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David Baay

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Everything posted by David Baay

  1. Well done, Larry. No excuses necessary. A thoroughly excellent effort, and enjoyable listen. Chapeux!
  2. Hi All, Long time, no visit. I acquired a Yamaha G3 grand piano last year, and have not spent much time with the DAW since. Just having way too much fun playing, and marveling at the expressiveness and presence of this amazing instrument after playing digitals for 30 years! I've not yet endeavored to record the Yamaha (it's downstairs, far from my desktop DAW), so what I'm sharing here was recorded from a Roland RD-700NX. I mostly did this just to capture the MIDI before I forget how to play it as sometimes happens when I improvise something and then don't get back to it for a while. Like most of my stuff, this will probably evolve over time to have a distinct intro, more variations in chord voicing and rhythm, and maybe a proper'bridge' section, but I think it stands up pretty well as is. Double points if you can hear the MIDI editing 'cheat'. ;^) Cheers, Dave
  3. FWIW, I've seen the 'playback won't stop' issue off and on for years with different interfaces (currently MOTU 2408). It's pretty rare (like maybe once every 50-100 sessions) so not a huge problem, and may be project-specific. If Stop at Project End is enabled, it will eventually stop at that point, but I usually have that option disabled, and SONAR/CbB has to be killed because all other options to stop playback fail, including toggling the audio engine off or hitting the panic button . MOTU and my previous interace are PCIe-based, so turning off the interface was not an option, though that might work with a USB/FW interface to kill the audio clock.
  4. Was it in a dedicated project folder, and is that folder gone? Were alternate/progressive versions of the project file saved with different names over time? Does the project show up in your recent projects list? Ulitmately, I think this must be a an O/S file system issue if not user error. CbB pretty much never deletes anything without the user taking pains to make it happen.
  5. I think the idea is that you start loop recording and layering MIDI parts - especially drums, but it could be horn section arrangements or something else - and as you listen to a part being replayed, you decide to delete/add/move a hit before continuing on to record other kit pieces. And you want to do this without stopping the transport so you can hear the results of your edits on the next iteration and add additional parts from your keyboard/controller at any time because you're still recording. The PRV doesn't allow this workflow because it only shows a preview of notes being recorded, and you don't have access to edit them until you stop the transport. Personally I would almost never choose to work this way because the autistic part of my brain gets overwhelemed with the constant noise of playback and can't think straight. ;^) But I understand how a lot of people would want to be able to do this,
  6. Ah, "edit while recording"... that's a different animal. Yes, not possible in PRV currently.
  7. Hey Craig, I think you must be thinking of loop-recording audio...? Sound on Sound recording works great for loop-recording MIDI drum parts. Personally I usually restart the tranport in between takes, but you don't have to.
  8. The most common cause of this is a bug related to changing metronome settings while FX Bypass is engaged. If that's the cause, toggling the FX Bypass button will fix it.
  9. I downloaded the demo of Pianissimo (32-bit only, but that shouldn't be a factor), and reproduced the issue. I ran the same track against True Pianos - Cakewalk, and SI electric Piano, and they both responded as expected. Then I inserted a CC 121 Reset All Controllers, which I thought was what Zero Controllers sends, but, surprisingly, none of them responded to it. Then I replaced CC121 with CC123 All Notes Off, and only Pianissimo did not respond to that. Then I disabled Zero Controllers in preferences, and found that TruePianos and SI Electric Piano still went silent on stop as has been my experience with soft synths. It may well be that SONAR sends All Notes Off on stop. IRC, there are settings related to this in the TTSSEQ.ini and/or Cakewalk.ini. So now I'm note sure how Zero Controllers is implemented. I probably knew at one time, and have forgotten. I'd be surprised if it sends individual controller messages, but it's possible. But the bottom line seems to be that this issue is synth-specific.
  10. Seems most likely it's the particular synth your using that's not responding to CC 121 All Controllers Off. Try putting some other controller in the track that gives a clearly audible result, and see if that gets zeroed. You might also try assigning a forced Output channel to the track to make sure the Zero Controllers message is getting to the right channel on the synth. One thing I don't understand is that my experience has always been that soft synths generally won't sustain on stop even if Zero Controllers is disabled. I don't know much about soft synth programming, but I always thought this was because the synth gets some non-MIDI message directly from the host telling it to stop producing output. For example, a drum synth that has a cymbal ringing on stop will go silent even though drum samples are typically triggered as 'one-shots' that don't respond to Note Offs. So even if SONAR isn't sending Zero Controllers or the synth isn't responding to it, it should still go silent.
