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Posts posted by X-53mph

  1. On 10/3/2023 at 7:24 AM, Carl Ewing said:

    When - in any business, anywhere in the world, at any point in history, was it possible to find success by just putting **** somewhere and hoping people will find it? This is playing the 1 in a million lottery. There are SO many bitter businesses around that just expect people to find their amazing stuff, while doing really nothing at all to draw attention. 

    The quote from that film is "If you build it, he will come", not "they". People - and I mean almost an entire generation of business 'people', used that misquote as a life mantra. And the misquote was intentional. Changing one word meant  "omg, the message of this movie means I don't have to do **** except just make something. I just made a ceramic pot. I'll just leave it on this table and "they" will come buy it." The movie is about religious faith, not about selling albums on Bandcamp. 

    So. Yesterday, on October 2nd, how much time did you spend randomly searching for music you've never heard of, and stumble on something brand new that you liked by accident, and threw down cash to buy it? Zero time? Okay. Now multiply that by 8 billion people on the planet. This would be the equivalent of releasing a CD or Vinyl to 1000 stores back in the 80s and waiting for somebody to randomly find it  (among the 100,000 other albums), love it, buy it, hopefully spread the news. 

    This isn't a business strategy. Making money from music is business. The art is making the music. Selling music is no different than selling vacuum cleaners. 

    Also, there are ways to play this non-marketing "hope and pray" lottery game and make the odds better. That includes understand search engines, how to correctly tag / categorize / describe music for better ranking / results, knowing your audience and making sure those random accidents happen where that audience is. I do actually spend a lot of time randomly searching for music (there are a few of us around). It's amazing how little effort many artists put into making their music easy to find, or prioritizing platforms that don't cater to their genre.  For example - edm artists who just post to Soundcloud and not Beatport. 

    And on the Bandcamp subject. I still find it funny that Soundcloud has incredible technical infrastructure / UX (both front end & backend) for streaming globally, but terrible content & merch support , and Bandcamp has incredible content & merch support but terrible technical infrastructure / UX (both front end & backend). It's like both companies understand only one side of the business and can't figure out the other.  Just need to get these two companies in a room. 

    Thanks for the sweaty rant. I think most musicians get what you're saying, but I'm gonna flip this around.

    Let's say I have a budget of 1,000 bucks. To promote my music. How do I go about spending it? 

    Random influencers on TikTok?

    Facebook marketing?

    A medium sized poster on one subway wall?

    The reality is that if you are doing it yourself, no matter how much money you throw at marketing or advertising, your not going to get that money back in sales if you don't know where to put it. And that's the crux of the problem. 

    Musicians are 'artsy' people who just want to make something. You can find infinite courses on how to 'make' the stuff, mix it, engineer it etc.. but I'm yet to see a really effective course that explains how to market that stuff with guaranteed return. Why? Because if you're not connected, if you don't know the right people (or unless you are super super lucky), it just isn't gonna happen.

  2. Well, that's annoying.

    I have Acoustica Standard 7, but that doesn't give me the upgrade for free.

    Never mind. :(

    btw: Remix exists within Acoustics Standard under the Tools tab. It is integrated not stand alone.  I'd be interested to know if there is any difference between this version and the stand alone version.

  3. @kitekrazy it's fantastic that you've put this on-line for free. You never know,  you might get some work out of this :) Perhaps you should open a tip jar. I'm sure some good folk would pass on the support.

    I remember coming across a similar university project from Korea that sampled a ton of really obscure instruments (well, obscure for me), and I still use them regularly in my mixes as they add a bit of uniqueness to the mix. Completely free libraries sampled to perfection.

    I hope your Rhodes ends up being used in thousands of tracks so you can say, "hey, that's my baby!"

    BTW: I just downloaded via google drive without problems. Nice!

  4. 8 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

    The Windows install failure has been brought up by several people on the Meldaproduction forum, including me.

    Confirmed that it only "works" if you tell it to skip the clean-up. Which results in the previous versions you had installed staying in place, although the UI says that they are 16.08. That's probably due to the Meldaproduction core not being a part of the .vst3 files.

    It's a mess, and it's uncharacteristic of Melda to fail to address it within 24 hours. It's an installer, that ain't rocket science.

    That worked.

    Thanks 👍

  5. 7 hours ago, Esteban Villanova said:

    GOYO Voice Separator | De-noise, De-Reverb, De-Voice - All in One Plugin

    Impressive results. Very useful for recording vocals in untreated rooms. 


    Video demo looks great.

    I wish I had this 20 odd years ago. It would have made my life so much easier.

    Has anyone tried it in string instruments such as a guitar? I often find de noisers fail miserably there.

  6. 5 hours ago, User 905133 said:

    I had the 16.08 beta.  That worked.  On top of that I installed the released version of 16.08.  I only tested a few plug-ins, but they worked for me. I will look in the VST3 folder.  Sec.

    I just checked. Because of the issue reported, when I installed the released version of 16.08, I intentionally did not erase all previous versions.  So, my VST3 folder (and sub-folder) has all of the plug-ins from the date I installed the beta version of 16.08.

    Hope this helps.

    UPDATE: I tried it again. This time I did the quick check and then deleted the previous plug-ins (16.08 beta).  As a result my Melda *.dll and *.vst3 plug-ins were not installed.

