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Everything posted by daveiv

  1. Can't see what is unique about BioTek. It's several normie synths stacked together.
  2. Burning optical discs (DVD, Blu-ray, CD) is a good way to backup. They last long, and they can't be erased by ransomware attacks.
  3. I can't demo any synth now. Demo tracks and videos of BioTek failed to inspire me. I'm keeping my 24 bucks.
  4. My first-hand experience with Linux audio: OS: Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Debian DAW: Ardour / Mixbus / Reaper / Waveform DAW (WINE): Mixcraft, FL Studio VI (Native): Surge / Vital / OB-Xd / Dexed / u-he Diva, Hive, Zebra 2 / TAL J8, UNO LX, BassLine 101 / Tracktion F.'em, BioTek, Collective / Ugritone Drums / Pianoteq VI (WINE): AIR Music Tech everything / Sonivox everything / IK Miroslav Philharmonik 2, Sampletank / UVI Workstation, Kontakt FX (native/WINE): So many to type here... Everything above works like a charm.
  5. FM8 can be an effect, and treat the incoming audio as an operator.
  6. I use a Linux PC for banking, email, etc. serious matters. Two laptops stacked today are thinner and lighter than a single laptop from 15 years ago.
  7. Is there anything meaningful FM8 can't do that F.'em can?
  8. Anyone using SILK or another guitar VI for songwriting, only to be replaced by a real performance later?
  9. Not for BioTek and F.'em. Others work.
  10. I wish a similar thread for synth and effects plugin devs existed.
  11. Actually JRR prices are even lower if you apply the GROUP discount code.
  12. https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion Same prices, except BioTek 2 and F.'em are only $24 each!
  13. Do you do soundtrack stuff with BioTek? It's like it's made for modern film scoring needs
  14. Soundpaint 1990 Yamaha C7 prepared piano. No personal experience, yet. https://soundpaint.com/products/1990-modern-grand-c7-prepared
  15. Once I had a mango and it was a bless Soon turned out had a fart of gas
  16. Waveform Pro 12 is $75 on JRR with code GROUP.
  17. Can't find anything like that in the manual. @abacab should know if such thing exists. IMHO patch randomization makes more sense in subtractive synthesis than FM.
  18. Thank goodness they waited Friday night for the announcement. Markets would shake like a belly dancer with such drastic financial move out of nowhere.
  19. Sounds like a popcorn machine in a large Turkish bath. Can't argue the price, though. Congrats.
  20. Plot thickens... Last week I was just a humble guy trying to add some lush synth textures to a standard rock band setup. FM8 at $10 was a good steal for that. Today I'm messing around with a 48-oscillator galore of sound synthesis, and an 11-operator FM workstation. Meanwhile, you did a better job than the entire Tracktion marketing team right there.
  21. I have watched a few videos about BioTek. Apparently my brain is in battery saver mode, I still don't understand what's going on. Judging from the presets, I'm getting Roland D-50 and Korg Wavestation vibes.
  22. And then there is this synthesizer "BioTek" that I have no clue about.
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