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Yan Filiatrault

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Everything posted by Yan Filiatrault

  1. Yes, but it's the loading of the presets that takes some seconds inside the library. You can only batch resave the nki file and there's only one to open the library.
  2. For me, it takes a couple of seconds, nothing that I found too annoying.
  3. It depends if the hair is hiding the face, which is not the case here.
  4. Look at the walkthrough by Reuben Cornell. It will give you a pretty good idea of what it can do.
  5. And for the price right now, can't complain, it's a really great library for easily adding up quality atmospheres to any track.
  6. What are you waiting for guys? My favorite DAW, with my highest recommandations.
  7. Wow, what a deal! One preset pack is around 19$ when it's on sale at half-price.
  8. I'm answering about Hammersmith, which is not excluded.
  9. It’s not excluded. When you click on it, you see the discount for the 2 versions. I thought the same thing at first.
  10. The sale will also be valid from June 26th, then a week later, and so on...
  11. If you update, that's when you start another Waves horror story...
  12. Is there a time limit for the discount?
  13. Is it a sale available at third party sellers?
  14. It sure looks like it's doing it pretty well.
  15. 10$ difference with upgrade price. Pretty lame for Spaces 1 users...
  16. Quite unique, so that's why you bought two 😄
  17. Thanks for the info. There's a ton of kits and instruments for the price.
  18. Is it possible to make a Helluva great music with this one? 😄
  19. Yes, the weather is fine, time to grab some beers... Oh sorry, you were talking about a six pack of Midi!
  20. Thanks Peter for the explanation. So that means that it's different from the competition (Slate, U-He, Waves, Softube, etc.)?
  21. Yes, I think that for the price it's a great offering.
  22. It’s written ´Your plugin of the month’ with the 49$ price.
  23. It's not the best price. When at 50% off, I think I saw it near 30$ at resellers.
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