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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. Ya, That's what I was saying,, they are working just fine on W7 but it's worth a shot to see if they work under W10. If it does not work then you will have no choice but to use your on board sound chip.. It's like this: Real ASIO USB audio interface = $ 100- $ infinity Behringers UCA series= $25-$30 ,, ( I got mine free with a $200 Behringer mixerwhich blew up after 1 year) On Board sound = $ Free (but probably that part cost $4.) You can "get by" with on board under WASAPI ( or asio4all) but you will need to perform a loopback test like I did to make sure you have proper sync between overdubbed tracks. And myself I'm not sure how in the world one would plug a SM 58 into that little jack :0
  2. back to the OP. I recommend you physically remove the card, I had to. Disable and uninstall everything that say's creative. Download the ASIO Behringer driver and follow instructions. Only issue is the driver was made for W7 which is what I'm using successfully. You may have different results but it's worth the few minutes to try it. Many W7 drivers work fine under W10.
  3. Hey, thanks for that link, cool. I just downloaded and will test on my beater Sony laptop. I find this interesting in the notes.. 3. IMPORTANT NOTES: ------------------- -> Driver will be installed ONLY on USB port where your hardware is connected while installation! -> After installation ALL other audio drivers are blocked on this USB port! -> For using different drivers: Connect your USB audio hardware to a different USB port. -> Alternative drivers which work fine with the named hardware products: Vista + Windows 7: ASIO4ALL (see providers homepage) OK so all seems to work fine. Had an issue with sharing drivers. Win Amp for some reason wanted WDM and I had to re boot computer to get it to play. But I re opened Cakewalk and projects are playing using ASIO. SO this makes the old Laptop more useful to me now. The Behringer ( mine is a UCA 200) was gather dust. With a small mixer I will have a 100% usable ASIO system. And check this out, rock solid loopback timing. And if I had a better computer hooked up you can set the buffers pretty low and get good RTL.
  4. I know this doesn't answer your question, but I find Cakewalk next to useless for working with video. The video feature is a poorly built afterthought and they should do everyone a favour and remove it. I bought Vegas Movie Studio Platinium 14 on sale for $34 and it's amazing. It even supports most of my Cakewalk plug ins. I can put the BT Brickwall on the audio track. I guess there's an upgrade now to Vegas 16, but 14 is half the price. https://www.amazon.ca/VEGAS-Movie-Studio-14-Platinum/dp/B01NBYOMJD/ref=asc_df_B01NBYOMJD/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292962816383&hvpos=1o4&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1642523475381333915&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1001901&hvtargid=pla-448691710786&psc=1 I'm using on board graphics without too much of an issue but if you really get into video editing it's just like audio and a dedicated card is a must.
  5. I have one of those that came with a Behringer Mixer. They use USB Codex. So not ASIO, A very small step up from using the 1/8" mini jack. Nothing wrong with the device. I have used mine for live performance playback for years. Always worked. But if your overdubbing audio it will be out of sync. You will need to adjust your timing offset in preferences. You can see by my loopback test that it performs better using it's generic driver than in WASAPI mode. I agree with Krupa, you will need to completely get rid of all traces of the Creative driver. In my case I had to re install W7 to clean my system. Otherwise even if you do get a proper interlace the Creative driver will screw things up.
  6. Yes the OP's issue for sure will most likely be solved with using a proper ASIO audio interface. An Audio interface is the heart of any DAW system. Creative makes cards for Gaming, not DAW's. You can get buy with WASAPI and on board sound chips for doing some basic editing, I do this from time to time, But projects with a lot of VST's often stutter for me in that mode. I had to pull my old Audigy II PCI card from my office computer when I upgraded to W10. It worked fine under W7. I now use a even older PCI card made by Card Deluxe, but they had written W10 drivers which is amazing since the card was made in 2004. It's only duty is play music and watch movies but it's using ASIO drivers and quite capable with Sonar.
  7. Were's CJ when we need him? He'll tell you to take an elevator to the top floor of the tallest building in town and toss the Audigy card off! I speak from personal experiance... I wasted a year trying to get one to work. They just have terrible drivers, thats all. I just opened X3e on my W10 computer and other than it's missing a lot of stuff I now use, it works just fine. But I am using a proper ASIO audio interface so of course it will. My guess is a W10 update really trashed your Creative drivers.
  8. The old "stupid way" was as follows Make sure your song is properly lined up with the measures. Then turn SNAP TO GRIDE Whole measures on. A good idea is to Insert markers at the start point of each part -- Example intro, verse1, chorus 1, bridge, solo, etc. so you don't get lost. Now place cursor at the start of the part you want to copy , lets use Verse 1 as example, and use CTRL A to select all, right click and "SPLIT" Now go to end of Verse 1 and make another split. CTRL A makes sure all track are split. count the measures of verse 1 = lets say 12 measures Now go to the place where you want to insert verse 1 again and make a split. Drag the right hand part of the song to the right 13 measures. this give you room to work. Warning make sure all data to the right is selected before you drag it. Zooming out might help you see this. Now go and copy verse 1 and paste it to the empty space you just made, Now drag the right hand part back to line up with the end of the inserted verse 1 copy. Done Now after you've done this you'll happy to use Ripple editing
  9. We love Off topics Yes I totally know the history and I owned one that also had a "Big Bottom" knob. The trick is to only use them sparingly as it defiantly will over compress / distort at a certain point. My initial problem is I cannot sing into a LDC mike. I've tried a dozen or so and had to sell them all. I sound terrible and you can hear all this unwanted noise I make when singing,,, To many years of live mike technique I guess. I therefore sound the best using a Beta 58. So the Sonic Maximizer brings back the sparkle that is missing with the 58. I also like what it does to acoustic guitar and a little bit on drums too.
