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Craig N

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Everything posted by Craig N

  1. I really like the Xils synths so I was pleased to pick up Xils 4, PolyM and the Strings bundle during the recent sale to compliment PolyKB, Oxium, MiniSyn'X and KaoX which I already had. I do find their interfaces to be a disincentive. Xils 4 had a nice update though. I only just realised how to use their preset interface properly a few weeks back, where you can filter by various categories... For some reason I forgot it was possible to change whatever filter is set. It's quite powerful once you get your head around the UI. RIP Lotuzia
  2. @Simeon Amburgey I just wanted to say how sorry I am this is happening to you. I'm glad to see you're trying to stay positive, proactive and learn from the experience. A "growth mindset" is such a powerful thing in contrast to the "fixed mindset" approach. Despite decades of experience in IT, I'm sure if I was dealing with offers to feature things on a YouTube channel I'd also be an easy mark with a well-coordinated and convincing hack like this. Like so many things we're learning about now such as the dangers of social media for teens, this digital age is presenting many challenges along with its opportunities. Thank you for sharing the insights along the way. I'm wondering if I should be looking into a YubiKey now myself!
  3. Simeon's YouTube channel was hacked 😞 Simeon Amburgey on Twitter: "So this is happening now! Please pray that I can get things resolved quickly. DO NOT CLICK on anything unless you are 100% sure it is legit. Hopefully @TeamYouTube can help me resolve this soon. https://t.co/gGMaH7Y3il https://t.co/O888e0XeoP" / Twitter
  4. If you are the big tree We are the the small axe
  5. BTW if anyone doesn't know, this utilises open source code from Mutable Instruments eurorack modules. VCV Rack also has versions of the Mutable Instruments modules. Mutable Instruments shut down in December 2022. The founder of Mutable Instruments, Emilie Gillet, didn't receive any money from Arturia or have any involvement in the product development. There was no wrongdoing involved. It's just an interesting situation and I guess inevitable when you contribute open source code with a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license. I think about writing a book under a creative commons license occasionally but I am not quite ready for that level of giving yet... haha. Bravo to Emilie Gillet for her generosity. I read that sales of Softube's Mutable Instruments clone modules results in money being paid to Emilie, which seems like a fairer model to me, but then I struggle to be willing to pay Softube's prices! What a conundrum. I look buying to buying Volume 6 and then these Mutable Instruments modules one of these days. But I'll also end up with Minifreak V in the next V Collection upgrade. Gotta catch 'em all!
  6. It's based on buying 3 products so you get 50/60% off (50% at UVI, ~ 60% at Audiodeluxe when you factor in Deluxe bucks). $244 is at 30% off. If you add two more UVI products to your cart the extra discount will apply.
  7. FWIW I am absolutely blown away by Vintage Vault 4. Between it and Falcon, the competition looks sadly dated and amateurish by comparison. Installing and playing with each of the modules on VV4 has been the most fun I've had in ages! Keysuite is great too. Keysuite Digital is making me very happy.
  8. Also bear in mind you'll get $8.94 in Deluxe Bucks so you're actually saving $30.85 With regard to the loyalty vouchers, here's my experience: I bought Falcon last year directly from UVI for $194 (I paid someone on KnobCloud 22 Euro for a $50 Falcon discount code) and with the $100 coupon you get after buying Falcon, bought Plate and a Falcon expansion, spending an extra $17 at the time, so total spend of $211 with them last year. At the start of January I received a $40 loyalty coupon from UVI that's valid for this month only. I believe you get the $100 coupon regardless of whether you buy Falcon from a reseller or directly, but the yearly loyalty vouchers are only for money spent directly with UVI.
  9. The prices listed are already discounted 30% from full retail price. Eg Vintage Vault retails for $599 or you can upgrade for $499 if you own any of the modules already. Whereas it's listed for $419 in this sale which is 70% of 599.
  10. They must be selling like hotcakes, because downloads have slowed to a halt lol. Direct downloads from the website still work, but I don't think I can be bothered.
  11. Thanks for pointing this out. There were indeed some good deals to be had. It'd go up and down sometimes significantly depending on how many items were in the cart. I probably spent 3 solid hours last night until 1am adding things to the cart then removing them to figure out what the best deal I could get was, and debating how much I could reasonably put on the credit card without regretting it later 🙂 Ended up picking up the following: Vintage Vault 4, Keysuite Bundle, Synth Anthology 3, Sweep Machine and a Falcon Expansion called Hypnotic Dive from AudioDeluxe for $465 (adding $41 deluxe bucks to my account). Then using my UVI voucher I picked up 3 more Falcon expansions for only $18 from UVI. After all is said and done I paid 35% of the regular retail price, so I'm pretty happy with that considering that UVI never normally goes that low! However due to my befuddled 1am brain I ended up paying for it out of our main savings account instead of putting it on the credit card I use for my spending money, so I had to explain this sordid tale to the missus this morning rather than wait for a "please explain" 😅 I was tempted to also pick up World Suite 2, Toy Suite and Ircam Solo Instruments 2 into the bargain from AudioDeluxe (it was going to be < $800 including 5 Falcon expansions), but I thought there was a chance they might not honor the sale if I pushed my luck too much! Now I just need to install all of this stuff. Looks like it's going to take a while!
  12. If only they had a way to deeply sample the filters and envelopes. Acustica figured out a way to do it, using further gigabytes... so maybe all is not yet lost. They could call that Mega Ultra Sampled Technology ... it's a MUST. Just don't call it Brilliant Ultra Sampled Technology...
  13. Plugin alliance will allow you to add to the cart a code that has already been used, giving false hope. They check when you go to pay and then tell you the code has been used. I've had this happen previously. If you came across the code online somewhere, or someone else gave you the code for the $29.99 price (rather than PA themselves) you're too late, it's been used. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
  14. Happy New Year everyone! Here's wishing the year ahead is the very best one yet!
  15. CD Project Red (witcher dev) on GOG used to be known for no copy protection vs one game running at a time per Steam acct. Not sure if that's still the case.
  16. They emailed them to people as two kinds of voucher codes. A one-off purchase, or a rent-to-own version of 10 payments of 1/10th the price of the single purchase. Eg I have a personal offer of $399 or $39.95 x 10 but when I login I just see 799 unless I input the applicable voucher code.
  17. Merry Christmas everyone, from Brisbane, Australia 🙂
  18. UVI's EDU Program for Students and Teachers offers 30% off, although they state that it cannot be combined with any discounts or sales
  19. I can't either at this point in my journey but next year I could see myself buying it. Admittedly I am particularly fond of a couple of tracks featuring toy sounds, Magic Toys by The Zap! (trance) which is a bit of an intro to a series of great songs on the album Big Bang Toy Box by Insane Clown Posse (killer clown rap... not for the faint of heart or easily offended!) Old influences to be sure, I'm much more mature now... honest 😉
  20. Was the December voucher personalised or something everyone gets? I bought Falcon through a reseller and if I login there's nothing in my vouchers section. I saw on reddit that this current HOLIDAY30/50 promotion stacks with a further $20 off SNOW voucher. I tried it and confirmed that works. I never received an email about the SNOW voucher though.
  21. U-He are really good in terms of demos, it's well worth giving these a demo if you have any doubts. I bought the bundle through Native Instruments in December 2020 and have not regretted it for a moment. These are all quality instruments & effects.
  22. I tried that and then found One no longer worked, so wonder if it used common code that is now incompatible, hence the need for the legacy installer. I was able to download the kHz one installer at the time. This was 2 days ago.
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