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Everything posted by Billy86

  1. I saw in a video for another DAW the ability to reverse a clip with a mouse click to two. In this case it was a cymbal crash; reversing it turns it into a smooth swell. Is there such a function in CbB? Thanks.
  2. Guess I should pay more attention to myself! 🙃
  3. I seem to be able to punch in MIDI pretty well using Sound On Sound setting. In my experience, you can punch in a hair early if that’s the issue. May have to tweak slightly in PRV.
  4. Would love to know how you accomplished it. Thanks!
  5. Thanks everyone! This was all great information. The snap values and (tiny) drawing at for "up" and "down" fixed my issue. I think I have it figured out! I've never used the event viewer, so that's all new territory...
  6. I'm trying to draw in with the draw tool Sustain Pedal down information in Measure 35. I don't want it in Measure 36. I click/drag to the end of the measure 35, then release. But the draw doesn't stop there, It draws in on its own in ALL the subsequent bars. Thinking maybe the Pedal down CC stays "on" until I turn it off, but I can't figure out how to do that in PRV. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
  7. Gotcha. And, for sure, everybody has their own way of working...
  8. This Impulse loader looks pretty nice from 3Sigma Audio. Includes 3 cabs. $20.
  9. Trying to understand... Re: "This only happens if one chooses to float views while using one monitor." Confused. I'm floating plugins on two monitors at the same time, not one. This is when the plugs on the second monitor duck behind the multidock I have open there with the Console View. "Leave the views in the multidock and dock the multidock." But, if I understand, you can then only have one thing opened in the multidock at a time. So, if I click on a docked plugin's tab, the Console disappears, until I click back to the Console tab? "The views may be resized, even maximized and the plug-ins will float on top of the views. Could you please explain what you mean by "views"? The clickable views tabbed in the multidock? Thanks.
  10. I hadn't seen these. Great stuff, thanks! So... the procedure for using IRs... do you put it first in an FX chain and then, say, an amp emulation, like Amplitube for example? I have Amplitube 5 and there is the ability to load in IRs. Strangely, I can't find a "how to use" on the 3 Sigma Audio website, which sells all sorts of them. https://www.3sigmaaudio.com/
  11. Can someone point me to a primer on IRs? From some vids I’ve seen, is it essentially capturing the sonic EQ signature of a given mic-captured instrument, then matching that to another signal (in this case a DI-recorded acoustic) like Izotpope’s EQ Match? Would really like to understand the concept an how to apply it b/c capturing a really nice sounding acoustic has eluded me in my little setup. And you need to pair the IR with a cabinet? With an amp/cab emulation? Thanks.
  12. Unless, in my experience, they’re on a second monitor, where they disappear behind, in my case, the console I have open there, when I open a second plug-in. If you don’t reopen them once they duck behind, they’ll keep piling up out of sight. They will all stay open if they’re all on the one monitor. This has been discussed on the board, but if there’s a fix, I’m unaware of it.
  13. Thanks for the thought. There are a lot of sustain pedal up/down, so I think that's probably it. If I'm reading the PRV 64-Pedal controller correctly, 127 is pedal down, and 0 is pedal up. I converted it to an envelope, and that's what I'm seeing a lot of.
  14. Sending up a flare to the MIDI gurus... Playing a song with an audio track and with Midi triggering a Kontakt piano. When I stop the transport, the last notes ring on and on, slowly fading, but never completely stopping. I have to hit the reset MIDI and Audio button in the control bar to stop it. Doesn't happen every time, but it's the rule more the exception. I've tried checking/unchecking a few boxes in the Preferences/Project Midi... [including "Zero Controllers When Play Stops" and "MIDI Event Chase on Play" ] but nothing seems to help. Any ideas? Thank you!
  15. Here is another site with a ton of free Midi files. https://www.midiworld.com
  16. Make sure the new file path is in the paths the VST scanner scans to load it in.
  17. Glad it worked out. Will run through this later as well. Maybe mark your posting as Solved? Might help someone else who hits this issue?
  18. I emailed Waves Support as well, and was pleasantly surprised by the quick response of a couple of hours. Here's the reply. <<Let's first try refreshing the Windows redistributables. Redistributables are components of code which among other things, are also responsible for many functions of Waves plugins. Please follow these next steps: Quit all applications. Make sure all the latest windows updates are installed. Go to C:\Program Files\Waves Central\resources\res\external\Redistributables. Now, go through each folder and run all the Application files, one by one ( Let me know if you're getting any errors). Select the 'Repair' option to repair all of them. If prompted to restart, you can skip that until you finish all the files. See if you can load the plugins.>> I haven't had time to try this, so can't say if it fixes it or not.
  19. Just hit the same issue. I installed and activated some V12 plugins on a second computer (got a second license with some recent updates of owned plugs). Latest install of CbB. During the scan for the new plugs, I got: The following plug-in caused an error during load: WaveShetll1-VST3 12.7_x64 and WaveShetll1-VST 12.7_x64. Pop up suggested I disable them so the system doesn't become unstable. Did that. Also got a separate toast error notification during the attempted install... Error: [WaveShell7-VST 10.0_x64] Main Call. Looking for some help as well. Thanks!
  20. Was back at my computer, and I couldn't replicate this behavior. Everything seems to be fine now. Not sure why, but if it acts up again like this, I'll capture it on screen to show what it's doing.
  21. Will check this out when back at my computer. Thanks.
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