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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. JoeGBradford

    Wadorf LE

    It's not all bad but this certainly sounds dubious!
  2. JoeGBradford

    Wadorf LE

    Sounds like a no then!
  3. Recently had an issue with ST3. When I install it in a project and play a note on the keyboard I get a stuttering - if I close the project and then reopen it ST3 performs fine. Anyone had the same problem or can suggest a reason. At first I thought it must be a buffer issue but clearly not as it is fine on reopening the project. Thanks in advance for any advice
  4. With an attitude like that to people who are trying to help you don't be surprised if the friendly people here think twice before providing assistance. I have found everyone here patient and understanding even when I have asked what in other places may have been thought of as 'stupid' questions. There are no such questions here just the occasional ungrateful and thoughtless response from those who do not appreciate people taking time out to help Try again - we don't hold grudges 🙂
  5. A fascinating tutorial, Mike. The way the subtle use of different effects on the vocals built up to create a much fuller and pleasing sound was particularly interesting to me as someone who has very limited experience of using effects other than delay and reverb!
  6. Enjoyed your tutorial Pip. A good introduction for newbies. Looking forward to watching future episodes 🙂
  7. Just started mine - it said a day initially but within seconds went down to 23 minutes! I assume these are just maintenance updates - no new instruments or features?
  8. David's referring to the capital B's used for flats in the Ledger article I shared Larry not your post 🙂
  9. Yeah a bit of a strange article but I thought it might stimulate debate 🙂 The capital B annoyed me too!
  10. My thoughts after listening (nice piece by the way Larry!) I found the G minor darker than the B minor which seemed more optimistic. However I did wonder if that was merely because it was starting from a higher position on the scale (if it was?) Interesting what wiki says about those scales - especially the Beethoven quote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_minor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B_minor And this https://ledgernote.com/blog/interesting/musical-key-characteristics-emotions/
  11. Thanks Larry. This is an issue that has always interested me. I'll listen later today
  12. Thanks for these Mike - the tip jar has finally been rewarded 😉
  13. Nice video Simeon - could have used that when I started out with Phiharmonik 🙂
  14. Ah thanks I noticed he hadn't done the presets in original video. The initial elephant put me off I must admit!
  15. Another excellent video Mike. Found the tap tempo section particularly useful
  16. Just watched the video - looks impressive and the Genesis that came with Computer Music is still one of my go to synths - though admittedly I don't own any expensive ones!
  17. .....and that version is pretty good 🙂
  18. Looking forward to it Mike! I only work with VSTs but I'm sure there will be lots to learn and enjoy 🙂
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