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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Being Deals forum junkies, maybe you know about / have all of these already, but some were new to me......... Deelay ► https://sixthsample.com/deelay/ Surge XT ► https://surge-synthesizer.github.io/ Cardinal ► https://github.com/DISTRHO/Cardinal/r... Fire ► https://github.com/jerryuhoo/Fire/rel... Ruina ► https://bit.ly/39jTWQw Gatelab / Filterstep / Panflow ► https://audiomodern.com/free/ PaulXStretch ► https://sonosaurus.com/paulxstretch/
  2. You know that people let you win because they really don't want you to lose, right ? 😉
  3. Larry could have probably found them a good deal for Melodyne if they had asked him nicely.
  4. More like Am IT graduate I would have thought.
  5. paulo

    Wusik Freebies

    But, but......what about the folks who like to have all their thinking done for them ? Surely it's not fair to deliberately exclude them ?
  6. A guy was stranded on a desert island with Cindy Crawford. He played it cool, and he didn't make any moves towards her for several weeks. Finally, one day he asked her if maybe they could start up a physical relationship, so as to attend to each other's needs. Cindy said she was game and a very vigorous relationship began. Everything was great for about 4 months, but one day, the guy went to Cindy and said,' I'm having this problem. It's kind of a guy thing. I need to ask you a favour.' Cindy said,' Okay.' The guy said,' Can I borrow your eyebrow pencil?' Cindy looked at him a little funny, but said,' Sure, you can borrow my eyebrow pencil.' The guy then said,' Do you mind if I use the eyebrow pencil to draw a moustache on you?' Cindy is getting a little worried, but says,' Okay.' Then the guy said,' Can you wear some of my clothing, I need for you to look more like a man.' Cindy is getting a little disappointed at this point, but says,' Well I guess so.' Then the guy says to Cindy,' Do you mind if I call you Bill?' Cindy, very dejected, says,' I guess not.' So, the guy reaches out and grabs Cindy by the arms and says... ' Bill, you'll never guess what I've been doing these past four months.....!'
  7. If you're worried about Milo messing up the car, maybe you could try him at cards instead, but be aware.......sometimes they cheat....
  8. Now I'm wondering how long it will be before Kyoko breaks up the pretend Beatles.
  9. Sure. But how many of us did so because we thought it was gonna be about Mr & Mrs Notes doing the dirty deed ?
  10. 249 Reward Points that you'll never find a use for and a lifelong feeling of regret.
  11. I can already see the teaser campaign........ Are you fed up with having all that stuff to play with ? Could that be the real reason that you're not a global megastar ? Wouldn't it be somehow better if you had knack all ? You spoke and we listened..... Welcome to Presonus Studio None.
  12. Bapu's ears just pricked up..........expect a call soon.😀
  13. I can think of somewhere around 200 reasons...... Every single freakin' second of it and that it's Van Morrison.😀
  14. Now that's a deal..... (although a bit naughty of them to be doing it so soon after release) Could it be that Larry's crown just slipped a little? 😀
  15. I wasn't being mean....this is what I see..
  16. Same here and it's almost always the case for me when Bapu posts an image. Been that way for quite a while now.
  17. I don't know about Juan, but I can tell you from bitter experience that when your Spanish girlfriend says that she wants some Home Alone for her birthday, she means this.... Not this.....
  18. It seems like it should be good, but I haven't used it much because the constant UI crashing that I get in CW gets old pretty quickly. Others here that don't use CW seem to rate it. IIRC there is a demo version available.
  19. Earlier that day........ Site Owner: " The ground is very gritty. I think we'll need some kind of sucker to prepare the area before painting." Henry: " I know the very man...."
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