    MORE: Upon reinstalling 16.08 Beta, the installer (quick check / delete) confirms that the M*.dlls and and M.*vst3s had not been installed. 

    I'm guessing from this that I probably need install the beta 16.08 before the proper release.

    I'll see if the beta installers are there.

    Nope. Just checked.

    I can see from the KVR Melda forum that others have had issues with this release.

  7. Anyone else have difficulty installing this update?

    I hadn't updated my melda fx in a while, but when I did the installation it just gave me an empty folder for 16.8

    I tried installing the previous build 16.7 and that worked just fine.

    Any ideas on why this might be?

    • Like 1
  8. I've downloaded it and will have a play when I get back from travelling. Demos sound great. Let's see if I can get that kind of sound from them ;)

    I wonder why Synful have decided to put it out there for free now? 

    Does anyone else get the feeling that many of these older developers are retiring and putting their babies out there for free? Or perhaps they don't have enough of a user base to warrant maintaining a website and payment portal. If you look at the forum, it's not very active, so I'm guessing they are on the tail end of the bell-curve.

    I'm certainly not complaining though. It's great to be able to use software that would have previously been outside of my price range, and  I wish all of them the best of luck with whatever they decide to do in the future.

    • Like 1
  9. I don't know if it's just down to rising cost of living, shrinking salaries or plugin saturation...I think the whole music scene is in a bit of a rut, and that has a knock on effect.

    I know musicians who have struggled to recover post pandemic. They are looking for new ways to make a living.  I see big names selling off their catalogues. I see new Spotify releases being churned out, multiplying faster than rabbits on heat. And I don't see any quality control. Audiences are being stretched thinly. Returns on investment are diminishing. It all contributes to more hesitation when pushing that PayPal button. 

    While the CEOs of tech companies take on god-like statuses (and salaries), they spit the crumbs to the creators.

    On a personal note. I've stopped hoarding worthless software as I just cannot justify it to myself anymore.

    A few months ago I was even considering selling off my guitars and music hardware. I just couldn't see a reason to keep churning out this stuff anymore.

    I've only just started writing again.... Nearly half a year since my last release.

    *Bad case of the Black Dog

  10. As someone who has only just got Scaler2 and has only tried it for an hour, it's great for generating chord progression ideas which you would not have come up with on your own. 

    For me, I'm stuck in a creative rutt at the moment. I put a lot of love into my last release, but I'm now looking for something new. I'm hoping scaler is going to help me there.

    • Like 3
  11. I don't know if this is only a temporary offer, but pluginboutique.com are giving 20% off for 1 Reward+ Token.

    If you have any rewards lingering about in your account, it give you a slightly better discount than the 16% off normally offered.

    Add to that any virtual cash, and you've got a pretty sweet deal.

    Now I've just got to learn how to use it.... :D

    • Like 4
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    • Great Idea 2
  12. 17 hours ago, kevin H said:

    I own bbc symphony orchestra pro.  For me the discounted price for new core version of bbcso piano is $74 and pro is $129.  

    The complete your bundle offers of bbcso to add the piano come out higher for some reason ($50 more than price I quoted above) so buying the piano at discount seems way to go.

    Free limited version of piano is free of course.

    I think you're getting yourself confused.

    This thread was about the fact that Spitfire Audio has added the piano to the BBC SO. Before this update there wasn't a piano. Now there is. That's all.

    If you own the BBC SO Pro, why would you want to buy the piano separately? Just update your Pro version using the Spitfire app. 

    And in all honesty, the piano is not that great. I've got 2 go-to pianos that I always use, and I cannot see BBC SO piano replacing either of them.

    Save your money for something else.

  13. Updated today.

    I deleted the .vst3 tag from the folder immediately and then opened CbB, did an immediate scan and, viola, all working fine. No issues this time around.

    Nice to have another piano.  Thanks Spitfire.

  14. On 6/24/2023 at 7:30 PM, Bajan Blue said:

    This week I loaded up the latest update - wasn't really straight forward and took a while, but now, for the first time in a very long time, it seems to work properly!

    Will be giving it a bit of a work out over the next few weeks - it would be great if it really does work properly now



    I've been using it without problems for quite a while now. There was an initial teething problem with the brand take over, but the updates  resolved these about 6 months ago. I haven't checked out the newest update. Hopefully it will be even better. 👍

    • Like 1
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  15. 14 hours ago, OutrageProductions said:

    I just recently sold all three of my old MOTU 896 FW interfaces on Ebay without a problem. 

    I can see how someone might want that MOTU. It's a beast.  However, I don't know if anyone would be interested in the FA-101, which was more of a mobile soundcard. 

    Prices on Reverb.com for a similar Edirol FA-66 go from 100-200 Euros (but that only means sh#t if someone actually buys it). While on Ebay I see the FA-101 listed for anything from 50 (for parts) to 200 Euros. But again, don't mean diddly if no-one buys it.

    Hell! I should just list it. :D

    • Great Idea 1
  16. Is there still a market in second-hand Firewire gear?

    I've got an old Edirol Fa101 which I cannot use anymore after upgrading to a new laptop, so I was thinking of selling it, but when I look on Ebay, no one seems to be buying them. It's a real shame because, in its day, it was a great piece of kit.

    Is there a place where old music gear is bought and sold which might suit this type of stuff better?

    Anyone know?

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