  11. For sustained notes 'hanging' on stop, you can enable 'Zero Controllers When Play Stops' in Preferences.
  12. I like to bounce the Master Bus to a track that routes directly to hardware Main Outs, and group the mute on that 'Master Bounce' track in opposition with the Master Bus mute. This allows easily A/Bing the 'Master Bounce' against the live mix to make sure it sounds and looks right (length, amplitude, compression, channel balance, fades, etc). Then you can export just that track, and know that the uploaded file will be exactly what you intended.
  13. I have often wished some plugins would have automatic loudness compensation in place of a manual make-up gain. I haven't checked the plugins you mentioned, but it seems like it would require a pretty big lookahead buffer to do the job properly - meaning a lot of plugin delay - but at the mixing stage, that shouldn't be a problem.
  14. Hardware or software synths? If soft, which one, and is it inserted in the Synth Rack or in the track's FX bin? If it's in the FX bin, try moving it to the Synth Rack. If hardware, is it connected by MIDI DIN to an external interface or by USB MIDI built into the synth? Are there any FX plugins in the project with very high plugin latency that triggers Plugin Delay Compensation? Cakewalk/Bandlab's LP plugins induce a lot of DPC at med/high precision settings that can cause MIDI buffering issues - usually dropped note ons, but I suppose dropped note offs or controllers would also be possible. MIDI FX plugins can also potentially cause problems, even if they're on some other track. Also, just to be clear, are we talking about real-time performance by input-echoed MIDI or playback of recorded/imported MIDI? The Prepare Using Buffer only applies to playback.
  15. A lot of users find this to be unexpected/unwelcome behavior, but it's working as intended. Paste Special is the how you access paste options, and changing an option persists for all subsequent pastes until you change the option back with Paste Special. Personally I find more often than not that I want the changed paste options to persist for at least one more paste so, in the long run, it saves time.
  16. This has been my main use of Rewire. Notion had other issues that prevented my continuing to use it with any frequency, but I did have the Rewire functionality working realtively smoothly within its limitations (e.g. Notion's playback cursor not following changes in CbB Now Time when transport isn't running).
  17. This typically happens when you enable Input Echo before selecting a specific input, and Cakewalk defaults to All Inputs - Omni (i.e. all channels of all inputs). Once you've selected a specific input, it shouldn't change.
  18. Cool. Glad to help. 'Online' means real-time processing during playback. 'Offline' is what's used when you Bounce to Clip(s) to destructively apply the stretching , creating a new audio file. In general, the offline algorithms are more sophisticated, and will sound better. But in some cases, Groove Clip yields the most transparent results.
  19. Have not double-checked, but usually if you have multiple clips selected, any change to properties will affect all of them. If they start out with different values, the property show '(multi)'.
  20. It just occured to me that a recent change to AS is that the default stretching algorithm is now Elastique instead Groove Clip. In my experimentation with this algorithm when it was first released, I found that it could produce weird timing in some cases. Try switching to Groove Clip or one of the Izotope algorithms.
  21. What changes did you make using Audiosnap?If you're using it to have the overall clip tempo follow changes in the project tempo, make sure the Follow Project mode is 'Autostrech'. (drop-down to the right of the option in the Audiosnap palette) If it's anything else, transient markers will get snapped to the grid with a probable bad result unless they've been carefully 'massaged' into the correct positions for that purpose.
  22. For future reference (when mixdown is not hanging), the easy way to bounce audio clips together while preserving the original separate clips (with or without active clip/region FX), and keeping everything them in the same track where you might already have special output routing, sends and FX in place is to use Flatten Comp.
  23. Most often clip selection failure is due to having the track's Edit Filter set to something other than clips, but that wouldn't change with a restart. Not sure I understand the bounce to clips issue. You're saying the new clips is created on top of the old clip instead of replacing it?
  24. Yes I understood that. I was responding to chris.r's comment that the alternative required a "multitude" of mouse clicks. Really it only requires one more on top of dragging the instrument into the project, and then a couple more to delete the abandoned MIDI track. If you were to drag in all the instruments first, in the corresponding order, it would only take one click to drag all the MIDI clips to those instrument tracks, and two clicks to delete all the abandoned MIDI tracks - an average of 0.188 extra clicks per instrument for a 16-track MIDI file. ;^)
  25. It's kind of a superfluous option. For the most part, CbB does not allow same-lane overlaps, but there are some bugs that will let it happen, and you'll see more of them if you don' keep that option checked.
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