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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. I have the latest CbB on a few different computers, some are just back up versions on the off chance that things go wrong here or? Two are fully loaded with all my VST's activated. One is a desktop W10 17. The other is a Laptop W7 i5. The W7 laptop occasionally crashes on closing a project after saving it. The W10 machine seems 100% stable. As far as I know it's up to date as I leave it alone and it's turned on most of the day. I will disable the LAN if I'm tracking. The W7 Laptop is off line unless I wish otherwise. ( it has a nice little switch for this). But at least 3 times a session ( say 4 hours ) it will crash on exit. I had to do some work on one of the back up computers which is bare bones. It's also W7, It also crashes after saving and trying to close the project. Out of curiosity I fired up another computer that is W10 all up to date and carried on. It never crashed on exit. So I abandoned the W7 machine thinking I should turf it now. So my conclusion is CbB runs better on W10 because that is what Noel said once about the code being optimized for that OS> I guess that can change overnight if W10 is altered from what the Bakers had coded for. What is the W10 version that is not working for some right now? Mine say 1809 - installed Feb 9th. build 17763.437
  2. Being a mouse user I simply highlight all the kick notes using the left side keyboard, then pick a lower velocity note click in the top middle to get the smart tool velocity icon , drag them all up. let go, now drag them all down to the amount I wanted. Takes a few seconds, no menus to fuss with, just mouse editing. As always there are at least 4 ways to do the same task in Cakewalk.
  3. https://bandcamp.com/ Bandcamp is a music site sort of like Sound Cloud. Easy to get confused.
  4. Any driver mode will work for playback and for the first pass of a live recording, but as I said, only ASIO will sync overdubs correctly. Overdubbing audio requires the audio driver to calculate the offset needed to put the track in time with the original material.
  5. I have had many projects that hung up on opening right when the scan said Console Emulation. It was only present as a default in some old template I had used and it was turned off. I make sure it is not present in any of my projects and since have never had a stalled scan. I tried messing with it a few times and it seems to do nothing other than make things distorted if you turn it up, seems counter productive to good sound quality.
  6. It's a good idea to always use the same port, the one you used when you installed the driver. WIth W110 if you swap to another port you stand the risk of Windows downloading and installing the incorrect driver. Always go directly to the manufactures web page and download the latest audio driver and follow instructions. Generally there are very few interfaces that don't like USB 3 if they have a W10 driver.
  7. For me I used to count on a few crashes a night always after I saved and then tried to close. It went away a long time ago after a CbB update. Now I still get this from time to time but only on my W7 laptop.
  8. Are you using an audio interface and ASIO driver? Sounds like a audio driver conflict between Cakewalk and your media player. If I don't have an Audio interface I use WASAPI shared. And are you exporting correctly using the Export audio dialog box? It's one of the Control Bar Modules and might not show so look in the list of optional modules by right clicking the control bar- modules. Make sure you have the correct settings. Mine are Project- Presets-Master Mix- this is set to 44.1/ 16 for me so I can burn a CD. Windows Media player or your on board sound card might have sound enhancements enabled.
  9. Good point, I bet If I had looked the path the audio was still saving to the Portable drive. It's just something that I hadn't seen happen before. I have done "save as" moves in the past and the they always worked 100%. I don't really use it much these day's preferring to just drag and drop files to back up locations. As you mentioned if I was the OP I would have simply re named the containment ( project) folder. Opened the project and save as- renaming it into the same folder as original. Probably wouldn't even delete the original CWP file right at first as well. As I said, I tend to not delete things until it's backed up and 100% safe to do so.
  10. Just a note about the sound quality issue. It is a well know fact that everything will be precieved as sounding better if the volume is turned up. To a point.
  11. The settings in preferences don't seem to have any setting that would change the "per project" saving of audio to the project folder. Those file paths are only for Global audio which hopefully nobody uses anymore. There's also Wave files which are for your exports and then you default project location. Changing any of those should not effect where project audio goes. But there might be a new bug as I myself had this just happen: In the past, "save as" with the "copy audio" box checked more or less did just that, The audio associated with a project is copied and stored inside the project folder in the audio folder. I'm working in collaboration with my partner and we both have the latest CbB and all the bells and whistles on the two computers. So he's adding his parts at his place and I the same. We just got together to update our projects so I'd have his latest and he mine. I plugged my external drive to his machine. To update each file on his computer I normally would just copy them over, but we don't want extra versions cluttering things up. So I thought I'd just OPEN them from the back up drive and then "SAVE AS" to his machine overwriting his versions. ( Note these are songs he had not worked on yet.) I did this for a few songs as we were listening to them. Later I re opened a song from his hard drive that I had "saved as" from mine and there was no audio? I opened each of the songs I had done this way and none of them had the updated audio. The Copy audio was checked. I ended up deleting his versions and copying mine over, those were all fine.
