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Paul Bush

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Everything posted by Paul Bush

  1. Paul Bush

    What Love Is

    great vocals really nice and clear , great song
  2. Paul Bush


    Really fine piece of work , the guitars are great , what drums do you use
  3. Paul Bush

    Let's Groove

    Hi yeah I´d agree with Andy , well worth a re-vamp and a heavyer Bass and all round uhmmppthh
  4. Thanks Larry , lots to consider there, I use ezdrums they`ve got super sounds but in the mixer the toms are not seperate they`re in stereo .not really good , i think with my next song , I´m going to turn all effects off the drums (like this one)so that they are bone dry and very distinct much easyer to hear , its just a case of finding a system to work with and keeping to it cheers paul
  5. Thankyou guys , for so much encouragment and kind words , squeeze, elvis costello ,john mellecamp , wow ! I´m particually pleased with this one as it really wasnt going anywhere at first , but as soon as I got the guitar sound right it sort of fell into place it`s just so a basic song, all instruments are analogue except the drums so its down to just playing it the best I can ..vocals were not too high so it was easy to sing ,it was a lot of fun to record . I´ll be taking all the tips on board and rectifying them before the master ..although I wont be fiddling about too much with mastering effects one can go too far . thanks once again Paul
  6. Hi Tom thanks for some really good advice , It makes it so much easyer to rectify when one states where ( time ) some of the faults lie , cheers paul
  7. Hi Daryl, cheers, This song started it`s life out way too complicated and trying to be over clever so after three weeks .. I dumbed it down to three chords, fell over the easy riff and well the rest was easy , sometimes I try to write something completely different and it ends up a jumbled mess , I had a lot of fun with this one double tracking all the guitars (my self built Telecaster) and using just reverb and compressors .
  8. Hi Bjorn , thanks for the nice comments , I now know what Ive been doing wrong with all of my previous songs , Ive been using Ezdrummer and when recording I havent had the drums completely dry no overhead , or room ambience etc so they get lost in the wash (schoolboy error) this time everything was turned off making the drums really ``in yer face´´ direct ,making it easy to keep time ,then I added effects later ,
  9. Paul Bush


    Hi Chaps , so I deleted that badly named ``match made in heaven´´ re named it ``A Fool`s Love´´ with lots of changes and aslo managed to find the green button on bandlab so it should play , any tips, idea`s would be more than welcome cheers paul https://www.bandlab.com/user7005896328090268/a-fools-love-project-wave-59aebbe1?revId=7a1004f4-7717-ee11-907c-000d3a41ed52 so I just checked my bandlab and there it is again the ``private message´´...this is getting to be very anonying drop me a line if the link doesnt work . never had this trouble with soundcloud
  10. https://www.bandlab.com/user7005896328090268/match-made-in-heaven-demo-pre-vocal-a67d604f?revId=dc846f16-ae12-ee11-907c-000d3a41ed52 Thanks Rick and Hi chaps , I think I managed it by going to library and ``shared ´´ didnt find a green ``publish´´ button . I cant belive that this choice isnt at the same place where the default ``private´´ button is.... seems logical to me as i said thanks for taking the time to help If for any reason it still doesnt work please send a quick note ......cheers paul.... .sometimes the simple things are just so difficult (good line that)
  11. Sorry please ignore this song something went wrong with bandlab I´m pretty sure I should have pressed ``fork´´ to erase the private ikon ?? fork ??? are you sure??.....
  12. Hi Chaps , this one is a pre pre master stage... vocals will be re recorded and drums must be seperated and compressed so Its a bit rough around the edges , would be nice to hear a few tips fro you all (backing vocals are a tich too loud etc , the last time I uploaded from bandlab ``private´´ ikon was on couldnt work out how to make it public after a while I managed it .. many weeks later Ive forgotton how to do it .. https://www.bandlab.com/song/da846f16-ae12-ee11-907c-000d3a41ed52/edit
  13. Paul Bush

    Speak Your Mind

    So.... Knit one, pearl one , cross , knit one , pearl one, dropped one bugger cross ??? thanks ,,,,,,, and regards fom my knitting circle
  14. Yeah now thats a really good idea a long winded way around the problem but is the only sollution thanks for the advice P
  15. Paul Bush

