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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. I have been lurking with bated breath. I have been rolling over the numbers in my back pocket. How could I pass up such schweet deal? Well, I have AT5, MD Drums, MD Bass, TR Deluxe, SSS reverb, MP 2, et al. There is just not enough cream left in the pail. I wanted to stroke the wand for ST4, as I only have ST3, but it seems as if I have yet to dive headlong into ST3, which has enough victuals for a small banquet. I wish I would have snatched Kontakt 6 during the summer sale. However, my mind is not yet negatively persuaded in the finite fashion. One only needs so much fat, and then it is a glu honestly though, this is a great deal for the initiate, the broker, and the collector. GBIK IKYDC
  2. Gotta pay it forward. my motto: if I can help you without it hurting me, I’m all in... Tom, the thing is, he is the first displaced person that didn't ask for money. He just wanted some clean socks. I can't bring myself to sell all my worldly possessions and give to the poor, but I give.
  3. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14323147 true story, met a soul, lost everything to Ida, pedaled a bike all the way from L.A. . I gave him two pair of clean socks. i hope he found his way to hi cousins house in the town by the bluffs
  4. There are many things I like about this, besides the fact that you are the only person I have seen use absoflippinlutely. Most importantly is that you always tell a story. I just think that is a hard thing to do, but you always get it done. I also know the guitars sounds are going to be very excellent. Now on your soundclick page I see 5 guitars. Please tell me which ones you used for this, and which amps, or amp plugs, and which preset;, or do you roll your own? Also, the song about global climate change is sooo ggoood.
  5. Jesse Screed


    jack,you have a wide musical palette,I like the way you stretch yourself. very cool song,sir. keep it coming
  6. figuratively speaking you are a kaleidoscope , literally you are an image of universal creative potentiality
  7. Tom, I agree 100%. I tried a few new recording techniques on this and didn't take the time to refine it so the vocals are definitely lost, and intelligible. jack, I appreciate the comments. yes, it is off the wall, with that I concur. I lent my cowbell out to the local dairy farm. She had misplaced hers, and her pampered cows were producing spoiled milk. I'm not sure she'll return it as it saved her farm from udder disaster. You my friend, have keen sense of quality!
  8. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14320735 any suggestions?
  9. and then one day you will die it could be slow or in the blink of an eye but I would say you asked the wrong question and should rather wonder does age wane without creativity? now I have a headache and I think I will go play in the middle of the thoroughfare
  10. everything is perfection miguel
  11. let me know what needs to be improved https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14315293
  12. duh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEtm69mLK6w
  13. maybe numbers by paint? https://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/sta19.htm esoteric fo sho disclaimer.....I did not read this article thanks Lymm
  14. yes, mostly I work stuff out beforehand, this is a band mate on base and guitar the kick is clipping
  15. sure, I could do that let's start here and then fly as high as we can https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOrdzCHnpw4
  16. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14313287 please don't tell me it is captain bee fart it is called Jung Too
  17. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14304711
  18. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14297640
  19. https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandID=1389225
  20. because you need to either educate yourself, or find a new hobby
  21. What about you? But what about you? Well what about you? Hey, what about you? https://www.bandlab.com/ But, but , but, but peace is so Pollyanna Them kids! Do you want to educate them, or teach them a lesson? Don't see no hooks in your But t.
  22. You know, I'm starting a new thread. Though many great points have been made, This is getting us nowhere. We're comparing raisins to grapes. There will always be grapes and there will always be raisins. It is a pour soul who "what abouts you" that "never the twain shall meet." The Woodstock generation? Honestly?
  23. An article comparing the 1987 Stereo remasters, the 2009 stereo remasters, and the 2009 mono remasters. https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/13425-stereo-box-in-mono/ "These CD versions are definitely louder across the board, but there's still plenty of breathing room, so that the dynamic sound-- and these records were nothing if not dynamic-- hits the way they should. Interestingly, the mono mixes are uniformly a bit quieter than the stereo mixes, tending to fall somewhere between the original stereo master and the new one. To get geeky here for a moment, a few diagrams, so that you can see the increases in volume with the new set."
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