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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. I don't use it other than a cursory play with it out of curiosity but I think it's a great idea to make it easier for any of these App based music makers to transition into the DAW world, Keep them in the eco-system
  2. I agree it would be nice to have but whilst we are waiting for something that may never arrive I can recommend Bluecat's Patchwork plugin for doing just that and more. https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_PatchWork/
  3. I saw this on a post about Bitwig but I thought it was a great idea When selecting your input channel from the dropdown menu there is a little meter showing if there is any signal present. This is a great idea when you have multiple inputs so you can quickly find the right inputs. We should totally steal that one.
  4. I think it's a good idea , I would also like it to be able to do it from the very start of the project though so how would it handle the pre-roll if there was no prior music for it to play back An extended count-in ?
  5. It's actually a very decent song and your daughter is blessed with a really nice singing voice. I like it. Production is letting it down somewhat though, it needs a better arrangement, tighter playing and a better mix IMHO - I don't think the chorus effect on the guitar is helping, it makes it sound a bit dated but the song and singing style is modern so it's a bit of a clash of era's which can work well if done right but not so much here I feel. Much better than anything I could have managed at 15 though - the only way to get better is doing it more and practicing , there's obviously talent there that can be honed & polished over time. In regard to getting your mix to sound right on different speakers ( mix translation ) - the trick is to mix it on decent monitors in a treated room so you're only hearing what comes out the speakers and not room reflections etc which will cause you to make incorrect compensatory EQ moves that will then make the mix sound unbalanced on different speakers in a different room. Otherwise it's difficult for even the best mixers.
  6. Been away from the forum a few days and my thread has gone crazy 😃 So I think after reading all the back and forth that my preferred way to deal with it would be :- 1. Update the tooltip as there seems to be a consensus this would be helpful so it's clearer whether the user is engaging or bypassing the FX 2. Leave the way it functions but try to label it more clearly as the " FX Bypass " button rather than it just saying " FX " I think this would lead to less confusion without changing the way it operates. I suppose I could always put some masking tape on mine and write on it with a Sharpie.
  7. Can you not just pin the plugin windows you want to stay open ?
  8. Couple of things 1. The tooltip for the FX button states the same message regardless of the state. I think it should say " Enable All Audio Effects " when it's in bypass and " Bypass All Audio Effect" when it's enabled. 2. I also think the colour scheme is backwards. When the FX are engaged its' grey - when they are bypassed it's blue which doesn't make sense to me. I would rather have a positive indication that my FX are engaged and have it go grey when they are in bypass which would follow the logic of the rest of the toolbar. Now I understand where you're coming from as I'm sure the idea is that this an FX "Bypass" button so it lights up when in bypass - However it isn't labelled as a bypass button either ! So to my mind it's either labelled wrong or it's backwards. An easy fix technically but a more difficult thing as everyone is used to it being backwards. 😃 You could have another colour for when it's engaged, say green and keep the blue for disengaged , there is a precedent for having green as it's used for the solo button. Thoughts ?
  9. What about if you just install the demo - will it stop nagging you then ?
  10. Setting loop points in Cakewalk is pretty fast and simple Click - Drag - Shift+L https://gifyu.com/image/STuej
  11. Clearly those are built for folks who can't play the same thing twice over - We Cakewalkers must have superior muscle memory 😃
  12. Hey CClarry I bought this last week on offer, how the heck do you configure it correctly for Cakewalk ? - there is no setup guide specifically for Cakewalk and nothing I have tried seems to work.
  13. Seems like a pretty niche/obscure issue - have you tried all the other DAWs ? How does Reaper handle it ?
  14. I completely agree, I'm sure at some point in the distant past this neverused to be the case but it's one of the most annoying things in Cakewalk and I see no benefit to it
  15. I'm currently writing some tracks for a Crime Drama show - in this part of the business everything is on spec so you write them to the brief and if the publisher likes them , you sign them over ( Gratis - Free of charge ) and hope they get used. If they get used, you get something in a year two in your royalty statement. I say do whatever makes you happy but don't expect to make any money - This quarter I got paid for a track in something that was watched on Youtube 34 million times and got £5 - I have no idea what it was !
  16. Sounds really well done - works well on all my speakers - NIce use of sidechaining. Good mix, cool song. 🙂
  17. Indeed ! The Eko was rescued from a skip believe it or not in the early 90's by my Sister, she never played it and so I adopted it and learned to play. I've owned other guitars over the years but for some reason I just prefer playing the Eko, it's easy to play and sounds good. I bet yours is in much better nick , mine is bumped, battered and covered in dints and nicks through being taken to different places. But I wouldn't have it any other way, it's a been a trusty companion and I kinda like that it has many battle scars ! Your room reminds me of the studio at my friends house, it looks like a modern build. He lived in a 3 story house with the spare bedroom on the 3rd floor - I couldn't mix in it - when I used to go there I'd sit in his mix seat and all I would hear was the reflections. I think those types of rooms take even more work to sound good than my garage.
  18. I don't remember what the default setting was but if you click the little spanner icon to access the Orchestra settings and go to controller, I have " Accept standard controllers for Volume (#7) and Pan (#10)" unticked also.
  19. It sounds like you may have another Vsti in the project which is sending out CC data and because you have the midi in set to Omni mode , this data is being read by The Orchestra.
  20. Me neither ! Although for some they have no choice.
  21. Yes, many thanks for this Jerry. A completely different approach to any I have seen previously, I can understand now how you get so much expression. Next time I need to write some strings I'll try this approach for sure.
  22. Interesting Jerry thanks, it's rare to find someone expert in all this that uses Cakewalk too. I'd be interested to know your thoughts on the best way to switch articulations ? I see some folks using key switches, yet others insert a new instrument per articulation and manually place the notes on the relevant midi track. I guess now there are folks who use the articulation lane now too but I've yet to try that. I sometimes need to add strings parts to a piece so I bought a dedicated controller with 2 x programmable CC faders. I set one to modulation and the other to expression. I try to use them with my left hand playing the part with my right ( as per a Youtube tutorial by Marc Jovani ) and whilst it generates a lot of CC events they don't seem particularly easy to manipulate/edit on the PRV in Cakewalk compared to using the draw tool on an automation lane within the track view instead.
  23. Great work , impressive use of orchestration - it's not easy to get these orchestral sample libraries to sound realistic, you must have bee working overtime with the expression controllers and articulations ? If I have one slight nitpick those cymbals at the start sound too loud to me , they kinda jump out of the mix like the guy playing them is stood right next to the conductor. Out of interest which orchestral libraries do you use ? There's so many of them to choose from these days. Could totally hear it used against planetarium type footage but last I heard NASA had a deal with Killer Trax ( part of Universal ) for their production music. I remember reading about it somewhere a few years ago but they are notoriously difficult to get accepted into as a writer. A lot of these big corporate entities like NASA won't be inclined to do direct licensing deals with individuals because they need everything locked down and pre-cleared to indemnify themselves as far as the license goes and possibly mixed / mastered in some sort of immersive format for replay in a venue like a planetarium . Also If you write for one of the bigger publishers like Universal or Warner Chappel they will usually take your mock up and re-record some or all of it with an actual orchestra and do their own mix & master so it sounds as good as it possibly can. Really impressive though, I hope you can get as many sets of ears on it as possible - I'm sure some of the production music houses would be open to listening to your work.
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