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Everything posted by MusicMan

  1. Hollywood Fantasy Strings or Brass etc. $34 each!!! You can buy the whole for Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra for $224, but if you buy the components individually, you get the whole thing for $204 (i.e. $34 x 6 as the code is reusable) String Machine is $34 as well which is lower than it normally goes. https://www.soundsonline.com/orchestral/hollywood-fantasy-orchestra Code: SAINTPATRICKS-25 https://www.soundsonline.com/st-patricks-day
  2. United Plugins WideFire by JMG Sound free limited time only. Save $32US https://unitedplugins.com/WideFire #Deals #Freebie
  3. The price has jumped, but the original link was always the upgrade. The link that @User 905133and I posted were to the full version for the same price, so there was no requirement to own anything else.
  4. Yep, I had the same thought. I don't believe they will load, but happy to be corrected. And I agree as well. I often don't upgrade for that reason. Nothing related to the money, just don't want to have multiple versions of the same thing. That's why I mostly stopped buying anything iZotope or NI. I don't want 6 or 7 versions of Ozone, or RX needed for backward compatibility, or even Kontakt X,Y,Z... It's a shame as they lose a lot of sales due to that.
  5. Could go either way with this one, as the individual effects are the same price. I could imagine someone getting told all T-Racks $29 and it being an oversight, but IK often has really deep discounts too and if 6 hasn't been selling great, they might want to hype it. It might not make any difference to most, but the original post is the upgrade. You can also just buy the full version for the same price: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/TRackS6MAX--ik-multimedia-t-racks-6-max-software-suite
  6. I have all those EQs you mentioned, apart from the Waves one.. I don't think I have that.. and I have Smart EQ 3, not 4. You definitely don't need it, but I do prefer it to all the ones you mentioned. I quite like Smart EQ, but it's heavier on CPU. I also have tended to prefer the sound of Kirchhoff over ProQ3. So many people say that's impossible, but to my ears, something makes it sound better to me.. not sure if it's the way they handle transients, or phase, or something.. In terms of missing out, generally with PA once they hit a price, it will normally hit that low again. But.. I think I'd wait and see if someone has a spare voucher or something to get it down lower. With everything you have, at $60 I could easily pass over it these days, but I'm like that with a lot of plugins.
  7. MusicMan

    Waves V-EQ4

    The other option that occurred to me, was just use them all with the "Analog" button turned off and then on a separate track with no instruments, just add that EQ and enable analog and then you can simply raise the gain to blend as much as you like. With noise I'll often set the levels with a limiter enabled and getting the rough loudness I want it to end up at and then dial in the noise levels on those sort of plugs if required, so it doesn't build up to too much in the final mix.
  8. MusicMan

    Waves V-EQ4

    If you engage the "Analog" button they can be a bit noisy, especially when using compression, or more so limiting on the stereo buss. I much prefer a dial, like Plugin Alliance has with a number of theirs instead where you can dial in the amount of noise to suit (from that same plugin itself and not adding other instances/plugins). Otherwise I tend to just disable noise instead.
  9. I do agree with boycotting companies that don't listen to customers, so I agree there and that's the best way to get them to change. This type of software doesn't need to be running all the time. I have the UA Signature bundle, so I do have them installed in this case though. Instead of uninstalling Connect, I just rename the exe to "disConnect". That way nothing autostarts as the system doesn't find the file it's looking for and I can still easily run it if I want to.
  10. Waves TrueVerb Free (Limited time) "Lush reverb with detailed control over early reflections" RRP $99 https://www.waves.com/account/free-true-verb-free-kontaktina #Deals #Free
  11. Savi is quite handy in that scenario. I have it installed still, but don't often think to use it. For playing guitar though, I just have a guitar stack project and so it loads with a bunch of amps, effects, clean channels, high gain channels and I can just hit monitor on any track to switch between all different tones and types of sounds. Probably takes an extra 15 to 30 seconds to load the project, as it's got to load Tonex, Neural, Amplitube, etc. but then it's all good to go and a massive timesaver when playing.
  12. Interesting.. I didn't install the standalone version at all. I rarely do, as it's always easy to fire up a DAW instead and just run it inside if that, or a host like Gig Performer and then it saves installing all other applications through my computer. But I still would've expected it to be solid from them. The VST3 worked well for me and I was pleasantly surprised by it. Quite a nice freebie.
  13. I had to sign into it first, then reopen the plugin and then it worked.
  14. I didn't have any of their products previously, but I believe there was. Your products should all still be there. Hopefully this might help, or point you in the right direction. In failing that, just drop them an email. https://support.korg.co.uk/en-US/migrating-legacy-collection-licenses-to-new-korg-id-website-405747
  15. Did you do the migration steps from their old system to the new one?
  16. MusicMan

