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David Baay

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Everything posted by David Baay

  1. The Mercury theme I use is the old original 'default' color scheme before the Themes feature was introduced. Now the default is 'Tungsten'. In the last relase of SONAR, Tungsten still had a PRV with a white background. It looks like that changed at some point. With the dark PRV background, selected notes get lighter to make them stand out, where they got darker in the old scheme. Since I don't use Tungsten, and can't confirm that the velocity tail highlighting matched the note highlighting before 19.09, but one way or another it looks like a problem with the theme definition. I also noticed that notes don't seem to be colorized by velocity in that theme as they are in the Mercury theme. Somebody who also uses the Tungsten theme regularly will need to weigh in. EDIT: Just looked again, and notes are colorized by velocity in Tungsten with the dark PRV, but they get darker at lower velocities - the opposite of Mercury. I never did lik the look of Tungsten. The 'wilted-pumpkin orange' highlights just never worked for me. 😎
  2. Yes. That's a very old bug. I thought it pre-dated x64 versions, but maybe not. You'll just have to use separate outputs and EQ in the output track. Personally, although I sometimes still grab TTS-1 for a particular sound that I think will work well for some purpose, I could live without it, and generally do. It always had quirks, doesn't have enough independent outputs, and most of the sounds are pretty weak. Some of the basses do sound pretty good, but so do Dim/Rapture Pro if you have one of those.
  3. Not seeing that here; both selected note and velocity tail get darker as expected. In the first screenshot, the note is so light it looks like it might be muted. If you have a track with multiple lanes, and not set to Hide Muted Clips in the PRV, possibly your selected a muted note that is causing de-selection and masking of the an unmuted note in the same place...? If that doesn't explain it, you might need to give more details about track color, velocity colorization settings, etc. EDIT: Could also be related to the theme. I still use Mercury, so my PRV background is light, and note colorization for different states may be different.
  4. Nice find, Chuck. I guess no one ever reported it to the Bakers. If they had, I'm sure it would have been squashed pretty quickly. EDIT: FWIW, I could not repro this in the current release with a new project started from the Basic template. Was able to record and playback out to 5+ minutes at 24-bit x 48kHz, 32-sample buffer with a send on that track to an archived Aux track with or without Input Echo enabled. Must be more to the recipe. Maybe multiple Aux tracks with echo disabled or with FX on them, or the project had to originate in an earlier version of CbB/SONAR when Aux tracks were in their infancy, or...?
  5. No, you can only change one point at a time (by clicking, not by dragging), and even if you could drag them all together, simply offsetting them all by the same number of BPM would not maintain the proportionality between different tempos. It has to be a percentage change.
  6. There is no new feature to help with this. Below is a workaround I've posted before. It's awkward because you have to work in SMPTE time. Also you should avoid trying to scale only part of the project; IIRC, there are issues with the way Cakewalk handles that. 1. Enable autostretch (a.k.a. Clip Follows Project) on any audio clips. 2. Select a MIDI or audio clip that runs the length of the project (bounce/record one if necessary). 3. Go to Process > Fit to Time. 4. Convert the current Thru time to total frames (usually 30 frames/sec). 5. Divide that by the desired factor (e.g. 1.10 to get a 10% increase, 0.90 for a 10% decease). 6. Round and convert that new value to minutes:seconds:frames. 7. Enter that as the new Thru, and select Modify by Changing: Tempo Map. 8. Click OK.
  7. I can see removing 'View' from 'Event List View' and 'Piano Roll View' options for consistency and to eliminate redundancy in the Views menu, but that's a trivial thing. If there's apparent conflict/redundancy, it's might be between between lenses and screensets, but lenses are applicable across projects where screensets operate within projects. Both lenses and screensets are way of controlling the arrangement of views. I don't see why you would want to rename/reclassify a view as a lense...? If you think about a 'View' as being a way of looking at and editing musical, lyrical, video and other content that you create, then the Track Manager doesn't really qualify; it's just a dialog for determining what tracks are visible. I suppose there's an argument to be made that it should be possible to leave it open and/or dock it like the Markers and Tempos views, but you can't create/delete/modify tracks in the Track Manager, so it's not really in the same class. I'm not really sure what you mean by 'event list manager'...? Event list qualifies as a view, albeit an old and largely neglected one.
  8. Thank you Mr. Grant. Glad you enjoyed it. I did work a little harder on mixing this one than I usually do, though it's a sparse enough arrangement not to be that complicated. Good to know the extra effort paid off!
  9. Well done, Daryl et al. A good tune, and made me laugh. Ironic that the lyrics were written by a woman. She clearly has great insight into the minds of men.
  10. 😁 Only the vinyl version, sadly. I have, however, seen the Brubeck Brothers live. They are definitely chips off the ol' block, and equally inspiring.
