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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I'm thinking that's it's a cunning plan to make buying the komplete bundles seem more attractive.
  2. Try larger underwear ?
  3. I'm working on the theory that Bapu might not be his real name...😉
  4. I think he usually hangs around with John T.
  5. Alright, I can't stand the suspense any longer...........which amazing song does he remind you of?
  6. I see the OP's point. Looking on my laptop (win 8.1) whatever font they now use for the menus does seem to manage the quite unusual feat of being both bigger yet also less clear. First time that I've even looked at them TBH and it does seem a bit like change for the sake of change rather than an improvement.
  7. paulo

    SMG C*ckblocker

    Probably just as well they don't make one tuned specifically for harmonica...
  8. Too right. That could lead to Limp Bizkits.
  9. That technically speaking he should now be referred to as WouldIwas Shookspeared ?
  10. Or........... if you must have lighting, then it must be in shades of teal and amber.
  11. Can't be......that guy has his own transport.
  12. paulo

    UJAM Iron 2

    Oh man....now I feel like I just took a whizz on your chips. That wasn't my intention, just stating my preference as someone who has all of them. The thing that I really like about the UJAM ones is how the mod wheel handles the muting in real time - all guitar vsts should have that. As for NI, the ones that also allow you to play individual notes rather than just trigger patterns are obviously more versatile than the others (ie electric sunburst deluxe rather than the regular version) but they all sound good. Could they use more patterns / a more in depth ability to customise the patterns....yep, I think so, but when bought at 50% off (the only time I ever buy NI) then it's hard to be too disappointed.
  13. paulo

    UJAM Iron 2

    I have both. I use UJAM more than AS (ie: occasionally v hardly ever) but both are just blown away by the NI guitar products IMO.
  14. paulo

    UJAM Iron 2

    I still prefer that version in some ways. The FX section was certainly more versatile.
  15. Looks quite interesting for a freebie.
  16. Shame that there's no prize for the fastest remix..... I could improve that song 1000% by pressing just one button.......M on the master buss. 😀
  17. paulo

    UJAM Iron 2

    Yup. Today's UJAM release is very often tomorrow's freebie, or at least very near to freebie. I wouldn't buy anything from them at the release price.
  18. paulo

    UJAM Iron 2

    For the benefit of anyone who is thinking of trying this and not already aware, UJAM V2 upgrades tend to overwrite your previous version, so if you try it but don't buy it then you will be locked out of your existing version when the trial period expires, so you will have to uninstall v2 and then re-install/re-authorise your original to get back to where you were. I haven't tried any of the guitar v2's, but would recommend that any CW users try before you buy as there are issues with at least the drum v2's.
  19. As I said before, I'm using CW 2020.09 and I'm pretty sure that the issue was present before then, maybe even as far back as when Melodyne v4 was released. The initial release version certainly had a few issues.
  20. When Melodyne comes up blank, clicking again on the selected audio clip in Track view works for me. (2020.09). I'm so used to doing it now that I'd forgotten that it was a problem.
  21. The original v.1 guitar and drum products I had were fine for me. I only started to have problems when I upgraded one of the drummer vsts to v.2, so I guess that's when they broke them. As "compensation" for having a broken v2, they gave me a GM One licence ( that was already being given away elsewhere anyway) which also has the same problem. LMAO. I haven't even bothered to try the basses as they look very much like they are built on the same platform, so I would expect the same problems.
  22. The guy I was dealing with actually said that I should just buy studio one if I wanted it to work properly as they "don't know how to fix it". It's probably fair to say that I left him in little doubt what I thought about the idea of changing a DAW program just to accommodate one drum vst.
  23. Bapu obviously likes large over compensatory king size
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