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David Baay

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Everything posted by David Baay

  1. Yes, Audiosnap and Groove/REX clips are incompatible. But you can have a mixture of Audiosnapped and Groove-Clipped audio in the project. I didn't think this was probably relevant of the OP, so didn't mention it. And you need to be sure to set the Follow Option to Autostretch before enabling Follow Project. The other modes will immediately try to fit the the clip tempos to the project, and usually not do a good job because the clip tempo maps are wrong. Otherwise, so long as you haven't messed with clip Timebases or are other timing/stretching related settings, it should work pretty consistently. Crashing is not something I've encountered before, but I don't use it a lot.
  2. Make sure you are set to Snap To, not Snap By. Easy to miss in the PRV because it only shows when you have the resolution pick list open.
  3. Sounds like you set the experimental 'Aggressive' ThreadSchedulingModel=3 in AUD.INI (Preferences > Audio > Configuration File) that was introduced as an option in the 20.01 release. It was not enabled by default, and many have reported similarly bad results from trying it. Steadily increasing latency was one of the symptoms. Unfortunately, some made the change, and then didn't recall having done so by the time they discovered problems.
  4. The Tempo Ratio function you might have read about went away a long time ago with the introduction of support for audio since stretching was not supported at that time, and it never came back. You can manually change the project tempo and MIDI will follow, but audio will not by default. To have the audio follow the change both visually and musically: - Ctrl+A to Select All (doesn't matter if MIDI clips are included) - Go to Clip Properties in the Track Inspector, and expand the Audiosnap section. - Click to check the Enable box. - Set Follow Options to 'Autostretch' - Click to check the Follow Proj Tempo box.
  5. Assuming individual tracks are not hitting 0dBFS when their input Gain and output Volume controls are at 'unity' (i.e. 0.0 - no gain or attentution from what was recorded in the .WAV file), check the level on the Master bus. The levels on individual tracks may be okay but sum to clipping on the Master. Cakewalk provides essentially infinite mathematical 'headroom' for summing inside the box, but the D/A converters on the soundcard/interface will be clipping if the Master bus is peaking above 0dBFS. You can pull the input gain on the Master down, but it's best to lower output Volume faders on the individual tracks.
  6. +1 to everything Steve said, except I think he meant to label that last link 'PDC button'. ;^) The latency is primarily on the audio side of the process, and the onboard GS Wavetable Synth will have ~50ms of extra latency vs. a soft synth like TTS-1. I recommend uninstalling ASIO4ALL, and using WASAPI Exclusive mode which should allow you to get the buffer all the way down to 3ms for a simple project (Preferences > Audio > Driver Settings > Buffer Size).
  7. I'll have to do some more testing to confirm, but it seems PDC can have an effect. Disabling two instances of LP plugins and one of Transient Shaper eliminated glitching in one project I checked, and disabling only two of them had no effect. PDC had to be completely eliminated to eliminate the glitch in this case. Also, since timeline-seeking is involved, the OP might want to check the setting of 'Set Now Time with Full Restart' in the Track View Options menu. Having this enabled can cause glitches in manual timeline-seeking.
  8. See View > Grid Resolution > Follow Snap Settings in the PRV menu.
  9. With four bars showing in the PRV, 8th notes are quite large, even on my laptop. 'Fine-tuning' 8th start times/durations is pretty easy at that zoom level. I must be missing something...?
  10. Could be done pretty quickly with a little batch scripting, but I think we should make IK Dev do it.
  11. Cool. Let me know when you're done re-saving them all, and I'll ping you an e-mail address. 😎
  12. Sweet. Resisted the urge to pick up bx_oberhausen at $49.99, but taking another$25 off put it firmly in no-brainer territory.
  13. Yeah, makes me wonder if saving changes from ST3 would not have broken the authorization. I didn't stop to look and see what was in the modded files to make them so much larger.
  14. @Noel Borthwick what should we expect when using plugins that induce a lot of PDC?
  15. Checked out loading multis in Syntronik. Turns out part of what I was missing is that you have to click in the center of of the browser/selection field within the Multi Panel. If you click on the layers icon at the left end, you get no dropdown - not very intuitive. So I can see and load multis, but the ones I edited in Sampletank to set all layers to channel 1 and re-saved now throw an "Instrument not authorized' error for each layer in Syntronik. I found a thread referencing this on KVR, but it implied this would only happen if you edited the individual instruments and/or changed names, and tried to share it with another user. I didn't change anything but the channel assignments, so it's not really clear what's going on here, but I'm guessing that reinstalling the relevant sound set will fix it. Fortunately I only modded a handful of multis. Not cool that making such a minor edit breaks the authorization. No crashes here, yet, but IK not making a really good first impression on me, otherwise. EDIT: Extracted the Syntronik_Multis.zip file, and manually copied just the 4 affected .st3m files back over my significantly larger, modded ones, and Syntronik is happy to load them now. EDIT 2: Just out of curiosity, I manually modified the MIDI channel tag for the second 'part' in the XML-style .st3m file using a text editor (note that part and channel numbering starts at 0), and it loads to Sampletank with the correct behavior, and still loads to Syntronik as well.
