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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. I was looking forward to that and much like their mastering DAW it really hasn't developed into anything solid yet!
  2. I would agree with that. I wouldn't say it was exactly a masterclass in the traditional sense. I expected more technical tips and techniques, whereas it was more a coffee chat as someone referred to it and there were some concepts and simple techniques mixed around the sales pitch for their paid course. Still somewhat interesting though mainly due to their wealth of experience. I bought the FAST bundle the other day. I did claim the code all the same in case I want to add some extra seats, or swap it with someone for something else, seeing how I'd sat through the webinar. The code came through OK ?
  3. I had wondered about how good this one was in the recent Melda sale. I've never really heard it mentioned in any of the mastering forums or groups ever. That's not to say it's bad, it could be totally slept on, but it's unusual. I might have to give it a demo at some stage. It was probably better for me in the bundle sale than buying it by itself I would've thought as it wasn't much more to get it with some other plugins.. that I probably didn't need either ?
  4. Doesn't even seem to be VST3.. it's seemed a bit abandoned when I've looked at them, but I don't own any of their plugins.
  5. The thing I missed at first glance was that Lars posted this in 2020. A number of the courses still exist but on the 3rd party EDU sites. So the links don't work on Berkeley direct, but the content mostly seemed to still be accessible.
  6. I did receive the original email, but I could swear there was no mention of the requirement to upload a song unless I missed seeing that. The only place I saw the requirement was on the site after I had registered which felt a bit bait and switch if that's the case.
  7. In ways I see where you're going with that, but the fundamental point of difference that actually is very similar in my opinion, is the developer still doesn't get something that they never had anyway. So whether the pirate makes money or not, it's somewhat moot as the developer hasn't experienced a loss in the same way they would if the pirate stole money or physical assets from developer. To put it another way, it doesn't cost the developer in a direct sense. I don't advocate piracy (although if a developer removed the ability to activate software someone had paid for, then fair game) and like I mentioned, I don't use pirated software personally, but speaking more philosophically, while both might be illegal and called theft, I don't see them to be equal when it comes to software as I do for physical things. When someone steals a physical object like the car which someone used in an earlier example the company no longer has the car and needs to spend money to replace it. When someone pirates software, or a library however, the company still has their copy to keep selling to whoever is wanting to buy it at that time and all they really lost was a theoretical copy and theoretical sale/royalty that they never really had.
  8. That's exactly right. Many people simply can't afford the software and hell, even if you look at students in any university, college, audio school, they sometimes have as much pro recording and graphics, media, CAD software as some studios. Sometimes more! The point is they were never going to spend those tens of thousands of dollars, sometimes over $100K on that software at that point in time.. Even for pro studios, if they're using cracked software, then it's pretty clear to see that they're open and inclined to use pirated software at times and so unless there's a specific need to open a project someone has brought in and they can't get a cracked version, or the software is very, very niche and can't be achieved with anything else, they're also likely to find something cracked and not buy the software at that point in time. If I enter a raffle and don't win, I can't blame ticket holder 555735678 because i didn't win, as I was never guaranteed a prize. In ways piracy is similar. It's hard to claim an actual loss of a purchase that was never guaranteed to be made. If we assign that assumed loss to the company for every single pirated copy that any user has, that's completely unrealistic. Absolutely, there's not one single type of user for pirated software and there will be all sorts of variations and exceptions, but that's where the mentality of assigning a perceived dollar cost loss in every situation clearly doesn't hold any water.
  9. Great to hear Bapu ? Headphones in general seem to fail, or wear out more than a lot of other gear, so build quality does become a bit more important. Glad they're still going strong.
  10. How is the physical quality of the product these days? I read lots of reports of bands breaking and all sorts of frequent returns and warranty claims with them a while ago.
  11. Maybe we should just stop giving them airtime and forget about them now.. I think the majority think it was handled poorly and they know that and will now do whatever they want with that..
