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John Maar

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Everything posted by John Maar

  1. A bit convoluted, but it worked. I purchased InstaChord from Plugin Boutique, so I had to buy the IC2 upgrade from them and was immediately issued a serial number. Clicking on the PB download button bounced me to the W.A. Productions page for IC2. But...I had to register the serial number with them first before the download link appeared on the product page...which I had to go searching for after being on the product registration page. Sheesh. Anyway, downloaded. Installing now.
  2. I'm just starting the Unify journey through the looking glass, but the more I see and read, the more I think it was $79 well spent. Spitfire LABS and Heavyocity Foundations are really the only two free instruments I use. During my 70 years on this dirt ball, I've discovered that there really is no free lunch. But there's nothing wrong with not wanting to pay more than necessary for that lunch. And I'm especially happy if my money goes directly to the farmer/developer.
  3. You are correct that two instances of Epic Choir are required, since the choir type (long ahhs or short staccato syllables) is a preset, and changing presets cannot be done via a MIDI keyswitch. It may be possible to drive both instances of Epic Choir with the same MIDI track and use volume automation (ON or OFF vs. OFF or ON) to define which of the two instances will deliver audio out.
  4. Unify purchased and installed, along with the presets for all of the 3rd party instruments that I own. Playing with it will have to wait until tomorrow morning. Time for a walk along the ocean with my 3 puppers and then watch the England vs. Sweden semifinal in the Women's 2022 Euros at 21h00. France vs. Germany semifinal tomorrow night! Go Blues! EDIT: The online manual has been updated for v1.8. Unify v1.8 Online Manual
  5. I'm staying as far away as possible from crypto and day trading. And the casino just down the street. I worked too hard for my money.
  6. Unify bought and paid for. Downloading now. Getting closer!
  7. My French bank (CIC) is great. I have US$ and EU€ accounts. I transfer my pensions that are direct deposited to my U.S. bank to my CIC dollar account, only paying the $40 wire transfer fee (I aggregate a few months income, so the $40 is very small compared to the size of the transfer). CIC converts dollars to euros at the current full rate, only charging me a couple of euros for the transaction. I wind up with way more euros than if I used Chase or PayPal or one of the currency transfer websites like OFX.
  8. I just noticed this update today (I was on 7.4.1). You can download from: Acon Digital downloads Change Log for v7.4 Acoustica 7.4.7 * Fixed: Buffer size setting in audio device settings does not have any effect. * Fixed: DeClick:Dialogue filter band positions incorrect after sample rate change. * Added: Added spectral centroid feature to detection in DeClick:Dialogue * Improved: Increased spectral smoothing in DeClick:Dialogue * Improved: Reduced latency in DeClick:Dialogue * Updated: Included version 1.2 of Extract:Dialogue * Fixed: Remix preview in ARA plug-in only plays once * Fixed: Processing with time/frequency selections has a slight time offset. * Fixed: Random crashes when zooming in very closely on clip with anchors * Fixed: Vertical axis is not placed correctly in Fade tool * Fixed: Changing focused item in caption list incorrectly sets keyboard focus to caption text editor. * Fixed: Bypass in Multiband Dynamics doesn't work when soloing bands * Fixed: DeClick and DeClick:Dialogue incorrectly detect clicks at beginning of processed signal * Fixed: Colours in SRT export should not include alpha channel according to standard. * Added: Support for scrolling with Apple's Magic Mouse * Fixed: Playback Scroll Mode has no effect in the ARA plug-in * Fixed: DeNoise 2 doesn't always work when chains are loaded in batch processor. * Fixed: Invalid cursor position requested when pressing play in Acoustica ARA plug-in without content. Acoustica 7.4.1 * Fixed: Export to SubRip (SRT) files doesn't always work with overlapping captions. * Fixed (plug-ins): Incorrect latency reported by several plug-ins when using specific block lengths. * Fixed QC-914: Using "Save As..." in Acoustica ARA crashes host
  9. I'm still in the process of acquiring Unify, but one feature mentioned in the videos and reviews that I've checked is that I can route different MIDI channels to different VSTs in Unify. If that means what I think it means, that I can route different MIDI streams to different VSTs, then that eliminates my biggest concern (that all VSTs have to play the same MIDI stream). For a comparison, consider how Band In A Box lets you mute various instruments with .dot commands and pushes in the chord chart. For example, drums first, then bring in the bass, then the guitar and finally the backing instruments. In Unify, I might want to feed the Choir different MIDI than the strings or wind instruments or a synth like Pigments or Chromaphone.
