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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Is it just me, or does Kanye looks like he's going through a rough patch?
  2. By all accounts, he's quite the rake himself.
  3. Fleer, I know you are a zynaptiq guy. I've often puzzled about putting z. intensity and this gullfoss both on the master bus. I wonder if gullfoss would take away what intensity adds Any thoughts?
  4. I now officially live through you. No pressure!!! Seriously, congrats!
  5. Good way to burn your cankles.
  6. Fwiw this is why I investigated SD3, and I never looked back. Still loved the workflow in AD2.
  7. PhonoBrainer

    Gone again!

    Best of luck Larry, and watch out, 2020 is a baaad dude. Like Cornpop!
  8. Did you ask if those unused power amps "sparked joy" ?
  9. I think you have all the elements here and I like Country and Western and Southern Fried Rawk and Blues and . . . if this were my mix I 'd kick the main vocal up at least a db and tuck the acoustic guitars underneath it. Maybe a touch more reverb or delay on the lead violin. The slide guitar and the guitars are great adds, and the drums/bass are solid and know their place. is it "past rushes" or "pass rushes" ?? Very well done! cheers, -Tom
  10. Something in the Water +1!!! Dig the groove. Good luck on your project. I'm on a song every six months for the duration! cheers, -Tom
  11. Have you all gone mad??? Why is this post even in here ???? HERESY !!!
  12. A lot of people are saying that.
  13. Bad Karma! If you loot in a fire evacuated neighborhood, you deserve to get burned.
  14. THAT'S why you're the King, and we're all just Oompa Loompas!
  15. It's our fault for not vacuuming the forest floor as well as those socialist Finns.
  16. I feel like the sanctity of the Deals forum is being violated by Coffee Haus punnery. It's like farting in church. Or so I'm told.
  17. For me, Kaleidoscope is cheaper. Empirical, incontrovertible fact.
  18. Modest Mouse is a band that should be. Very.
  19. I'm just impressed by your use of "antipodes" . . . as in, how they handled the virus, the mass shootings, and health coverage for their citizens. . . . I'll get me coat.
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