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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting, driftzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, ???????????????
  2. Welcome to the Songs forum @Lukasz. First song sounds a little repetitive the second the mix jumps around in levels and tonal balance. Keep trying you will get there eventually we all had to start somewhere.
  3. This is very nice a pleasant listen that is making my furry ears smile after a particularly tough night. Have you been listing to Tomita?
  4. Wookiee


    This does have a last century feel to the groove and vocal. Mix is good.
  5. I like Freddy when he has his blues shoes on.
  6. Wookiee


    As noted the mix needs a little attention, nicely sung vocal, I will reserve judgment on the rest post recovery and remix.
  7. Wookiee

    Gifts of Altai

    Again reminiscent of TD and Klaus Schulze in the use of Sequencing, mix sound well balanced with distinction in the voicing.
  8. Interesting very similar to the opening track I listened to by Klaus Schulze from 2012. Sounds OK here.
  9. Mix works well here on the Adam's, some nice playing on this.
  10. @Asato Maa I like this it would be a nice track to sit back and drift with, it does have overtones of more recent Tangerine dream tracks sine they lost Edgar. Mix works well here on the Adam's, my only thought is it might benefit from a middle eight or other breakdown.
  11. Hi @RikF nice to hear your noodling again, hope things are back on the road again it has been a tough few years for many. Well recorded mix sounds good here.
  12. Nice clean recording, good space, it is a tad long and could do with some more ear candy to engage the listener. Would probably work well as back ground music in a game or film.
  13. I have to confess I moved beyond this type of Metal/Prog/Heavy? many years ago but it does sound right, I also subscribed to the channel along with giving it a like.
  14. Just remember ageing of the body is mandatory, growing up optional.
  15. Squeaks make thing a little more real . Like the tune but there is something amiss with the drums, I like brushes but something is little off, they sound liek they have been recorded in a different space to the guitar and the bass.
  16. Nothing wrong with being an "old guy" and being honest about your feelings. Very pleasant stuff and ?
  17. As I said you are entitled to an opinion. Perhaps you should change the title of this thread to be a more direct request, as at present it reads as more informational than a request.
  18. @murat k. some of the items you mentioned are newish this probably means they have yet to be added to the theme editor. Others may have historic reasons for being fixed. Have you checked within the theme editor? If you feel that you really need these to be customised then I suggest you make a feature request in the appropriate forum. However I suspect they are on the list of things to be done. But we should remember the development team is remarkable small. Personally I feel bug fixes are of higher importance than being able to change a few colours. This is of course just my own personal furry opinion. You are of course entitled to yours.
  19. Post closed as it appears to have lost direction. Many things are customisable in the Theme Editor and also in preferences. I suggest reading the Reference guide on customising CbB the are over 500 references on the topic in the guide.
  20. Seems a little wobbly at the beginning but it settled down in to pleasant listen in the end.
  21. @Bapu I can somehow never think of you of being totally shameless. Nice stuff from the sprog Ed.
  22. Chill, chill, chill, very chill, enjoy your trip I suspect it will prove an inspiration @bjornpdx
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