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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. Great choice. That's a handy plugin to have in the toolkit. Sometimes it helps the bass sit just right ?
  2. I have wondered that if I snatch freebies all the time they may stop sending them to me too! ? I was pretty close to picking up some in the $24.99 range as there are some quite decent ones in there: Lindell Audio 354E NEOLD BIG AL Unfiltered Audio Zip To name a few. But all depends on what sort of music you're into and what you have already etc. It's probably not too bad not getting their emails.. at least on here you're more likely to just see the ones that matter!
  3. Have created a new post so people don't miss it when they're looking in the list of posts in case they don't open this one to see it's active again ?
  4. Plugin Alliance: Boom $20 Voucher / Free plugins! (No minimum spend) NEW - Don't miss BOOM! $20 off NO MINIMUM SPEND! Use code BOOM-20-OFF to save $20 today! - Code is valid for 1 order per user - NO Minimum Spend! Grab a freebie if you like! Just copy/paste voucher code during checkout. Yesterday's voucher has now expired and is no longer valid! https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html?sort=priceLH Making a new post so people don't miss it ?
  5. If they offered cloud and machine activations for iLok for their perpetual licenses, they would likely sell a heap more plugins, so maybe this could help give that a push in the right direction. I can't imagine any changes in the near future however, so at best it would still take a while. But with Steven running things, there was little to no chance anyway!
  6. Yeah they get pretty lazy at times just rolling out repeats of freebies too. They just don't seem to make an effort these days.. must be selling way too many plugins. I actually quite like the plugin though. It's just that I'm sure a lot of people already had it.
  7. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/53-Multi-Effect-/8019-Lifeline-Expanse-Lite
  8. They're certainly not being shy about blatantly split/A->B testing on us to work out which ones extract the most profits from us! But I'm still glad to see all these vouchers and deals back anyway ?
  9. Thanks for sharing the feedback on it Peter. UVI tends to make some pretty good things, but I wasn't familiar with this one in particular. Hopefully across the month there's some good deals that it helps to sweeten and I might end up with it too ?
  10. AudioDeluxe: Free with purchase UVI Model D German Concert Grand Piano (RRP $49) UVI Model D German concert grand https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/virtual-instruments/uvi-model-d
  11. ADSR Sounds: Free with purchase Darksichord 3 by ESL https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/electronik-sound-lab-darksichord-3-dark-harpsichord-instrument/
  12. I really can't stress enough how much this annoys me! Even damn Softube who should know better have installers that don't give you that choice.. I will never use AAX plugins.. or Protools for that matter ? Then sometimes I delete AAX plugins and then various developer's installers tell me that there's issues and I need to fix them before being able to install updates! They're like a virus ?
  13. I'm the same, but I'd want to charge them a annual subscription fee just so they know how it feels to get shafted each year like they try and push on their customers victims ? In saying that, there's no way they could pay me enough to use Protools! Cakewalk wins over this crippled free edition hands down in my opinion as well. It's always been funny that the so called "Industry Standard" DAW never supported the "Industry Standard" plugin format, aka VST Plugins! There really are much better DAWs out there these days, with much better pricing and licensing options, along with being more open with plugin standards, so I'm surprised they've held on as long as they have.
  14. Very impressed and surprised by the B15N. That now ranks as one of my favourite bass sims which for free is pretty epic!
  15. Welcome Peter and glad it helped ? This forum has saved me from that on more than one occasion too! Especially if it's from a smaller dev where I use a secondary email address I don't check as much too. It's also faster to weed out the repetitive Waves like standard price sales by coming here instead of my email as well ?
  16. Stratus is, but also a great on stereo tracks as well. Your journey with Exponential is pretty similar to mine. I picked up Phoenix for dirt cheap with a freebie at Plugin Boutique and then bought another copy so it could be used on multiple machines. Then ended up getting Nimbus and R4 along the way. Still not bad for you to keep to open up old projects, especially as like you mentioned, they're hard to sell once they're registered. I recently got Symphony 3D and Stratus 3D in a bundle and so I've been giving them a demo before regsitering. I haven't decided if I'll keep them yet and might sell, or swap them. Not because they're not amazing reverbs, they definitely are and are up there with my favourites, it's just that I have so many great reverbs already! But I'm still struggling with the idea of not keeping them as I really like them anyway.. the G.A.S. is real ? I just checked out that MTurboReverb and that looks pretty cool too. I can imagine that being a good one as well and to rate alongside Exponential is quite the achievement. The Exponentials support machine activation and iLok 2 or 3 from memory, so apart from the diehard iLok haters, it should keep most people moderately happy ?
  17. That's a really great price. I almost thought it was a pricing mistake at first ? Have been reading some interesting things about phase issues that sound a bit concerning. https://community.futureaudioworkshop.com/t/sublab-potential-phase-issue/1016/19
  18. Yesterday was like the old days for PA, but better! I hope they sold lots as well as a reward and keep it up ?
  19. Plugin Alliance: MEGA-25-OFF2 ($25 off with $39 Minimum Spend) ? Daily Surprise Voucher #4: $25 off / 24 hours Use code MEGA-25-OFF2 to save $25 extra today! - Code is valid for one (1) order per user - $39 minimum spend Copy/paste voucher code during checkout! Yesterday's BOOM-20-OFF voucher has now expired and is no longer valid! https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  20. You're right, it does say free for a limited time. I wonder if The form still works to get it for free ? https://apogeedigital.com/products/plugins/soft-limit
  21. Isn't that always free though? Or was it just free initially? I have it, but seem to be one of the few people that don't particularly like the sound of it!
  22. I don't think I've ever tried this one! What are your thoughts on it?
  23. The way it works is that the designer has two streams of reverbs (Phoenix, Nimbus, Stratos) and (R2, R4, Symphony), one set is transparent, the other is more coloured /character reverb. So R4 is newer than R2 and Stratos is newer again, expanded and I think most seem to include the main presets of the previous version. So you probably don't need all of them, just the latest one. In saying that, sometimes you might prefer the interface and given the older versions are much cheaper it doesn't hurt to pick them up anyway. I personally wouldn't pay full price for any of them. Neoverb sits outside of those streams and is a completely different approach really and has interesting controls for blending between plate, hall, spring, or something like that. Exponential reverbs definitely sound good to me. Neoverb I need to spend more time with to say. It didn't grab me as much at first, but it's different to dial in so I probably need to get used to it. I expect it will be half decent at minimum though ?
  24. That's what I got as a freebie as well. I was just about to pull the trigger on one of the other bass amps and then demoed B-15N and it was an instabuy. Damn that thing sounds good! The others were good options too, but there was just something about that tone and also how it sounded when driving the gain sold me on it ?
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