make my own settings. The event list is sort of a left over from by gone days and I myself started life with nothing but an event list for editing in Dr T KCS sequencer. Now I prefer to use the more up to date tools. As you said, best to just set the track inspector dialog to "none" and use the GUI. It's way to complicated when using none GM VST's to set a bank and a patch change. And the PVR is certainly more intuitive than the event list for editing and drawing CC events.
True but if the OP deleted the tracks then saved and closed that would still delete any midi data from the last saved copy.. Auto save would have be the best bet but many people do not use it. ,,, the audio I'm not sure how that works to be honest I think it would still be in the folder.
First, if you had not closed the project I do believe UNDO would have worked. Open the project. Open the media browser, browse to the projects audio folder and drag and drop the audio back to the tracks. You mentioned strings so I assume that was midi data. That I'm afraid is toast once you saved and closed. Midi data is stored in the CWP file.
I would simply copy and paste. Or- Has to be in Sound on Sound mode-- Put the source track above the destination. Use snap to grid and drag and drop.
No- PG changes do not always show in the event list. Did you not look at my screen shot? It shows the 2 places you can make the changes on any midi track. If you set these to NONE then you can use the GUI settings.
Maximum Levels When Mastering?
John Vere replied to William W. Saunders, Jr.'s topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I use the BT Brickwall on my master buss and it is set at -0.4db it seems to be bullet proof and I've never noticed any artifacts. I then open the song in Wave lab and check with the analyzing tools that the peak level is -0.4 and then look for a average RMS level of around - 11 to -14. I have compressors on all sub busses and all the audio tracks. I was very pleased the other day to find I can use a lot of my Cakewalk VST's inside Vegas Movie Studio. MP4 is a new format for me and I'm releasing most of my songs now in that format on U tube. So mastering for MP4 is now critical. CD's are easy to get nice and loud but I only burn them to listen in the car for proofing mixes. I just was reading about a VST package that is made just to analyze for mastering in all formats. https://nugenaudio.com/modernmastering/ -
In my signature is a link to my midi tutorial. This explains how to download and use a midi file. And has clear instructions to changing patches
Cakewalk Forums General vs Q&A confusion
John Vere replied to slartabartfast's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I tend to only visit this sub forum. I don't really have the time to look at them all. -
Sound card or USB adapter with 2 stereo (4) outputs
John Vere replied to John Deacon's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I have this weird PCI sound card made by a company called a Card Deluxe -- http://www.pcrecording.com/carddlux.htm They were made for Radio stations I think. Anyhow I installed it to a W7 computer and it works real good. I use it to watch movies. I should try and see if the driver works with W10. It might, the download page is still there but it only supports up to W7 64 bit. I did used it a few years ago with Sonar and it had super low latency and never had any issues. It is a shame they stopped making these cards. The jacks are all balanced TRS... The RCA jacks are SPDIF,, but only clocked to 48Hz. -
Well from what the OP said this was what I was assuming. They said there's nothing there and that's more or less what you get until you load a project. I'm assuming they load up , get the start screen but then choose nothing and close it. We won't know until the OP responds,, been a day.
I have a 6i6 1st gen and it's not a good performer RTL wise. Sure if I crank the clock rate to 96hz and lower the buffers into the danger zone I can do around 7ms. But I use 44.1 and a safe mid zone buffer so I'm at 16ms. Don't matter to me as I never use real time monitoring or Guitar sims in real time. The new models are reported a little better but still.... You are looking at interfaces over $500 like RME if you want real low figures under 4 ms.
Actually when you open Cakewalk it looks like this until you open a project. Should see the start screen however but I have that disabled. .
Cakewalk Bundle File Collaboration and Sharing
John Vere replied to Michael Chittam's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Generally bundle files are not recommended as they have a long history of becoming corrupt. First, Midi is never a problem and the data and VST info will be stored within the CWP file itself. It's the audio that you need to deal with. Compress the whole thing with Win ZIp or Win Rar or ? . Now you can email of share in One Drive or ? -
This has been a common complaint and sorry to say the only solution I've seen offered is to just keep trying. I think the server times out and because the install is not handled by a download manager you seem to loose the file and so have to start again. Seems to work best with Chrome too.
Not to push the point further, I'm actually on the side of folks who are happy using older versions as I myself was exactly that person and stayed with 8.5 through the whole X series debacle. So I'm just saying this to be supportive and also encourage people to take the actual small amount of time it will take to learn how the new versions differ. It's a lot easier than you think if you just take certain steps. As I said I stayed with 8.5 and so when I finally ended up with X3e I fired it up and nothing was right! It was all very wrong and simple things I had done were all now evasive. I quickly bolted back to my comfort zone and good ol' 8.5 and got some work done. I sat on x3 for a while but because I follow this forum I started to read about new features that I really needed and so fired up x3e again. What I did was NOT TRY and record a serious project but just explore and experiment. It didn't take long and I all of a sudden "got it". It's only the GUI interface that they changed. I learned I DON'T have to use Take Lanes etc. I'd say it was only a rainy afternoon and I was working 100% without issues in X3e. It's all how you set your preferences and with a few minor changes to your workflow after a week you'll soon forget 8.5 existed. I'm working on some tutorial videos for a few friends that are total first time computer DAW users so the they are dead simple to follow. They are border line boring if you already know these things. I start with what I believe is super important.. First learn your way around the GUI. I think the big mistake Newbies make is they try and jump right in and record and edit and they have no clue about what the softwares layout and features are. See my signature for links,
It's sort of like being a Classic car owner. They have to sort any issue they have out for them selves as you certainly can't expect to take a 56 Chevy back to a GM dealer for a tune up and expect them to have the correct parts! What's a carburetor buddy, doesn't come up on the computer? I still have 8.5 ( 64 bit) installed, haven't opened it but it's still there. I think I installed it to get True Piano's and the guitar tuner. You could do this. Keep using your old version on the old computer, but then have a second set up, up to date, and start messing with it. Eventually you'll get over the culture shock and all will be better. It just takes time to adjust. I still like using Word 2008 and hate the newer versions. But at work I've had to adjust and now it' doesn't matter I use both the old version and the new one. And the other day I went to do something on the old version and found out the new version does work better.. I stayed with 8.5 up until X3e came out and I was offered an upgrade cheap. At first I hated it and stayed with 8.5. But after a few months I took a shine to it and have never gone backwards since. For me it's the big improvements in the PVR a place I spend a lot of time.