    Speak Your Mind

    Hi Whoisp , youre too clever for your own good , stop it ! your putting us all to shame,,,,,, ..So well done so much in there and the video just so fine , how long did this take ? ...if you say Oh ! just a couple of evenings ... I´m off to join a knitting circle ......cheers great stuff.... paul. ....
  16. Hi well its just too loud to rercord or use as a vst , the guitar track is recorded and I want to add wah when adding its too loud if i turn the guitar down then i lose the guitar tone ....if for instance if I use a reverb theres an internal volume fader to mix dry and wet sound ......there is no such fader on this unit cheers P I just wanted to know if anyone has the same problem with this hornet wah ? I sent them an e-mail ...no reply cheers P
  17. Hi guys every now and then I do buy the odd Vst`s ..so i bought this one €5,00 well it works jus fine but its way too loud even when I turn down the gutiar signal to my audio interface still too loud turning down in the master channel still way to loud impossible to record in real time or with a pre recorded signal am i missing a hidden main volulme switch ? any ideas ?? thanks in advance paul
  18. Hi Daryl , well those backing vocals were recorded three times (sound on sound)on one track then once again three times etc one another track and then panned left and right all choruses together (30 times) then the high backing vocals 4 times (20 times ) after that i lost count I think I may have copied and pasted towards the end of the song and panned down the middle... once i find the right harmonie its easy to dupilcate ..nice cup tea to pull me through and off i go ....I also have a pre vocal warm up track that takes about twenty minutes really saves the day... unbelivable... thanks for commenting cheers paul
  19. thanks michael I figured it out ater a while ....somethings just take a little longer these days thanks for replying
  20. Yeah well its all just so good keith, the song , the video pics really a great piece of work you can be very proud ...cheers P
  21. yeah sorry about that Ive sorted out the problem now
  22. Hi chaps Yes Ive sorted that out I didnt push the right button on bandlab to publish ..silly silly me ..its an age thing .....cheers p
  23. Hi Guys , Ive added a new song on bandlab to share publicly ( one song prviously worked fine) only to find that there is a locked symbol added to my song which i cant seem to get rid of ..so that it can be heard , I´m sure I´m missing something simple thanks P
  24. Hi chaps here`s a new one, ``the sun will rise´´ still strugling with timing issues though (there`s a wife joke there but i wont) Yeah its a song about us poor men ,...hearing so much about trans this and trans that, women this and feminists that and well ... .... even us men have problems !! but hey.... the sun will ..rise ..cheers paul https://www.bandlab.com/user7005896328090268/the-sun-will-rise-pre-master-mixdown-1-2705-fa7240d0?revId=45a91397-74fc-ed11-907c-6045bd31b313 Youre tossing and turning, in and out of a dream surpressing the anger tugging at your sleeve... The suns gonna rise, the world keep`s a moving on Dont let it consume you ,Try walking away, Swallow you anger , be a better man... The suns gonna rise, the world keep`s a moving on Bridge (E) You stand in darkness , and the rain is black as the sea, There`s no helping me, its harder to breath.... ....The helplesness inside of me ... ....The helplesness inside of me ... All the weight on my shoulders , holding me down, high expectations , spinning me around The suns gonna rise, the world keep`s a moving on Bridge The sun will rise but seems not so bright we got nothing more but time These cruel mind games are such a crime .... burning up inside in me ... .... churning up inside in me ... ….... solo...... … Burning up inside in me ... … Burning up inside in me ... The sun will rise but seems not so bright we got nothing more but time These cruel mind games are such a crime ........ Burning up inside in me …..... Churning up inside in me
  25. Paul Bush


    Hi Barry , Loved the vocals, always look forward to your songs .... Ok this is just me but there ´s places where you sound a tad like my hero Chris Rea if you get the chance check out his ``shamrock Diaries´´ album ...pre road to hell personally I though the horns overtook the limelight from the song ..but hey thats just my take on what is anothe super song sung briliantly ...check out shamrock diaries cheers p
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