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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. This Sirs is a wonderful collaboration. not many get three.
  2. Wookiee

    Night Flight

    Ah! Then I am hearing crackling here.
  3. Wookiee

    Angel chimes

    Spacy, inner spacy floating to outer spacy, cerebral space. Cool stuff Bjorn
  4. Wookiee


    Seems the consensus is the drums need some finessing which I agree with. Good stuff though Tim.
  5. Wookiee


    Very chilled grooving ? I also like that drop from major to minor and it is used well in this.
  6. I can sort of hear what KS is talking about but when it all kicks in (pun in ten dead ) to these furry ear the drums get swamped. Personally, to these furry ears, the mix still needs a little work there is probably a good song trying to be heard. I will keep the furry things on the look for a remix if you do one.
  7. Wookiee

    Night Flight

    Nice groove, has a feel of a a couple of those fusion type bands that are itching the back of the furry brain but their names refuse to reach the tongue. Do wonder if the drums could do with little change up or breakdown. Do you have some vinyl FX on this?
  8. Thanks to all that contribute here, you make each day a little easier for many.
  9. Wookiee


    Thank you Bjorn nice you caught the vibe.
  10. Wookiee


    I have 60 minutes of just the surf sound that I use as a sleep aid, very relaxing nice to drift off to sleep. As to forth power LFO's two are modulating the wave shape of two of the the other's. Thanks nice that you found this to be beautiful you are most kind.
  11. Wookiee


    Nice to know the cerebral interface is working for you, along with rounding your day out too. Thank you, you are to kind.
  12. Wookiee


    Thanks Tim, I hope to get some more time over the next couple of weeks to listen to some more forum contributions, I see you have something new to explore.
  13. @kday have you enabled Sandbox in Preferences > VST > scan options. This will help with this issue difficult VST 's are then sandboxed to allow the main scan too continue.
  14. As ever cool vocal well sung and captured, totally appropriate guitar accompaniment, love the subtle keys underneath
  15. Wookiee


    Thank you t as ever your support & friendship is appreciated. ?
  16. As a matter of interest how are you measuring this. I did listen this evening and there is some additional weight but not a great deal more. The mains on my home HiFi do go down to 30hz and the sub to 20hz.
  17. Wookiee


    Nice cans. Glad you found this enjoyable. Thanks for listening and commenting.
  18. Cool grooving @PJH and co, nice, just what I needed after the start I had today. Sweet
  19. Wookiee


    The panning is actually random, see the earlier post about random triggering. Nice to know you enjoyed this, thank you for listening and commenting
  20. If you feel furry you feel furry ?
  21. Wookiee


    It was originally some 8 plus minutes but I thought I had to account for the 3:30 boredom crowd. I am working on the idea of some video's just looking for the right tool(s) any suggestions greatly received do not mind buying something, but do not want any subscription stuff I have enough of those some disguised as updates (Arturia springs to mind) I do appreciate you taking the time to have a listen and share your thoughts, thanks.
  22. Ripping drums, mix sweet, nothing I can add.
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