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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. That wasn't what I was expecting.
  2. Welcome to the forum. Since this thread is 4 years old it might be better to start your own thread with more info than "my car won't start". Do you have a control surface? Do you have a MIDI keyboard? What is your audio interface or sound card? More information will help us help you. 😉
  3. 57Gregy

    Not smooth preview

    Welcome to the forum. What audio interface is it?
  4. As in complaints? Chuck Berry doing a gig from Lompoc FCI.
  5. I remember the show when the Beatles debuted Hey Jude. We were back stateside after 3 years in Germany with no TV and just before we left for another 3 years in Germany with no TV. Those guys were hilarious no matter what the subject. RIB Tom.
  6. I would check that SONAR, Solo and Guitar Rig are all set to the same sampling rate. Are you using GT as a plug-in in SONAR or in standalone mode (if that is possible)? It looks like both GT and SONAR are trying to access the Solo's driver at the same time.
  7. Welcome to the forum. If you Bounce to Tracks all the quantized tracks to 1 stereo track, is that track correct?
  8. About 18 years ago this came up in the Cakewalk Music Creator forum. I investigated my MC 2003 disc and found that you can (could) find the serial number on the disc. Explore it; you might get lucky.
  9. I saw something similar here in Raleigh a few nights ago. Here, they are lights on the boom of a tall construction crane. Seeing as you are in Oregon, it must be aliens.
  10. Route the tracks that have volume automation to a sub-bus and route that sub-bus to the master bus. Then you can adjust the overall volume of the automated tracks together using the volume slider of the sub-bus.
  11. Duct tape. And a hack saw.
  12. I was watching World War Z the other day. SPOILER ALERT! I thought 'how unbelievable that the only 2 uninfected people who survived the plane crash were the 2 who were looking for a cure.' I mean really. Do they think we're dummies?
  13. 57Gregy

    Groove Clip Looping

    Selecting Groove Looping on a MIDI clip will turn it on or off, depending on whether it's on or off. When it "jumps back", that sounds like you're turning it off and the clip returns to its original non-grooved state. A Groove Clip will have all 4 corners beveled. Welcome to the forum.
  14. Loop Recording will record on the next track, muting the previous track. Then you will have several tracks from which to select the best one and delete the rest. All will play once recording is stopped and you play back the project, though. Kinda like Take Lanes, but I like Loop Recording better.
  15. Yes. From the REM song "What's the Frequency, Kenneth? Which is from a story Dan Rather related about being on an elevator and some guy got on and yelled at him, "What's the frequency, Kenneth!?"
  16. We had this when I was a kid. Dad was a fan of westerns.
  17. Got it! "I need a couple of days off because my grandma is in the hospital". 😁
  18. If you are using an amp sim effect, or any other effect on any audio track, you need to have Input Echo on in order to hear the effect while recording.
  19. Or, some 15-year-old boy did think it through.
  20. That should read, "Steinberg doesn't allow two different ASIO drivers at the same time". Try the other available drivers. Welcome to the forum.
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