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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Keyswitches. If the notes that do the keyswitching are simply MIDI notes events, then if you ever need to transpose the MIDI track containing the keyswitch notes, the keyswitches would end up triggering the wrong articulation. You would have to remember to only select non keyswitch notes every time. Of course you could always put the keyswitch notes on a separate MIDI track and route that MIDI track to the synth with the articulations. Both scenarios would mean constant scrolling or switching between tracks. Articulations solves all of that .
  2. How a synth responds to velocity depends entirely on the synth’s preset. Also, on some presets, velocity could affect more than merely volume.
  3. What happens if you uninstall Rapture Session and then reinstall it via the Cakewalk Command Centre?
  4. Promidi

    Playback speed

    Maybe use Audiosnap on the recorded audio clip - click “clip follows project”. Then enter a lower tempo. I am more of a MIDI person, so someone might clime in with a different solution.
  5. Definitely an issue with the piano VST you are using. Hopefully EastWest can get this sorted for you. A similar thing happens with Arturia’s SQ 80 V synth when a patch with unison is enabled. (For my issue, I have contacted Arturia support, and they have acknowledged the issue and are working on it).
  6. Some of the the CAL scripts I have written can generate the required MIDI events directly. Some if them can edit ones I have entered by hand. They do speed up MIDI editing a lot.
  7. Even though CAL scripts have officially been depreciated, I have actually written a few that can create ramps and curves for CC values and wheel events. Combined, these can also be used to create sinusoidal oscillations of controller and wheel events (for creating vibrato using pitch bend, for eg). These can be further edited using the Transform tool.
  8. That's ether a hardware error, or a buggy plugin or a buggy driver.
  9. Can we please see a screen shot of the following: Preferences - Audio - Devices Preferences - Audio - Playback and Recording?
  10. Even if “they” did, you would still probably be better off with a separate 3rd party vsti Bodhrán ....
  11. I just exported (rather than file saved) a type 1 MIDI file from a previous project. All of the tempo changes and patch changes were intact in the exported MIDI file. Perhaps you’re thinking of importing MIDI
  12. Do the MIDI tracks in the exported MIDI files have Patches defined? Some synths need may not respond to the Patch settings of the individual MIDI tracks. In case this happens, I also create patch change events in each MIDI track of a MIDI file.
  13. Promidi

    writing pitch bend in MIDI

    The PRV controller lanes are my go to for entering pitch bends (and all controllers for tat matter) One reason I use the PRV controller lanes, instead of automation nodes, is because of the Transform Tool. You cannot apply the Transform Tool on automation nodes. Also, controller events can be manipulated by CAL scripts, whereas automation nodes cannot. I have actually written many CAL scripts that specificity manipulate pitch bend events. I have built these into a Studioware panel that I have written. For drawing MIDI controllers I usually use the smart tool. The draw tool could work too. Personally, I use CAL scripts I have written to create smooth pitch bends. One even converts a straight line to a smooth curve.
  14. Rename the "%CommonProgramFiles%\vst3\BBC Symphony Orchstra (64 Bit).vst3 folder Then find the “BBC Symphony Orchestra (64 Bit).vst3” file that is in that folder and place it in the root of your VST3 folder ("%CommonProgramFiles%\vst3"
  15. I have a few Symbolic Links here and they show up as listed in both locations. If you need to see a list of Symbolic Links on the C Drive, go to the command prompt and do a "dir /AL /S c:\" (without quotes) Here is an example of how a folder appears on my PC after issuing that command Directory of c:\Users\Paul\Documents\My Pictures Fri 03 Sep 2021 04:13 PM <SYMLINKD> Phone Camera MX [D:\Data files\Samsungdata\Stock Camera] 0 File(s) 0 bytes Note the 0 bytes occupied on the C drive. The physical space is occupied on the D drive. In my specific example, the physical location of this folder and contents is D:\Data files\Samsungdata\Stock Camera where as it shows on the C drive as c:\Users\Paul\Documents\My Pictures\Phone Camera MX
  16. Are you meaning Symbolic Links? (can also be done with MKlink commands)
  17. When the Whois information for a given website redacts a lot of the registrant information, I take it with a grain of salt the size of the Rock of Gibraltar
  18. At some stage, I did end up with a corrupted installer. (when I tested with Chrome’s resume function) However, I did not know that is was corrupted when I chose the “quick clean” option during the installation. As the new versions would not install, losing all my Melda plugins was not fun. Thankfully my daily backup includes all VST2 DLL and VST3 VST3 files. (which I used to restore to previous) I can see how this can bork a Melda install....
  19. I do not even get a completed 16.08 installer..... There is another person on the Melda forums with the same issue I am having. As a test, I downloaded the Nvidia drivers (which is even larger than melda 16.08). They came down fine. It’s definitely an issue at Media’s end.
  20. Is anyone still having issues getting a download of 16.08 on Windows 10. I've tried 3 PCs (2 win 10, 1 win7) and a mobile device (latest brave on Android 13.) 16.07 downloads ok. 16.08 does not. I get an HTTP 416 error at around 603meg in to the download with 16.08 16.07 completes correctly.
  21. Make sure all MIDI tracks and SITs are set to specific MIDI channels and specific MIDI controllers. Only enable MIDI outs on VSTis that you actually require for your project. Avoid OMNI.
  22. Every single time, or can it work sometimes and not others? Note: I was able to add 3 instances of Mixbox Full, each with 4 slots filled into an existing project. The project has 3 instances of AAS Chromophone 3, 1 of AAS String Studio V3. 1 UVI (World Suite 2). 1 Massive X. 1 Arturia OP-Xa. Project played through to the end. This is on a PC configured as below.
  23. Select the track containing the Sustain Events (CC64) Then go Menu > Edit > Select > By Filter. At the By Filter dialogue box, deselect everything (click “None”) Select controllers then set Number min and max to 64 and click OK Once you have done this, only CC64 events will remain selected. Then you can use the Event Inspector to change the MIDI Channels of those selected events.
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