  12. I still open and use MIDI files I made in the mid 1980's on my Atari. I put a lot of work into those and if sometimes will find a song I would like to re -visit. The other day I found "8dayzwek". That's "Eight days a week" in the 8 character naming protocol you had to use for files back then. I still use the same basic foundation for my songs now as I did then. They all open and play using TTS-1 with very little intervention on my behalf.
  13. Just to add, you should always have backups stored to a different drive as well. Never delete ANYTHING that does not have a back up.
  14. Glad you solved it. I was going to say try inserting TTS-1 to play the files as thats a GM player. You can EDIT your OP title and call it solved.
  15. I would not recommend trying to use that set up. It will just end up being a hair pulling experience which requires constant fussing about. If the reason you wish to do this is you don't own proper studio monitors and so therefore use computer speakers for playback then you are better off pugging them into your Audio Interfaces headphone jack. You may need a 1/8" to 1/4" adaptor. When working with audio and a DAW you'll want to use ASIO and a proper audio interface for everything you do. Life will be better that way.
  16. There are many reasons you would never want to install software to anything but your C drive. Software itself does not take up room. So most of us leave that alone and then store all projects and content on a data drive. Many keep sample libraries on a 3rd drive. Most all VST installers give you the option to re direct to a different location during instal. It's a little tricky to move them after the fact but that can be done too. Each VST is a little different. I like to keep my 240 GB SSD C drives under 50%. This has never been an issue as long as I try and direct VST installs of content to the data drives. Some installers sneak by me but as long as I'm below 50% on C I don't worry about it.
  17. If all else fails I would ditch the Dell and try a different computer. My son had issues with Dell's BIOS not performing smoothly at all with audio. Off the shelf computers can sometimes be so full of weird bloatware that gets in the way of using them for audio or video production
  18. Yes. having even a visual screen shot of the wave form might answer the problem. As my guess is the OP has recorded a acoustic guitar either via PU or mike and there are percussive clips. Those few clips result in overs if you try and increase the level of the whole track. Therefore the OP question. But that's only one of many things that we might find. But seems the OP is a 1 post wonder at this point. Hopefully others might find some of the info useful. Out of all the free stuff I have from Cakewalk the BT brick wall is my go too when I want to catch a few random overs. I set it at -0.4 on my master. But there a lot more to this topic so I won't dive in that deep. We each have our workflow to achieve loud. Mine is a combo of managing each track via editing out random peaks and just the right amount of compression were needed. But it all starts with a properly recorded audio track.
  19. My exact thought's too. But it did dig up a good topic that never gets boring. On Gear slutz thois whould have become a 6 pager with 1000 "opinions" So far it's been quite civil with only the very small disagreement about Normalizing. I love that tool. It just might be my long standing favourite for many reasons and situations. Distructive? Every thing in digital is thus.
  20. If you gave us an example of the recording it would make answering this way easier. I can think of many reasons your recording is quiet
  21. The OP is 15- 18 years behind the times, that's OK I drive a 18 year old Subaru. It still gets me there. But to the OP, You really need to bone up on using sample based VST's many which are free and a lot come included with CbB. Sound fonts are just soooo 2001.
  22. Just to mention, the TTS-1 is not what most people use if you want better sounds anymore. It's a great place to start but as example the SI Bass is a huge improvement in sound quality over the TTS-1. I use the free Ample P bass lite for bass. https://www.amplesound.net/en/download.asp I use the TTS-1 to preview downloaded midi files then I replace all the sounds with better sample based VST's
  23. If there is any automation you can't split. Cakewalk imports audio into 32 bit wave files, It doesn't use MP3's
  24. Staff View,,,? we don need no stinkin' staff view,, we use little blobs to make da music.... only cultured peoples use notation,,, we not cultured.... we bang, bang on da keyboard... we copy paste da loop da loop...
  25. Cakewalk is considered one the most fully featured DAWS for midi editing. You’ll figure it out in time that most of what you need to do can be accomplished. I have a similar background to yours and still use my 05/RW for big fat synth sounds. It was by “ band “ for about 13 years.
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