  12. I agree with a lot of what you've written here, but from what I've seen over the years, the people that pirate software, libraries and samples were never going to buy them, they would just find legally free, or other cracked alternatives. I don't use (or advocate) any pirated software and that's a personal choice, but when considering the damages of piracy, it's often not the same and somewhat implied, when there likely wasn't ever going to be a positive aspect from these consumers as they were never going to spend the money anyway. Just another perspective ✌️
  13. I grabbed the bundle a while ago. Great value and a nice compressor and channel strip.
  14. BITPUNK €19: Introducing a new destruction plugin with punk attitude Introductory discount 76% (Regular price will be €19) We don't give a damn about a slogan Experience the raw energy of digital degradation with Bitpunk, the ultimate audio plugin for bit manipulation. Unleash its immense power to transform your sound through a wide range of bit-altering techniques, including swapping, crushing, inverting, and morphing. With an array of cutting-edge bit-mangling effects, as well as master compression, saturation, and hard clipping, Bitpunk stands as the pinnacle of bit plugins, pushing the boundaries of sonic exploration like never before. Buy BITPUNK and get Synthpunk Sounds For Bitpunk worth €29 for free. https://unitedplugins.com/Synthpunk/ https://unitedplugins.com/BITPUNK/
  15. It would be great to see updates available in there too. That's one of the biggest benefits of an all product installer by developers imo.
  16. Slate just wants to force everyone to subscription and they got on that train early.. they only make the physical dongle mandatory for perpetual licences. There's no valid reason for it apart from trying to discourage people buying instead of subscribing. I had wondered if that stupid mentality would die now that Steven is no longer running things. Was glad to see him go! Even with UAD ditching the hardware requirement, even if Slate was to ditch the physical iLok dongle they've lost so many potential sales now.
  17. I've used PSP InfinitiStrip quite a bit since it was on that deep sale and I'm so glad I picked it up. It's become one of my preferred FET compressors, the VCA compressor in it I really like, some of the EQs are fantastic and great saturation modules in there. I'd love them to do an EffectsRack to includes some of their delays and reverbs, etc, or add them to the strip as well. IK is more feature rich so gets the edge there by having them, but I still reach for InfinitiStrip more.
  18. That could be it. You may have just missed out timing wise. If they come up again, someone will likely post about the offer on here which can be handy as it's very easy to miss, or switch off to emails from all these devs.
  19. Haha.. yeah every year they normally give everyone with an account a free pick If you haven't already, then maybe even just register for the free player, or the inexpensive player and you will probably start getting them.
  20. I saw that one and that's actually a really good offer from them. I've been slowly collecting them for free each year and don't have much need anyway, but otherwise that's not bad value at all. Might even warrant it's own post so people don't miss it.
  21. I'd agree with that. I think they likely intended to give it away for free but decided to charge in-between so it seems like better value. The downside is that some resellers like PiB have used it as their only monthly freebie which is pretty lame..
  22. I've got a few of these free now too ? All of the current free with purchase offers from JRRShop I have at least one copy..
  23. https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope-audiolens Audiolens Reference audio from anywhere STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE Simply reference from streaming Meet the new Audiolens desktop app which makes track referencing and comparison easy by analyzing audio from any streaming platform or audio source. Build your personal library of reference tracks that you can access anytime to compare against your own mixes or masters. How to use Audiolens If you own Ozone 10 or Neutron 4, Audiolens makes the perfect companion app by sharing your saved reference track tonal profile to the AI Assistants, allowing you to easily match a reference. Match any master with ease. COMPARE AUDIO The lens that listens The new Audiolens desktop app makes track referencing and comparison easy by analyzing audio from any streaming platform or audio source. Play your chosen audio through the selected output of your device and the application will collect data on key sonic characteristics, helping you to visualize, compare, and match your favorite reference tracks and sounds.
  24. I think I bought most of mine (or got them free) from resellers, so by default my existing plugins predominantly all only count for 50% instead of full. Can't complain though, they were either excellent value, or free and at least reduce it slightly ?
  25. Bugger... Yeah I never selected any payment details anywhere, as the order was just the freebie ones so it didn't force me to. Fingers crossed you enjoy it at least ?
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