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Everything posted by scook

  1. The plug-ins bundled with CbB are listed here IIRC, no plug-in has been discontinued, some have been added and the Melodyne trial is now V5 (which no longer provides free audio to MIDI and tempo detection after the trial expires).
  2. Did you take all defaults during the initial install? During any of the re-install attempts did you remove Cakewalk from the registry?
  3. Best not to work from memory. In a default installation "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk" contains the following folders Cakewalk Core Shared DXi Shared MIDI Plugins Shared Plugins Shared Surfaces Shared Utilities In addition to folders in "C:\Program Files" the installer creates folders in C:\Cakewalk Content C:\Cakewalk Projects C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk
  4. I just create a flac file in SoundForge The file imported OK using File > Import > Audio and dragging the clip from the media browser Running CbB 2022.02 build 36 on Win10 Pro 21H2 How are you importing the files? If you upload a file, I'll be happy to see if it imports on my machine.
  5. Did you whitelist all the Cakewalk folders in your virus scanner? If running Windows Defender is ransomware protection (Controlled folder access) enabled?
  6. That error comes from a validation process during program starts up and indicates the DAW cannot find the correct CW130Auto.dll in "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities" (assuming the program is installed in the default location). Normally all four items mentioned in that message must be at the same release. Once the system is stabilized, there should be a manual way to working around the uninstaller issue. The first thing I would try is what the message suggests, re-install. It may not be necessary to uninstall. Either run any full Cakewalk installer in your Downloads\Cakewalk folder or run the Cakewalk Installer from https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk Note: it is important that none of the folders used by the DAW are compressed. Sometimes Windows will silently compress folders if the drive is running low on space. Also make sure, if running Windows Defender, "Controlled folder access" is disabled. This can interfere with installation.
  7. MIDI CC follows the MIDI spec Parameter automation follows the VST2/3 specification.
  8. please stay on topic. Avoid making political statements in this thread thanks
  9. Maybe or maybe he meant exactly what he wrote I await the OP's return
  10. scook

    is it bug in cakewalk?

    Could it be due to the per-project Zero Controllers When Play Stops setting?
  11. web-based help is updated with every release. The pdf gets updated just not as often.
  12. May want to look at https://www.audiority.com/shop/tube-modulator/ Does much more than tremelo. Goes on sale around once a year.
  13. The thread is almost 2 years old. Since the OP, there is new Cakewalk Installer that does not rely on BA and CbB itself handles updates and reactivation BA is still needed to access BandLab loop content and activation of machines not connected to the internet but that is all.
  14. This is not very helpful. I find it hard to help people who engage this way.
  15. OK but you may want to search the error message on the internet. Also keep in mind the installer has successfully run for a lot of people on a variety of hardware configurations. Your two threads are the only reports I have read regarding this issue. The error is coming from Windows, not the installer. One post I found on the net suggested this might be caused by having "Controlled folder access" enabled in Windows Defender. If you are running Windows Defender, it might be worth investigating.
  16. If running CbB 2020.11 or newer use in-app activation If running an older verion of CbB update using the Cakewalk Installer near the bottom of this page
  17. If the plug-in is just a dll, it should go in a VST2 path. Dlls in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" are not scanned. Of course, there may be more to it than simply putting the file in the scan path but not knowing anything about the plug-in other than its extension makes it difficult to discuss.
  18. Sure, they have the code and the ability to do it, but it has been this way since its introduction. The knobs are visible when view is floated OR in the multidock.
  19. in-app updating was added in 2020.09 in-app activation was added in 2020.11 BandLab Assistant is still needed to activate machines not connected to the internet.
  20. For some time, the release announcements include a link to a rollback installer. Running the rollback installer reverts to the previous release.
  21. To suppress all startup messages by disable Show Project Load Notifications in Preferences > Customize > Display To suppress the inspirational messages only create an empty ProjectOpenNotification.txt file in "%APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\". This feature was added in 2018.09. Links for new features change, the current link for this feature is http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=NewFeatures.110.html
  22. There is no performance advantage using either synth or instrument tracks. The only difference between freezing an instrument track and freezing an audio+MIDI track pair is where the audio is written. Instrument tracks display MIDI when unfrozen and audio when frozen. Audio+MIDI track pairs always display MIDI in the MIDI track and audio in the audio track. The audio track is the target for freezing, synth audio recording and waveform preview. The last two features are unique to synth tracks. Instrument tracks cannot perform synth audio recording or waveform preview, however; it is possible to split instrument tracks to reveal the underlying audio and MIDI track. Also, an audio+MIDI track pair may be merged into an instrument track. The split and merge options are in the track header context menu.
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