  10. In Pro Channel the only ones I have found I like are the PC 76 U type Compressor and the Gloss EQ. The Gloss EQ is more or less the only EQ I use anywhere unless I need one on the Master then I like the Focusrite Red 2 EQ . I don't use a lot of EQ anyhow but I have the Gloss EQ using the Hi Pass filter on every track set at different settings depending on instrument. For analog audio If I don't like the way something sounds I re record it. For VST's instruments I get by with the GUI EQ most times. My latest can't live without it is the BBE Sonic Maximizer I got for Christmas. I'm not even sure what it does but with just the right touch everything just shines and jumps out of the mix. But they are resource hog. If I put one on every buss I need to FX bypass if I'm re tracking anything. I've never had an issue with having the Prochannels on all my tracks.
  11. My understanding is that the more complexed the processing the more CPU it will need. So a simple Plug in with a few settings would therefore not be crunching as many numbers as one that had a zillion settings you changed. Then those look ahead type I would assume use more power.
  12. That was my first reaction. Possibly a old W7 Laptop that was inadvertently updated to W10. And it's still a good investment if you have the spare cash to upgrade the old laptops and keep using them if they don't have any other issues. I have 4 kicking around and find uses for them. I use one just for looking up lyrics and running power point for my live rig.
  13. In Preferances/Midi/ Devices you make sure all boxes are checked. Then those will show as available inputs on any midi track.
  14. The HUGE improvment for me is pictures are now local and not a link. I also like how you can highlight part of a post and just quote that part instead of the whole long winded terst. see...cool
  15. What you could try is to double the RAM to 8GB and swap out the HD for a SSD drive. I did this on a 2008 Sony Laptop that has a 2.4 duo core processor. It is slow, but it seems fine with Cakewalk on most simple work. I have recorded 16 audio tracks of live Band for over 3 hours with out issue. I think that Hard drive speed and RAM are more important than the process speed.
  16. Always use the manufactures supplied ASIO driver. Not sure why I can't find it on Behinger site but this seems to be the only download. https://www.musictribe.com/Categories/Behringer/Mixers/Digital-Mixers/XR18/p/P0BI8/downloads
  17. It's a left over from bygone days when you certainly needed to have a channel for each of your sounds. Now I rarely pay attention anymore other than when I use Dim Pro or Xpand. Example is if Idownload a midi file there will be a channel for each instrument. Up to 16. As I point those tracks at new VST's to improve the sound quality I never bother to change the channels.
  18. This happens for me in W7,, not W10. It used to do this in W10 but CbB updates fixed this issue for W10. Solid for a long time now. But same version of CbB in W7 randomly crashes on closing.
  19. I remember the infamous date of November 2018 when we found out Sonar was a dead end. One of the big topics was how to hold on to what we have and for as long as possible. Hopefully everyone here who had owned the older versions of Sonar followed through with a backup strategy. I myself have at least 5 copies of everything. As well as Splat and Home studio installed on 5 computers. I don't use them, but they are part of my eternal back up pan still. One fear was going to be the day Windows updates would kill Sonar Plat dead. We figured we had about 10 years before that would happen. Then there was the issue that when the servers died you would be hooped for a new install authorization. Everybody was demanding that Gibson supply us with a offline authorization code. I was sceptical that it would ever happen. That would have entailed a lot of work for someone with no profit involved. Well in a short period of time this became a none issue as we got something much better out of the deal. But still--- I do hope that everyone has a good back up plan in place as you never know. The one small thing about CbB that bugs me is we are told it needs to be re authorized every 6 months. So what happens if this ship sinks? In a way we were better off with the old system of having the 2 authorization codes like with X3. Splat can still be authorized but if this ship sinks then what? So don't delete your Splat installation ever, you might just need it again, hopefully not.
  20. Open Dim Pros options menu. you have to toggle multi channel and it uses 1-4. I don't have Kontact but I'm sure you could look in the manual for your answer.
  21. Single channel VST's like say SI Bass will play on any midi channel. Multi channel VST's as well but some, LIke Air's Xpand only give you ch 1,2,3 &4 and the Air Strike Drums use channels for different drum maps. It's easy to change the midi tracks channel use the dialog box C= Channel
  22. That's very odd. I tried but I cannot get all the inputs showing a check mark like your screen shot. Even if you choose ALL INPUTS. Must be one of those hidden toggles.
  23. My Observation. My W10 DAW is always on line and kept 100% up to date at least once a week. It has not crashed or froze Cakewalk in a long time now. Always works. My W7 Laptop is the opposite and I only update it before I'm going to use it and then shut off the internet. But I constantly will freeze up Cakewalk if you even so much as sneeze. I'm used to this and just keep saving as I work. CbB seems to run better on W10. Both computers are very similar with the only difference being the desktop is i7 12 GB RAM, and Laptop i5 8GB RAM. My projects are not big. Some are only 4 tracks of midi but they can freeze on saving or if I am moving too fast while editing.
  24. Obviously there's a missing Pro Channel module or one that has it's output shut off. Best to start fresh and create a new buss and re populate the effects. But first look closely at the pro channel modules.
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