  16. If using onboard sound as an audio interface, make sure the Input/Source in the soundcard's mixer applet is set to something like 'Mic/Line In' as opposed to 'Stereo Mix' or 'What U Hear' which will record from the output so you capture everything being played back.
  17. So opening a project from the other PC breaks MIDI input functionalty in all projects that were working after re-install/update? That's pretty weird. And you've confirmed it's an input problem not an echo problem - you can't record any input with a track set to omni? Check Preferences > MIDI > Playback and Recording to ensure Notes and Controllers are enabled for recording at a minimum. And Driver Mode is MME, not UWP? What does the MIDI device config look like on the other PC? I would compare the TTSSEQ.INI files between the two machines, and look for changes to it that might be happening between re-installing and opening the project that breaks things.
  18. Thanks abacab, I figured it might be something like that. Still finding my way around the UIs, and haven't been through the Syntronik manual yet. Thanks for confirmation on the layer-channeling issue. Will have to ping IK about that.
  19. To avoid further hijacking of Joe Bradford's post about Sampletank crashing, I decided to post this separately. I was playing around with Syntronik 'patches' loaded in Sampletank, and found that some patches were silent above a certain velocity. After some head-scratching I figered out that the higher velocity samples were loaded into a second layer that was assigned to channel 2 by default. Specifically, there are several 12-velocity bass patches that consist of two 6-velocity layers using high-velocity and and low-velocity sample sets. Subsequently, I found other patches with as many as 4 layers with only the first one sounding because layers 2, 3, and 4 were on channels 2, 3, and 4. This seems like a major patch-programming oversight...? I was curious what the situation would be for the same patches in Syntronik, but when I looked at the basses, I found that the browser only offered the two 6-velocity patches separately, not the two-layer 'multis'. Likewise, a 4-layer keyboard patch in Sampletank had only the single layer for which the patch was named in Syntronik though it's capable of layering up to 4 sounds, I believe. So... why isn't Syntronik seeing its own multis? I haven't yet installed any of Smapletank's sound sets, so everything it's seeing is from the Syntronik installation. P.S. In the course of looking into this, I figured out that all of Syntronik's synth UIs are just a re-skinning of the Sampletank's 'Edit Instrument' UI, sometimes with different scales on a control, but with equivalent range and increments. And since it uses the same set of built-in effects, a given patch sounds essentially identical in the two 'synths'. Curiously, though, when I tried to get them to null, aside from minor differences due to unsynced LFOs and such, I found that Syntronik was consistently rendering audio 48 samples (1ms) later than Sampletank when playing via live MIDI or recording audio in real time. I didn't get around to comparing the rendering of existing MIDI. Just thought I would share this insight for the benefit of anyone who might be curious about whether there's any difference between loading Syntronik and loading its patches in Sampletank. To me, the big advantage of using Sampletank is that you don't have to deal with the pointless (other than cool-factor) graphical rearrangement of the editing UI for the 'different' synths that are assocated with sample sets from their respective hardware cousins. You can just learn Sampletank's UI, and be done with it.
  20. I'm almost certain the issue is Remove DC Offset. Disable it, and make an extended multitrack test recording. I think you'll be fine.
  21. Newly added port enabled (checked) in Preferences > MIDI > Devices? Or is the problem that it doesn't show up there?
  22. Started browsing Syntronik instruments in Sampletank. Quickly encountered one that would not load due to missing files. Checked my installation, and found that some sound archives had downloaded to the wrong folder (due to an issue with the IK download defaulting to a previously used directory when downloading multiple files at once), and I missed a couple. No problem, but I'm curious that instruments that aren't installed are listed in the browser. I guess some master list gets installed with the Syntronik product regardless of whether you've actually installed the sound files...?
  23. Check if the keyboard ports have been taken over as a Control Surface.
  24. Remove DC Offset is not enabled by default, and has been known to cause exactly this issue in the past. Defnitely disable it, and I think you won't see this issue again. Other settings look fine. ThreadSchedulingModel=1 is the default, and fine for your Core2Duo. 2 optimizes for quad cores and above. 3 has proven problematic for many users, and is not recommended at this time.
  25. Maybe side-effect of having the 'Basic' Workspace' enabled? Try setting Workspace to 'Advanced' or 'None' (access to everything with no predefined views). Beyond that, maybe give exact steps you're using to start a project, and upload a screenshot or two showing the problems.
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