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Everything posted by chris.r

  1. Wanna keep hiding all that charm...?
  2. Snaggin'. Now onto that smart comp...
  3. That's 40% off the full Core price. I would be more enticed with 40% off the upgrade price. If they give me that option on their startling every New Year's wishlist game then I'll probably go for it. Also that would give me more time I'm typically requiring before spending more than 20-30quid. Don't hold my breath though as this sale tells me they are not much into maximizing their sales, lol, but I don't mind it.
  4. What was that user friendly upgrade price, if you don't mind? I'm looking to, slowly and reluctantly, upgrade to Core at some point.
  5. You realize it makes selling our originals much harder 😂😂
  6. I already have *one* Spittfire library. They excluded me from the sale. LOL
  7. or was it groupies... trying to get there from the backside of the counter
  8. Peter, are they still going to fixing AT4 bugs, now that the latest version is AT5?
  9. "600MB of free disk space" suggests they didn't sample same note on different frets, again...?
  10. I have the original MKSensation and was hoping for the discount on the upgrades. Well, maybe on BF...
  11. If you get this free version, or the previous EQ550, you'll see a 20% discount "on additional GEMs" voucher in your account. (I see you said that already in your other post, lol)
  12. Anyone noticed the fish lips on every Jamal video? I'm trying to learn these to give my piano playing more credits.
  13. I wouldn't mind, if there is a cpu intensive convo tech under the hood, that the hi-res quality is being kept for final rendering of audio. But for the song creation process you need as much cpu power to drive your plugins and synths because each will take it's share anyway and you only need the rough taste of the response of some fx plugins sometimes until you're finally into mixing stage. And even some people like to do both creating and mixing at once because why not, if it's home studio you can do this now easily ITB. I mean, how many synth tracks you have to freeze first to save your cpu before you're fed up with all this.... nonsense?
  14. I wasn't even sure, so mainly that's why I asked. Bummer indeed.
  15. Is there no min.$32 rule when using the monthly voucher against transfer fee?
  16. It's got nothing to do with the need. Period.
  17. @Fleer this is super useful! Thanks for posting it Fleer.
  18. I can load all the Melda effects that I own without seen even slight change in the cpu progress bar. I can't load all the IKM effects without bringing my reasonable 8x 4.0MHz 6th gen i7-6700 to it's knees. To me it is a bit of nonsense all the high cpu demand vs high fidelity. When working with soft synths you don't create a song with just a single instance of Amplitube 5 and one other plugin, that would be obviously only one TR5 Tape Machine of your choice, as there would be not much cpu headroom left in that song. Plugins taking part in the song creation should have been optimized otherwise it is what it is, well a nonsense.
  19. Are there any good video/audio examples showing the difference in sound between the old Gold/Diamond edition and the Opus edition?
  20. I'm having regular AT4+Fenders crashes in cakewalk here on Win10. Was hoping that AT5 will be more solid. Bumming.
  21. I still don't have the measurement mic so can't test it myself. Isn't the ARC software supposed to work within TR5 Suite? I was hoping for an automatic process where the correction is bypassed on the export.
  22. Jokes aside, it's probably because it has got the same tech under the hood. That's probably why the t.rex there. But that's what the guys from IK are really great at. I'm ready to struggling with all the high CPU/memory/disk space/marketing/etc nonsense for that sound (now I hear my PC crying "speak for yourself!" from the other room).
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