  10. A PayPal account is linked to a bank account. I couldn't find any way to link two different banks (one in the U.S. and one in France) to one account. Also, you can only have one PayPal account per email address. Good thing I regularly use two different email accounts. It may be possible to have a PayPal account that is not linked to a bank account, but only to credit/debit cards, but I didn't try that. I am open to suggestions from someone more knowledgeable/experienced with PayPal than I am. I would love to be able to consolidate the two accounts.
  11. OK, after buying and installing Epic Choir, I bought Epic Strings (installed), Epic Brass & Woodwinds (installed) and Intimate Strings (downloading and installing now). I tried to purchase Unify, but it didn't switch to € from $ after I updated my address to France. Plugin Guru still wants $. I have two PayPal accounts, one for euros for my French bank and one for dollars for my U.S. bank. Plugin Guru's payment page insists on loading the euro PayPal account. Phooey. I'll have to try again and see if one of my old U.S. credit cards still works.
  12. Will do. My very first impression? Dang, this cost me a lot of money. No, not for the library, but now I feel the need to add Unify and the Originals Epic Strings, Epic Brass & Woodwinds and Intimate Strings libraries. I already have the Cimbalom and Mrs Mills Piano libraries. Should I take the red pill or the blue one? 😋 I use Gig Performer in the studio for patching together different libraries. I'm interested to see what Unify adds to the mix. Unify also supports Chromophone 3, Sektor and Pigments, so I'll be going down a rabbit hole for awhile.
  13. Sounds excellent. Purchased. Downloading now.
  14. Thanks for the video, but dayam, we lost another great one. Did not know that he'd crossed the rainbow bridge. He worked with some great artists. 😢He retired just down the road from my winter place. Two of my favorite golf courses were in Fountain Hills.
  15. Give me a farting break. Steven Slate (may he never rest in peace) did a better April Fool's version. I can't find the video on YouTube any more. Does anyone have the link?
  16. CHANGES General A splash screen is shown at startup of the standalone (to earlier show that something is happening). In a DAW, the same image is shown in the plug-in window the first time it is opened in a session (while the normal interface is being prepared to be shown). Song Track In the tempo editor, it is now possible to multi-select nodes with cmd-click on Mac and ctrl-click on Windows as well as with shift-click. Mixer Tab Channels can now be moved and rearranged. It is now possible to mute or solo a range of channels without first selecting the channels: press the mouse on a mute or solo button and drag over the other channels. E-Drums Added EFNOTE presets. BUG FIXES General On Windows, the VST 3 can now correctly be scaled by hosts in HiDPI mode and dragging (for example to the song track) should now work without any offsets. On Windows, “Reset to Default Size and Scale” in the View menu did not always work as intended. On Windows, if the host window was minimized and unminimized, the external windows (detached tabs) could in some cases pop up again, be blank and refuse to be closed. If two notes with the same key overlap, the note off from the first note is no longer played, so that not both notes are stopped. Song Track Adding a new song track did not use the tempo and time signature of the current track. Edit Play Style Various fixes for editing percussion instruments with Future Hit capabilities. Song Creator Right-clicking a block on the song track and selecting “Use with Song Creator” would always search with the whole original block even if it had been resized or edited in other ways. Search for Instrument The preview sounds were not always correctly pitched. Previewing hi-hats from another library could cause a crash. Grid Editor Certain grid editor changes were not preserved when a project was saved and loaded if changes had been made in Edit Play Style earlier. Various fixes and improvements for editing percussion instruments with Future Hit capabilities. Drums Tab In the velocity curve editor, it was possible to add nodes to the right of the rightmost node, resulting in invalid velocity curves. Mixer Tab It should no longer crash if you select multiple mixer channels and disable or enable effects when some channel has no effect in the affected horizontal line of effect slots. It would sometimes crash when an effect was removed and the slot above was empty. Selecting both a mic and a bus channel strip in the mixer could potentially cause a crash. E-Drums User changes to any mapping that was green in an e-drum preset (i.e., specified in the factory preset) were not saved in projects. Fixes to cymbal choking in Pearl Mimic Pro, Alesis Strike and Alesis Strike Pro presets. Standalone On Windows, the “Adjust Scale” dialog (shown when the main window was dragged to a display with a different scale) had several graphical issues that have been fixed.