  11. Thanks, Bert. I actually ended up offsetting the sax track about 30 ticks early because the slow attack made it sound draggy as-recorded. It's still a little loose/draggy in places, but I felt that added realism so I left it in.
  12. I think you are right on, Daryl. More cowbell! Actually, I just picked up the 'Odd Time' add-in for Jamstix, and was planning to let it have a go at this. If it turns out well, I might offer it to Rayzoon as a demo. I wasn't that impressed with the 7/8 demo on their site. 😜
  13. Great improvements, Kenny. That first guitar hit at 13:01 with the echo-delay on it and the next 8 bars still ***** away. So good it brings a tear to my eye, as only the best guitar soloing does. Too funny. Not allowed to write 'blo*' on the forum. So what are people to make of: "The answer, my freind, is ****ing in the wind"?
  14. I agree... a good start that needs devleopment. Also, somewhat oddly, the timing of the guitar riff sounds pretty consistent, but the drums are drifting around it a bit; usually it's the other way around with MIDI drums. If the guitar was recorded to a click and sounds tight against it with the drums muted, I would percentage quantize the drums. They do sound pretty good otherwise, and you have a nice clean, warm guitar tone.
  15. Inspiration is what it's all about. Definitely has potential. It's always good to stretch a little in any case. And even if it doesn't go anywhere immediately... You might use it if you feel better When you get home I often find myself combining two or more unfinished bits months or even years later to make a whole.
  16. Sounds like possibly Windows Defender Realtime Scanning got enabled. It will scan files on launch, and any time a new one is created by rendering, which can radically slow things down. I had this happen spontaneously once (quite a while ago), and it had me scratching my head until I discovered the process reading tons of files when opening a project as revealed by Windows Resource Monitor. That would be a good place to start looking in any case.
  17. I agree the Event List should be updated to have a Tracks pane and display/editing controls lik the PRV. And background colorizing of the events by track/channel could be helpful, but I would want to retain foreground colorizing of notes and controllers to distinguish them. But since I only really use the view as Jose mentioned - to add controllers or troubleshoot unexpected synth behavior - and usually only work with single channels/tracks, I don't really need those enhancements. The only oddity in the Event List that consistently catches me out is that the Delete key does not delete selected events; it only deletes the currently focused note (i.e. the next note to be played), which might not even be part of the selection. You have to use Edit > Delete or Ctrl+X to remove all selected events.
  18. I'm more concerned about putting thermal stress on the enviroment. I shut down cold every night.
  19. Although I have encountered some inconsistent behavior in vairous situations over the years, I believe it's still generally the case that new lanes will be created on overlap (assuming drag and drop mode is Blend) only if lanes are not showing. If lanes are showing, it's presumed that you want things to go where you drop them, and if you want a different lane, you'll create one.
  20. CPU performance is shown by the vertical histogram bars at the left of the module. They will never be displayed before a projectt is loaded and the audio engine is running. The two horizontal bars are Disk Space and System Memory Usage. Both are for the whole system, not just Cakewalk. If you're seeing ~60% on both, that's just indicating that the hard drive where Cakewak stores audio is 60% full, and the OS and all running apps on the system together are using 60% of RAM - not hard to do if you have a lot of apps open, and only 4-8GB. None of this is a problem, unless your RAM usage is that high with only Cakewalk running, and no project loaded. EDIT: Oops. Looks like I missed some posts. Sorry if my info is redundant.
  21. Alt+Enter is just the generic Windows keyboard shortcut to bring up the context menu of a selected object, but I think Cakewalk intercepts it and doesn't do anthing with it. Right-click gets you the same thing. In my experience, it's sometimes necessary to zoom out so that all or most of the clip is visible in order for the waveform re-draw to complete.
  22. Are their tracks frozen? You can't access the UI of a frozen synth. Or they could be 'disconnected' without freezing, but then you wouldn't hear them on playback. Other than the UI opening offscreen somehow, I don't know of anything else that will prevent a synth UI opening.
  23. I don't know what it is, but you've got something else going on in your test case. Simplify it: - New project from the Basic or Blank template with two tracks referencing the same wave file (import once and drag-copy) - Invert phase on one, start playback and verify they null. - Stop Playback. Add the Limiter to one track. - Start playback and verify they still null. Anything you can hear that's caused by the limiter itself will cause a failure to null in this scenario. EDIT: Another thing you can do in the above setup is to group the mute buttons in opposition, and A/B between the two tracks without changing the enabled state of the limiter on the one.
  24. If they fall consistently on or near the the same beat(s ) in every measure, you may be able to do it using Select by Filter with the appropriate beat and tick windows defined, but you might need to do it in two or more passes. I presume you want to move or process them somehow...? CAL could very likely do the processing for you, but I don't think has the capability to make a multi-event selection for you and then exit to let you do something with that selection. It just processes an existing selection, working through the array one event at a time.
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