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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. I love the concept but the more I want to say "ooooooh!" I end up saying "Aaaaaaaaaahhhh" no. It's just not flexible enough for what they are charging, in my useless opinion.
  2. Knopfler's guitar solos at the end of Dire Straits' "Telegraph Road" and "It Never Rains" come to mind . . .
  3. Fyi it appears to be the digital version only.
  4. I read this as "McCartney ill" and was checking in to see if the Walrus was doing poorly. Assuming we can really know who wrote what in that excellent team, I would disagree respectfully, I think you don't have enough Lennon-only songs to stack up against Blackbird, Hey Jude, Yesterday, Let it Be, the Long and Winding Road, Eleanor Rigby, And I Love Her, I Saw Her Standing There, Eight Days a Week, I'll Follow the Sun, Drive My Car, Fool on the Hill, Back in the USSR, When I'm 64, a ton of the Sgt Pepper and Abbey Road ones, Penny Lane, and even some Wings songs like Let 'em In and that James Bond one. Michelle is I think brilliant from the standpoint of arrangement and chord structure, and it might be 20th on the list. You could maybe say that Lennon rocked a little harder and was less mindful of pop or jazz than Paul was. Here's a nice list: https://www.google.com/amp/s/faroutmagazine.co.uk/paul-mccartney-beatles-every-song-hes-written-playlist/amp/ Now who wants to talk Federer, Nadal, or Djokovic?
  5. To post these criticism puns takes a lot of gill. Unmitigated gill.
  6. So Lars put up a bongos deal in Deals, and I diligently searched alternatives. Sort of like "The King's Microphones" only not.
  7. 1. Sounds great 2. I use it a lot 3. The developers seem very nice 4. There is a major hang-up trying to get it to consistently export the midi so you can edit in the DAW. Some days it will, some days it won't. This is a royal pain in the yarbles. 5. From a GUI color scheme standpoint, it's one of the best of all time! 6. In Kontakt you have to scroll up and down a lot because there is too much Drumvolution real estate for the Kontakt window to accommodate. Again, yarbles. It comes down to the sound, and for a fun electronic drum palette, it just sounds amazing. A bit like a wonderful old car that you love but you can't start it unless you pound on a specific spot on the dashboard.
  8. I find the concept of this post offensive, and I think it should be deleted.
  9. Very relaxing, a cool shanty for a cold Winter morning. thanks! -Tom
  10. Just great. thanks for making it 1986 again, when I frequently sampled the likes of Fattburger, Hiroshima, and Spyro Gyra at the San Diego venue "Humphrey's by the Bay" . . killer mix and great guitar throughout, what a great listen! cheers, -Tom
  11. The song is nice and simple and heartfelt. Panning is great across the field. I'm wondering what that tiny little soft snare hit is adding? I think you could get rid of it. those people with younger ears could tell us what that harmonica is doing above 13kHz - my guess is, it's a bit strong up there, but it's just a guess because I cain't hear dat no more. nice one! cheers, -Tom
  12. I've analyzed the negotiated terms of fishing rights between the UK and the various EU fishing fleets, and determined the loser . . . . . . it's the fish.
  13. I highly recommend the fretless bass and the duduk. And if you own a business and buy before the end of the year, your purchase might come with a nice tax duduktion.
  14. Best purchase was the Garritan Yamaha Abbey Road CFX piano for 159. All other pianos have been sent to a lovely farm upstate. (Except for Pianoteq, which we left on a hillside to die of exposure) . . . and a happy New Year to the Deals forum!
  15. Some nicely extended range for your primal screams . . .
  16. Please say hello to Seigfried, Tristan, James, and Helen for me! The Dales is on my bucket list . . . enjoy!
  17. I'm sure this is pretty great! But I see another mystery bundle every time I open up my Samples drive.
  18. Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to all you good people wherever you are. May your corner of the global neighborhood remain healthy and prosperous in 2021!
  19. Thanks, hey Russ how far did van Buren get into mixing, specific plug-in settings and chains, technical eq stuff? Appreciate your take on that . . .
  20. PhonoBrainer

    Free Flight

    That was super. Very tasteful, and the fact that the (excellent) drummer is making guitarist faces is an added bonus in the emotion department! Lots of talent in the Southern Hemisphere!!! cheers, -Tom
  21. I haven't heard any other songs like this today. Or yesterday, last week, or ever. Kudos on the mix clarity, and 100% recommend listening on headphones! cheers, -Tom
  22. Download intensity trial. Put it on the master bus. Select the preset "a little magic". Dial down the world wheel on the left from .20 to .16. Then consider increasing the wet/dry mix slider on the left just a hair, from 50% to 52%. Ask a doctor if Zynaptiq is right for you. Side effects include varicose veins, lycanthropy, mild discomfort, rickets, severe discomfort, diabeetus, gender permanence, receding hairline, scoliosis, halitosis, sharks, outgrown toenails, the quartering of troops, dizziness, and Dizzy Gillespie Face.
  23. Well it's just a collection of inconvenienced electrons, actual weight equalling a unmeasurable nothing, so . . . how much is that in gold again? 😳
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