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Base 57

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Posts posted by Base 57

  1. On 1/24/2020 at 4:33 AM, msmcleod said:

    Ok, I've played around with the clip automation a bit more, and actually what you're describing is pretty quick/easy to do once you know how:

    If I knew how to make good videos I would but... The method you show is awesome but it is even easier without the alt-shift and  cntrl-drag mod keys. With the edit filter set to show clip gain just drag the cursor along the bottom of the clip to select a range then move the cursor above the envelope to change it to the envelope tool. Drag up or down within the selected range and nodes are created automatically.  AND whenever the cursor is showing the envelope tool clicking between any two nodes will select that range for adjustment.

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  2. 2 hours ago, msmcleod said:

    f you set the other tracks to automation write, you can use the control VCA to record automation:

    Yeah that's the way I've been doing it. But it can be real fiddly if you need to edit later. To me this is the difference between a Group and a VCA.  

    For example, I have two guitar tracks playing similar parts. I have the track pans and the track FX send pans in a custom group.  Track 1 is panned hard left and it's echo send is panned hard right. Track 2 is opposite. Using the method you describe I can automate some cool synchronized pan movements. However it would be easier to edit the automation if it were in one track acting as the VCA.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    VCA's can be convenient but grouping will do a large segment of what they do for most people

    I'm having a problem with this.  Automation of a grouped control is not affecting the other controls in the group. It works great for manual adjustments. Is this by design or am I missing something?

  4. In the previous build, if you deleted a clip the selection range would be cleared (from and through would both be set to the Now time). This EA build fixes that. but now the selection range is being cleared by Undo.

    12 minutes ago, Robert Lackey said:

    unless it was a track just recorded

    This is how I noticed it.  I made a mistake while recording an audio clip. Hit cntrl-z and the selection range was cleared along with deleting the new clip.


    20 minutes ago, Robert Lackey said:

    I just ran a bunch of ctrl-z tests and none of them deleted anything

    This is not deleting data. it is only clearing the selection range.

  5. 3 hours ago, David Baay said:

    Posted in your other thread: To 'heal' a split, select the clips on either side, and Ctrl+click on of them.

    Note that the "Comp" icon must be showing to heal clips. If the "Move" icon is showing Cntrl-clicking will unselect the clip. The smart tool shows the "comp" icon on the bottom half of clips.

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  6. I have an older midiSport 4x 4 running on Windows 10 1903. I learned the hard way that it absolutely does not like being plugged into different USB ports. If you look in the registry it is likely that there are dozens  of references  to the same MIDI ports. You will probably need to delete the driver and clean out the registry. Then reload it and make sure it always stays on the same USB port. At least that is what I had to do when I first built this computer several years ago.

    • Great Idea 2
  7. On 9/9/2019 at 1:08 PM, razor7music said:

    I thought there was a setting where you could have the playback stop at the end of a project. I like that feature, but have been too lazy to go look up how to enable it. Is it still a feature?


    5 hours ago, lapasoa said:

    It's  a long time that we all expect that a project really ends were we want because there are  a few cases where the song does'nt stop at the project end without any note or something else beyond.

    Guys, OP wants some sort of Stop Marker before the end of the project.


    On 9/7/2019 at 4:38 AM, Giorgio Gabriel said:

    Dear all,

    is there a way to tell CWB to stop playback automatically in a particular moment of a song - not at the end?



    I think if one were to experiment with some kind of midi loopback (whether a physical cable or virtual like LoopBe) it may be possible to place a stop command into a midi track. I'm too lazy to do the experiment myself

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