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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @SAMPLE SOUND REVIEW As you have disabled direct messaging I can only openly write this to you. @cclarry has been a long time contributor and friend to these deals forum, here and in the previous Cakewalk forums. To the best of my knowledge he is sharing a deal he has found and is not making a profit from it or is he selling product. Consequently no action is required.
  2. It is a breach of the forum rules for a company or individual to sell any form of product for profit or personal gain within any of the forums provided by Bandlab. If it is not obvious why then to state so, it is because you are in effect getting free advertising at Bandlab's expense. Consequently it is asked that you or your company:- 1. Do not include a direct links in the text body of your posts to your website or products on your website. 2. You can include a link to the index page of your website in your signature but not to specific products. 3. Individual's who find a deal and are not actually selling product may place a link in the body of their post 4. The one exception to these rules is within the Songs forum where it is permitted to place links to your own personal music productions that are for sale. 5. If you are posting links to products and are not personally making personal gain of profit, but are sharing for the benefit of other forum users you could put a disclaimer in your signature to that affect. 6. Affiliated links are also a breach as the originator is receiving a gratuity for sharing the link. 7. Posts regarding DAW products that offer direct competition with Bandlab DAW products will removed. Thank you.
  3. It's the optimum solution I truly would much rather spend time creating more musical noise? Than spend time explaining the rules, which are in place for the best interests of all.
  4. @stusmithmusic Please see the PM you have been sent as a business you are not supposed to be selling anything directly in these forums. The deals forum is for ordinary user to share deals they have found not for businesses.
  5. @bjornpdx I like this though it is far to short, the Elka X is cool, has to be a good choice next to the CS-80 and the Roland Cloud JD-800
  6. Correct they are, but unless they are reported, as your post was, the mods may not be aware, or those that visit the deals forum choose to ignore it. For reason explained below I rarely visit the deals forum other than when someone raises a ticket for it. Personally after 55 plus years of making music, 35 years of using computers to do so I have accumulated a fair collection of hardware synths. I have also been quite selective in the companies I have chosen to buy software and software synths from, which means most are still in business, keeping their plugins up to date. Whilst my softsynth collection may be quite modest at a mere 168 three of them are modular synths. I also do not find the need for lots of additional plugin FX as most of the synths have them built in or can be used as FX.
  7. See the PM just sent. But to clarify for other's; No commercial enterprise should be placing direct links to specific product in the text body of their posts. They should only have a link to the Index page of their Website, i.e. the very first page you hit when visiting a website They can make reference to a product or a deal but must not provide direct link.
  8. No Companies should be placing Links to their websites in the text portion of posts. It is OK for a user to share a link to a deal they have found It is a breach of the forum rules to sell anything within the forums. However we show a little leniency in the Deals forum to companies who only place a link to their website Index page in their signatures. Technically you are again in breach of the forum rules by having a second profile. I will remove the restriction on the understanding that you do not place direct links in the body of your text, you only have a link to the index page of your website in your signature. Any one here should be able to browser to your current deal, they are after all using a computer and a browser to get here. If any company is breaking these rules then report them, it is not fair to you, it is not fair to Bandlab who are providing free advertising, it could lead to Bandlab being prosecuted for copyright violations. The deals forum is provided for Users to share links to Deals they have found, it is not really for companies to gain free advertising. Your Warnings have been reevoked, no points were awarded, there is no record of the warning being issued.
  9. @PavlovsCat any company has been reminded of the rules at some point. If there's peeps not following the rules then you need to remind them so all players are playing fair, or report them as this was. All this user needs to do is; 1. Put a link to his website in his signature. 2. Only reference a product no direct link. Case sorted,. iIt should be noted I rarely visit the deals forum, my furry pockets are not deep enough to do so. This was brought to my attention by a report ticket.
  10. Direct promotion of your own company in the text is a breach of the forum rules and amounts to free advertising. Make reference to a product in the body of a post, but no link is acceptable. Placing a link to your website, but no specific product in your signature is acceptable. These rules are what we all agreed to when creating our profile. Even the users name is pushing the rules to a certain extent.
  11. Listening to the Could use a Shooter, this sounds like classic @Jesse Screed
  12. Wookiee

    New mix In vain

    That was quite pleasant, the acoustic opening did sound a little muffled to these furry ears, the rest was a classic from yourself @Zargg
  13. Wookiee

    Sunday Afternoon

    Pleasant jazz, nice
  14. Drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, driftzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, ???????????????
  15. Welcome to the Songs forum @Lukasz. First song sounds a little repetitive the second the mix jumps around in levels and tonal balance. Keep trying you will get there eventually we all had to start somewhere.
  16. This is very nice a pleasant listen that is making my furry ears smile after a particularly tough night. Have you been listing to Tomita?
  17. Wookiee


    This does have a last century feel to the groove and vocal. Mix is good.
  18. I like Freddy when he has his blues shoes on.
  19. Wookiee


    As noted the mix needs a little attention, nicely sung vocal, I will reserve judgment on the rest post recovery and remix.
  20. Wookiee

    Gifts of Altai

    Again reminiscent of TD and Klaus Schulze in the use of Sequencing, mix sound well balanced with distinction in the voicing.
  21. Interesting very similar to the opening track I listened to by Klaus Schulze from 2012. Sounds OK here.
  22. Mix works well here on the Adam's, some nice playing on this.
  23. @Asato Maa I like this it would be a nice track to sit back and drift with, it does have overtones of more recent Tangerine dream tracks sine they lost Edgar. Mix works well here on the Adam's, my only thought is it might benefit from a middle eight or other breakdown.
  24. Hi @RikF nice to hear your noodling again, hope things are back on the road again it has been a tough few years for many. Well recorded mix sounds good here.
  25. Nice clean recording, good space, it is a tad long and could do with some more ear candy to engage the listener. Would probably work well as back ground music in a game or film.
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