  17. Not waiting at all. Major version updates too often. Analog Lab does 99% of what I need, so I've avoided the Waves WUP-like updating of the V collection.
  18. If you spelled Placentia "Placenta" on purpose, that's funny right there. If not, oops, but still funny, especially if you got the clap during what resulted in a placenta later.
  19. Nice looking sixer. I had a G&L ASAT Classic Tribute that I sold when I moved. I kept the Ascari GTS HB3 Tribute because it's a beautiful guitar, has a 3rd humbucker (GC/MF exclusive), it's Irish Ale Red (not easy to find), was really well made, and G&L stopped making the Ascari GTS in any form. The ASAT Tribute was a good guitar, but the fret ends were a mess, some very sharp ones. Here's my Ascari.
  20. There's nothin' he can do that can't be done Nothin' he can sing that can't be sung Nothin' he can say, but you can learn how to play the game It's easy Nothin' he can make that can't be made No one he can save that can't be saved Nothin' he can do, but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy All you need is cash All you need is cash All you need is cash, cash Cash is all you need
  21. @AndyB01 You might want to check out 41 Fingers channel on YouTube. He has a lot of videos that use Scaler. I've found them interesting and helpful. 41 Fingers YT Channel Here's one of his shorter videos that he made for the Scaler 2.5 update.
  22. I didn't like the UI, so more like "it felt old". It just didn't spark anything creative. I admit being tough on UIs. One of my extra (as in "extra work; no extra money") responsibilities at Motorola was working with the UI committee, trying to ensure that Moto UIs were consistent across an international set of requirements (left-to-right, right-to-left, ASCII-based or graphic-based characters; color schemes, etc.). Another example. Reaper is a great DAW at a great price. I have a license for it through v7, having purchased a replacement after my v4/v5 license needed updating after v6 was released. I just can't stand the UI. I quite like Studio One's UI, so that's what I use. UIs are hard, hard work. Look at what Cakewalk went through evolving into SONAR with the Skylight UI. Updating their UI was necessary, but look at how much work was required and how many stability issues had to be overcome. I didn't get into SONAR until Platinum, so missed all of X1, X2 and X3, but I still remember the forum discussions around those versions.
  23. I am not feeing any "schadenfreude" (pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune), but I am feeling that this is just another reason for me never to buy another lottery ticket. I've already used up all of my Lucky Charms.
  24. I picked up the bundle a few years ago for a really good price. I'd bought a couple of individual plugin licenses for $29, and they wound up getting me a nice discount on the discounted bundle price during a sale. I just checked my Soundtoys email folder. I paid $65 for the upgrade to the bundle in 2018. I'm hoping v6 is close to reality and that it will include something new. These are great FX plugins. EDIT: I had six of the bundle to qualify for that upgrade price. I paid $29 each for three of them, and nothing for the other three. I think a couple came bundled with my PreSonus audio interface. Not sure where the Little Alter Boy freebie came from. So, I paid $152 total for the bundle. Not bad.
  25. I should add that we do have spot sales from time to time. I just went to the French site for Thomann to check the availability of the Focal Shape 65 monitors I want for my studio when I get into my new apartment in September. Surprise! They were on a special this week. 666 € each instead of over 900 €! Bought two. They'll stay in their boxes until I move. So, sales on something I want are possible here. But this was just blind luck, not a holiday.
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