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Everything posted by Sheens

  1. friend at Sweetwater said 1 customer in California yesterday bought 37(!!!) bass guitars...plus 1446 software plugins.
  2. Folks, Steve is just showing off his Native Instruments plugin manager, that installed, opens en he can login to ! Not related to his prob. but I think NI struggle badly with software/coding (possibly on Win/Mac updates). Feelin' your pain / hangin' there !
  3. No need for that anymore, world outside total darkness nowadays (I heard)
  4. Hey Pragi, sent you a PM. Sorry, just now thinking I would need Rig 5 or 6 PRO maybe....or any version that has the Plexi (Marshall) amp (with the 2 seperate drive knobs)...
  5. I don't want to buy Guitar Rig 7 (can't install it on my Windows 7 computer). So hoping someone doesn't use his/her Rig 5 or 6...any version that's got the Plexi/Marshall with 2 seperate drive knobs....would sell it to me. With the NI product manager, you could deactivate your Rig and get a tranfer code. With the code, I could then download and activate it. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/my-account/license-transfer/?_ga=2.186341673.127553744.1697119295-1581031286.1697119295
  6. Ok Michael Douglas, no idea why you post an old pic of your twin sister. You know the deal....no banana pie = getting this face all day
  7. it's just holding a solder iron still a few times..plus operating a Philips screwdriver. yes $250 for Gene to pretend installing the pickup. (you wanted the best...you got the best!)
  8. Put a new in my beater hotrodded Harley Benton (DC custom) . Nothing cheap on it / sounds 100% like other PAF style ones I have. The guitar came new from a Thomann sale for 119 Eur incl shipping. I'd say made in (ESP) Ltd factory. Grover tuners , Wilkinson Korea pu's, which alone cost more than I paid for the guitar. Also had a SC custom, which I'd bet is again just a LTD Les Paul. Apart from Harley Benton's custom line, their guitars are very meh or worse imo (SC450, SC400 + student series). But their DC & SC custom are proper guitars, feel well built/guality materials/parts (do need a setup job). Anyone wants to try the 2.89$ pickup : https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803850900190.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.29.52b279d2K5PJnX&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt
  9. looking at this awesome looking eq,. MASTERING compressor for only $ 399 ! hope they ship to my country....can't wait to turn them stepped knobs and see the lights at night. draggin' this over to Deals forum now..
  10. when I came home, checked options for a musical eq. or a transparant compressor maybe. testing how transparant they sound on these oh, happy weekend all
  11. the opposite of right indeed is left, but nobody can have 2 opposite hands (as there is no opposite for hand -> examples of opposites are dark/light, wet/dry, liveband/KISS). could live with describing left/right hands as sort of mirrored versions of eachother, though.
  12. in Chimp community number of divorses is growing. more and more males tell their 'loved ones' to f&*^*off they then rather now and then do a DIY job, instead dealing with the lady every day.
  13. been looking for combo like yours (hoping for a 1982 model 4104, 50w 2x12) just wondering if these things sound ok on normal-volume, or you need to crank it ? (for the speakers to sound good)
  14. I have no other comments than below 1.guy in David Lee Roth´s band played chopped guitar 2.the Swing Sultans MTV
  15. regret taking wax out of PAF pickup, got too bright, nasty high freq sizzle. now put in Filtertron lookalike. hearing some grunt/oink (think: Jazz bass bridge pickup).
  16. regret a new (not cheap) Keeley Compressor Pro, way too much NOISE (maybe I got a bad 1).
  17. when I found an audio amp exactly like I had as teenager, bought it but.. it wasn't MY amp I had....so that didn't work for me.. gave my dad's approx 1980 Ibanez western guitar back to him + gave his Sansui amp and Sony record player to my brother. they were my dad's and awesome pieces but dunno if I want to be remembered every day my dad's gone. probably not as it makes me sad always.
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