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freddy j

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Everything posted by freddy j

  1. You made my morning Jesse. That lead guitar keeps the whole thing going and all the other sounds (including vocals) keep it interesting. I have mentioned the group Gang of Four before but right toward the end that guitar had the GoF feel. Keep 'em coming!
  2. Hi Lee. I haven't seen you on the form for a while. This is a bit different for you. BTW, Dylan it is. I love the optimistic lyrics (the title is cool also). I am certainly not one to comment on mixes but to me it sounded good -- although, on my cheap h-phone the vocals (which were well done) could come up just a wee bit. BTW #2, the bass sounded good to me. Nice on Lee. I enjoyed the listen.
  3. Impressive song Douglas. The lyrics are very good (luv that chorus). The vocals and harmonies were very nice indeed. Good work on the slide! It has inspired me to try learning this technique on my old 1960's Norma guitar (nice high action that should work well for slide).
  4. Great video Bjorn. The video really captures the moment and your music perfectly fits the video. It is not loud and ominous sounding but almost soft. To me that better fits the matter of factness (that's probably not a word) of nature. I agree with you - it is just the way it its (however, I must admit I was pulling for the goose). I had a professor (a population ecologist) who would always state "... nature doesn't care about individuals but only populations." Impressive work!!!
  5. Hi David. Ah'p"n"s is indeed an elusive thing. Sometimes it takes work to find it. Personally, I stopped worrying about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence and have accepted how it looks on my side of the fence --- one of the advantages of being an old retired fossil (lol). Thanks very much for listening and for the kind words!!!
  6. I have seen a number of excellent tributes, on this forum, to individuals that have recently passed on. This is my tribute to a person that I admire -- U. S. House of Representative John Lewis. From all accounts he was a very kind, compassionate, moral, and dedicated man. The story (in this song) of the relationship between Elwin Wilson and Rep. Lewis is a powerful one that took courage from both men and demonstrated the behaviour that most religions encourage. I posted the song on this forum a few years ago (it is somewhere down the list on my SoundClick site) and this version has the video attached. I hope that you enjoy it. Thanks We All Live in the Same House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWzFouJgsig
  7. Hi tom. Thank you buddy. The point was hidden in the 3rd to last verse (or maybe second - somewhere near the end?) "It's what you make it to be." It probably took too many verses to get there. Mr. Sandman by the Chordettes? Cool - the intro does kind of have that flavour leading right into the Mr. Sandman phrase. Now that was a cool song. Thank you again for listening and for the kind words! Hey Bjorn. Every once in a while I have to try a different path no matter how short it might be. If there were a prize you would get it - the point was indeed "It's what you make it to be." The Catalina song --- gracious, the intro has a commonality to that song also. I guess I write very common songs. However, any copyright infringement is unintentional 😏 Thanks much for taking the time to listen and comment. Hi Douglas. Thank you very much for your comments. The vocals were particularly hard for me (a geriatric handicap) and required many takes. The solo was not planned but I just let the song take me were it wanted to go. Thanks again. Hi Allan. No sarcasm in this one. Just a bit of social observation and mild preaching (lol). The solo was not planned but just kind of happened. I'm glad that it worked out. I very much appreciate your kind comments and encouragement. Hey Wookiee. Not completely but to a large degree happiness is up to us. Thanks very much for your kind words. Stay safe everyone and wear those masks!
  8. Well done! I love that guitar work that is panned left. It has that sound that often appears in the songs of Rokia Traore. I have tried to duplicate that sound but have failed miserably. You managed to capture that rhythmic push that is inherent in most west African music. The vocals sounded great. Well done indeed!!
  9. Cool rocker Douglas. I love those background guitars when they come in. I luv the vocals and particularly the BGV's. I enjoy all of your songs and this is one of your best!!!
  10. freddy j

    The Surf

    You paint a great aural picture with this song. I felt the littoral drift, the currents and eddies, and even the surf rushing up on the shore after the cresting of the wave. Excellent work Wookiee.
  11. I always enjoy listening to your songs and this one is no exception. Clever lyrics and excellent vocals!!!
  12. I too remember the first one. You have come up with an excellent mix on this one and the instrumentation is great. Nice work on the saxes.
  13. For your consideration, here is a melodic little number that reflects on the question given in the title. A suggested point to consider is given somewhere near the end. Ya, being a faithful follower of "stay at home" during the bad part of this pandemic (especially here in Florida), I have had too much time to spend thinking. Thinking is always a dangerous time for me. Anyway, it is a bit different for me and being such I hope that you might provide feedback, suggestions, crit's, etc. Thanks and I hope you enjoy it. CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE HAPPINESS IS? https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandid=963481
  14. I always fancy the Blues! Boy did you capture the feel of the electric Blues -Chicago Style - in this number. Great performance and hot vocals indeed? This was done all in MIDI. Wow! I felt like I was at table right in front of the stage at a live performance. It reminded me (a bit) of one of my current fav's - the Cash Box Kings (minus the harp). I believe I shall have to go back and listen a couple of more time. Great stuff tom!!!
  15. I loved the music and the performance (by all) was top notch. The video adds a lot and is matched well to the topic. BTW, luv your vocals! Well done y'all.
  16. freddy j


    What a beautiful song. The music really accentuates some heart pulling lyrics. The vocals and harmonies are excellent. This mix sounds professional and radio ready to me. Well done!!
  17. Old Joad. Thank you for listening and for the kind words. I kind of grew up attracted to Blues, Jump Blues, raunchy rock, etc. To misquote John Lee Hooker --- it's in me and has gotta get out. At least some of the time. Thanks again!
  18. freddy j

    Look Ahead

    Wow Lynn! Excellent work. One of your best. Wonderful arrangement - the instrumentation is great - the mix sounds great to me. That guitar work is excellent as are the lyrics. Your phrasing on the vocals is top-notch. Let's see --- did I miss anything? I thought that I commented on this previously but I'm glad that I checked and listen. Well, if I missed anything shame on me.
  19. Ha - absoflippinlutely wonderful! Music certainly adds to the mood of a film. You have done an excellent job on this. I'll be "lurking" for more fun stuff like this.
  20. I don't know - maybe I am demonstrating my lack of musical knowledge but I really like the minimalist sound of this song. Your introduction of new sounds being introduced then withdrawn to me are very well done. The basic instrumentation carries the song. Both blend together well and create a nice relaxing, fun atmosphere. Very nice indeed!
  21. freddy j


    Well done indeed. Very melodic and excellent vocals. The playing is well done (I like the panning on that Wah guitar lead) and the mix sounds great to me. Nice one!!!
  22. Very nice indeed!!! The musicianship is great, the recording/mixing is very well done but the descriptive lyrics are really the icing on the cake.
  23. Now this was an interesting piece. I couldn't catch all the lyrics but those that I did catch were indeed interesting. However, it was the music that definitely kept me listening. Very cool and well done!!!
  24. Allan and Makke -- thanks for listening and for the kind comments. BTW - I thought that Sally & Alley might be an easy rhyme but resisted the temptation. 🙂 Also, my apologies for being so late in responding. During this period of staying home my wife has found a lot of projects and fix-up things for me to do, and some how time has quickly faded away. Thanks again!!
  25. I agree with Tom above. This song has a nice balance of mellow and full dramatic sounds working together. I particularly like that strong bass sound panned left. I must have been late to the listen because the ocean sounds were gone. Nice one David!
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