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Everything posted by CSistine

  1. I'm getting old, for me the freebies in some shops get worse and worse! 😆
  2. Also in the Roman Empire there were some old men that had pointed out the decline before it actually was true! Sometimes it would be a good idea to listen to wiser old men/women that have a great picture of what is going on! 😄
  3. I received a $25 voucher in January, February and now !
  4. If you have a look at journalism in Europe, then you know there is no more objective reporting left! Everything is biased and not only in journalism, it goes around in all organizations, in state departments, in education and even in the film and advertising industries. Here propaganda is omnipresent. If 30 years ago someone would have told me: "this will be the future of Europe", then I would not have believed him!
  5. I really cannot understand the iLok haters! I prefer it a 1000 times over online only installations or exotic authorization models! I would have paid even more than $15 (although I own too many compressors, also a real dbx166 from the 80s)!
  6. If you don't like their installation manager (like me), then you can download the installers directly! Just look in the FAQ!
  7. Thanks for the post, too! I don't understand Softube! They could have made a lot of money if they gave it for say $10 - $15. And I think the marketing effect would have been about the same!
  8. For me the only question is when do I need an audience choir? I think I'll skip the hassle to install it, because I would never have a use for it. But YMMV.
  9. IMO some of their classical instruments sound quite good (I purchased the Neo Complete bundle some time ago). The only thing to be aware is that if you open the Kontakt instruments only the near microphone is enabled and that sounds poor. But as soon as you enable some room microphones (you have to click on M=mute, very strange!) and add them to the mix the sound is astonishing for such low-cost instruments. I like especially the woodwinds, but also some of their pianos!
  10. Generally they tend to use decimal fixed format (also called packed) in banks, because float is a digital format and this results in rounding differences in the positions after the decimal point for decimal numbers (used of banks). But nevertheless there are cases where they use floating points, because the decimal fixed format's range is limited! The format itself is not more lossy than 24-bit integer IMO, because as long as you do not exceed the digit range (of the mantissa) there is no loss. If you exceed this range, then there is a bit of loss, but only in the low end of the value. With intergers its even worse if you exceed the digit range, because then they start at the other end of the range (depending on the kind of integer: signed spin to the greatest negative number and unsigned spin to zero). That's how some engineers crashed an expensive skyrocket in the last century, because they used a software part of an older rocket as "black box" and were not aware that number input of the new one did exceed some integer values of the old code! 😆 By the way some comments above mention the number of digits for 32-bit float. This is only true for IEEE floats (as used in PCs). There exist other float formats that have a totally different construction!
  11. There is one person on Cakewalk discuss who always reproaches others for bitching, if they criticize something. But isn't it bitching what he does? We should give him the award to be the greatest bitch! No, I will not give you a name, but I think those ones who often visit the forum know it! 😉
  12. The bit depth of files is independent of the parameters above. Either you have copied the file from anywhere (or installed) or you have set the bit depth in the Export Dialog to 32 bits.
  13. Also they did change their authorization to online some time ago! Before they were a company with pleasant file authorization, but that's gone.
  14. I guess the download icon makes sense if you just want to download the installer for an offline machine!
  15. Offline authorization does not work here! I have had a lot of trouble with the BandLab logins! With my previous user I had the problem that my display name changed back when I signed out and then signed in again! And unfortunately the number of changes for this one is limited in time! That's why I created a new user to solve this problem. So far so good! Lately when I signed out of discuss.cakewalk.com with my new user (Sistine), I couldn't log in again. It said the password is wrong. After a lot of time I found out, that there is another user on the Bandlab site that uses Sistine as user or display name and if I entered only the display name it chose the wrong user entry. To cut a long story short: If I had used my email address for the user login, then it worked and I was in in the forum again. Oh my God! Now, knowing that my short user name does not work, I have correctly used the full email address as user name in the offline auth request. But it seems that the new Product Center uses internally the short name, so it displays a wrong user name as signed in, although I used the whole email in the browser login and that worked successful. When I try to authorize the offline request it says the user does not match, but I have entered exactly the same string! It is very annoying!!! EDIT: It seems to change the display name permanently you have to do it in BandLab.com (profile name). I had confused the BL.account name with the BL.profile name (display name in forum)! Thus it was all my fault! Sorry!
  16. Another point for me is the threat with the re-authorization. If it goes on that way, I am not sure if I will proceed, because you never know how long the company allows re-authorization for a specific version and I hate to be forced to buy/use a new version in any case (don't know if I will like it, can afford it in the future), even if the first version of the new Sonar complies with my requests. Almost all other companies allow the authorization/usage of older versions for infinite time!
  17. As I am more of a preset user, I am in love with the audition note, this is really a great idea! Makes preset searching really quicker!
  18. Regrettably comparing the preferences of Sonar and CbB didn't take me any further! I am at my wits end! 😆 But it is not so dramatic as the VST2 version runs as expected! So I'll use VST2 in CbB and VST3 in all other DAWs, no problem!
  19. Also at https://www.jrrshop.com/gforce-oberheim-ob-ez , save extra with code 'group'! and https://www.audiodeluxe.com/search/site/Gforce for customers of the EU without the high taxes! 😆
  20. Thanks! This means there must be a setting in my project/preferences that makes a difference, whatever it is! I can't imagine something else, because there is nothing that I did in addition in such a new project. I use v1.3.0 of InfiniStrip. As it does not crash in Sonar Platinum I tried now to create there a new project with the same template that I use in CbB. Though this gives a warning (newer version) it works and does not crash, i.e. it is not the project configuration that is relevant. Now I will spend some time to compare the other preferences, perhaps I can find out what is the culprit setting.
  21. Did you set the track interleave to mono (before or after)? If you put it on a stereo track, then there's no problem!
  22. Now I have tested with CbB 2023.09 and it is still a crash (but not in Sonar Platinum)!
  23. There are also the 2 harpsichords from Sampletekk: https://www.sampletekk.com/historic-keyboards I like especially the ST Virginal for integration in rock music. I prefer it over the one of Experimenta or the one in the Kontakt Factory Library.
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