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David Sprouse

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Everything posted by David Sprouse

  1. Really enjoyed this retro song douglas. Good one!
  2. Jerry--thanks so much for taking the time out of your busy day to listen. Daryl, glad you like things waggish. I do too.
  3. When I was teaching beginning guitar players the first song I taught them was yellow submarine. So, I may have some attachment to that movie. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my music OJ. I added a minute of music at the end. You're the first one to hear it. Must not have been too offensive. Everyone said it needed to be longer. :D:D
  4. Thanks John, I took a lot of liberty with the melody. If it were honest to the pattern of the lyrics it'd sound different. Thanks for the interesting aside on this. This I did not know
  5. Oh dear....thank you Bapu.
  6. That's really fun. Like john bee I'd prefer hearing the final product, unless you're going for a song about process. Reminded me of Basia, whom I love. Also, if you have your singer OvEr PrOnOuNcE words it'll translate as gravitas.
  7. It's interesting that you were using the word *shady* in 2003. I've only heard it used lately. Lyrics are really, really good. Meatloafish for sure.
  8. David Sprouse

    Skin Tight

    Was that your alembic? :D:D Good to see Bapu hasn't fallen off the edge of the earth. Sound's like early 80's rock . Are those live drums? sound great.
  9. Clever panning. On headphones it's a powerful experience. So when tempo changes, is that when your dog started barking? Might want to give more variety to lyrics. :D:D
  10. You kept things interesting beginning to end. Reminded me a little of a theme from a British tv show.Really enjoyed it.
  11. thanks for all the comments. For those who like bluegrass, check out this band my cousin is in. He plays the banjo. Also, didn't mean hayseed in the negative sense. There's something magical about southern culture and southern hospitality that I've always loved.
  12. David Sprouse

    "Hey There"

    I love everything you do Rex. On my commercial stereo your voice sounded very, very intimate and close but the accompaniment is sort of distant, like in a seperate space. Just an observation. Great writing on this as always.
  13. +1 on the kinks. Great job of making variety for the various verses (the backing tracks).
  14. This was great from beginning to end. BTW first time I've heard the words sado masochism in a pop song! :D:D
  15. I was waiting for the song to wrap up, but it just kept going, and going.... This was 10 minutes whereas Beatles revolution #9 was only 8:22.
  16. David Sprouse


    My ommagio to the hayseed
  17. Very nice. I've always envied good watercolorists. She's definitely a talented one. Nice music to go along. Are those all samples?
  18. I picture myself walking into a hookah lounge eyes stinging from all the smoke. $.22 minutes long jesse, that's auspicious, no?
  19. Fantastic concept song. Everything is so fake, fake fake, isn't i. The truth is in the margins!
  20. Hey Bjorn, You're so talented! I listened to this on a consumer stereo and it sounded incredible! Great imagination.
  21. Reminds me of a bob segar song for some reason. Good one!
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