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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. How large are we talking? Unless I missed it, they don't seem to list the DL/install size any of the libraries! Any other good recommendations from anyone apart from Vertical and Black?
  2. @RSMcGuitar You just go to their website, sign in and then you can add the serial. That links it up ?
  3. @Bapu Have you ran LatencyMon on it by any chance? I'd love to see a screenshot of the results after leaving LatencyMon running for 20 minutes, or so. I'm looking at building a new system and that is normally the thing that causes the most trouble, so it would be great to see what that motherboard and other components perform like ? I'm trying to decide on Motherboard and CPU at the moment. Thanks!
  4. Would love a code if anyone has one spare that they can PM me ?
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