    Free Waves H-Comp

    That's my point... They focus a lot on dongle sales which aren't even required and could be solved by non proprietary every day flash drives, or even abolishing them altogether in many cases by making some improvements to their other methodologies. They don't care to change, or evolve in any way, as they just want to keep selling dongles and the companion sale of insurance for the redundant dongles.
  17. Free with purchase at Audio Deluxe – Cherry Audio Galactic Reverb – Nomad Factory British MCL-2269 https://www.audiodeluxe.com/hot-deals #Deals
  18. Rhythm Box By Pitch Innovations (Free with purchase at ADSR Sounds) https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/pitch-innovations-rhythm-box-sequencer/ #Deals
  19. MusicMan

    Free Waves H-Comp

    Losing track of flash drives is probably common if they don't have licenses on them, but really if they do, they're no more likely to be lost than iLok. Just simply add a tag to it, or use a permanent marker. The dongle from PA (which I don't personally use), is good for offline and using other friends DAWs, for collabs, or getting mixing done, etc. But it's more the fact that if someone wants to use a dongle, they can pick up a cheap generic flash drive and not an overpriced iLok dongle. 3 is becoming more common. I do have a mix though and quite a lot with 2. 1 auth is strictly do not buy for me. Even ML Sound Lab who only provide a second if you contact them I opted to not buy from. I don't want to have to contact a vendor to plead my case for a second activation, even if it's not too difficult. 2+ auths out of the gate, or I'm out these days. I already have enough and what they're selling can probably be done with something else that does include 2+. Melda is really great with their licensing and yes, Waves somehow manage to further alienate even more people with that move which was quite an achievement given the majority of people's hate for WUP! You're not wrong on those bundles either... You do get a lot of bang for buck. Without those and the freebies, I'd imagine their sales would be much, much lower these days. It can be a false economy though.. if people do pay WUP, then for what they often spend, they could've just paid once for more premium plugins that are better than Waves and still be getting free updates. Lots of great devs out there.
  20. It's one of the more surprising ones in quite a while. This seems very well regarded from everything I've seen / read so it could be good exposure for Steinberg. Making this a freebie (with purchase) along with their Cubase 14 release seems to indicate they are trying to be more widely appealing to the EDM / beats producers. Of course you could easily use Cubase for those before and it was great for it, but it seems like they have been copying some of the ideas and simplified workflows especially for drums from the more prominent competitors in that space (Live / FL).
  21. Steinberg Backbone Drum Re Synthesizer free with purchase at Plugin Boutique for Feb. https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/2005-Claim-your-FREE-copy-of-Steinberg-Backbone #Deals
  22. You absolutely could do those things separately and that's a completely valid way of working and common. Buy there's also benefits of the simplicity and direct feedback from trying things all within Falcon and not having to open up multiple other synths, have all that separate routing to worry about. Besides I'm pretty sure you can simply split the outputs out of Falcon and treat them with external FX and their own channel strips anyway. I only just got it recently, so don't bank on that, but I think you do. Something for me to try! Plus, if you've got any of the UVI libraries, you can get more control and ways to integrate them into your creations and layer them too. If you use them, it's easier to set up keyboard splits if you ever want to create them, again, all within Falcon. As for sound, I'm really surprised. Maybe it's just their demos on their site or something. After owning it, some of the sounds I've heard it make sound pretty amazing, rich and warm. It might depend on what genres you like though. Do you have a preferred style? I've often found that most of them have an area they do well, but then for another type of sound, I'd reach for another synth. Some excel at pads, some super saws, some basses, etc. But I could play this thing for hours just purely for the hell of it. For the enjoyment so far, I think I've already got my money's worth! 🙂
  23. MusicMan

    Free Waves H-Comp

    That is indeed one thing they and Plugin Alliance did right. A regular flash drive instead of iLok. Apart from iLok dongle sales, there's really no reason Pace couldn't do the same. They would probably win a lot more sales for their developer customers, but for some reason I don't think plugin and instrument companies are really their primary concern 🤣
  24. MusicMan

    Free Waves H-Comp

    Often overlooked, but they only provide one seat license with Waves unless you have active WUP. So once your WUP expires, you can only use on one machine unless you want to constantly be transferring licenses, or use a USB dongle. So anyone with a DAW in the studio that also works mobile on a laptop, or second DAW in another location, it stops working completely . I'm struggling to think of another developer that only provides one seat in this day and age. Even McDSP have evolved to give more than one! I'm sure there's others that suck in that sense, but not many at all!
  25. Some great points Carl and now that you mention it, I do recall Omnisphere being incorrectly referred to as a rompler quite a few times too. I think a lot of people just don't take the time to fully understand and explore these products and learn how to use them. I would say that the learning curve can be a touch higher if you're creating presets from the ground up, but that's because they allow you to break out from the common rigid design of most synths. if you just jump in and click on a few presets and go no further, then you really miss out on seeing how powerful and versatile these things can be. I've tried quite a few synths over the years where I fired them up, tried all the presets as that's often a simple way to test the capabilities and thought they were terrible, only to find after creating a few patches that they were really much better than what the presets show. I own most of u-he and have somewhat had my eye on Zebra. I have been tempted to bite the bullet and just go with the current version, as I know it's very good anyway, but with the new one somewhere on the horizon, I have been holding off so far!
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