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Everything posted by CSistine

  1. People that don't visit the Deals section? I can understand that someone is only browsing the Deals forum and isn't going "upstairs", but inverse? Unbelievable! 😆
  2. Though I like that decentsampler and such rival Kontakt, it's a problem that I almost never use them! Having that many Kontakt and other Vst instruments I forget about them! 😆
  3. I would be interested in a good deal of the Lexicon delay or the 285 delay (though I already have too many delays)! Other than that a great deal on oldTimerMB, MasterQ2 or Xenon limiter would be welcome! 😄
  4. I like it, great, very special transient plugin for some special cases! A must have IMO!
  5. Once they had very affordable plugins. But in the last years their prices have increased a lot!
  6. Lately there are some very good PSP deals, but only for plugins that I already have! 😞 Okay, maybe I have too many, but there are some I am waiting for a deal for a long time!
  7. IMHO it would be a much more important improvement, if they added the possibility to enter a value for the controls! I miss this especially for channel strips, without they are almost not usable for me! But also for EQs and compressors this would be nice!
  8. IMO Bandlab gambles for high stakes! Lately I read a lot of comments that sound like long-term advocates here on this forum are disappointed and irritated. Many of them express their backup solutions. Me too, I have a backup solution. I can live absolutely without Sonar! All this here reminds me dreadfully to the Gibson debacle. I fear that this really could be the last days for Sonar! I guess many will not be willing to invest in the unsteadiness of this daw's future!
  9. You can accomplish the same effect by eating the appropriate food! That makes more fun IMO (I like food)! 😆
  10. I always use offline authorisation with iZotope and had no problems so far! Though I don't like machine activations, they are one of the companies where installations go smooth, but as said without Product Portal.
  11. https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope-ddly
  12. This is the major reason I doubt on AI in music production! Tell me what software does recognize transients reliable and distinct (even for drums/percussion tracks)!? If you compare the results of a couple of DAWs and plugins (Melodyne, drum replacers, ...), then you realize they're all different! As long as the developers don't get this done, AI is not more than a pipe dream IMHO!!!
  13. Regrettably this deal is too late for me 😞 (I purchased lately 2 things I was interested in and have the Syntronik stuff since a long time). But I also have a new problem: I could activate Miroslav Philharmonik CE (even offline on my other pc), but in SampleTank 4 CS it is shown "not activated", strange! But as someone said above, it's those weird IK installation and authorization thing! EDIT: Suddenly it is authorized also in ST4! I don't know why, but it's okay now. 😅
  14. Luckily! But those that require you to use their Software Centers cause enough problems. In most cases there is a lot of configuration missing (e.g. as you said not to delete the downloaded files) and many things are not transparent, they leave you in the dark!
  15. I have issues with almost any Software Center! Maybe its me? 😆 But often happen things that I don't expect or there is anything you cannot do (I've had 2 examples just today)! And e.g. IMO it is darned cheek if a software updates itself without asking the user (Arturia)! I think some developers definitely exceed a limit, when they operate your computer as if it was theirs!
  16. Sometimes I like a deal! But lately the only deals that would have interested me, was stuff that I already own! 😆
  17. Seemed to be a problem with musicians at that time 😉, I think Beethoven was deaf beginning from age 20. By the way which Bach was it? They had a whole clan making music!
  18. With the new minimum spend values the prices have really increased! Too expensive now for impulsive buys IMO! In Europe there are additional tax increments! E.g. the resulting price increase for the $10 voucher is here $12.50!
  19. Is this a joke, again? I would never pay for such a grab bag! But YMMV!
  20. LOL! Wonderful, this is one of the greatest jokes I've read on this forum! Or is it sad?
  21. Though I was interested in the product, please not another Installation Manager to install! I guess that some here on this forum may have minimum 100 IMs installed on their systems! That's so crazy! Nowadays standards in software (affecting the user) are no longer sought after, each ego developer makes his/her own thing to the harm of the users!
  22. I own some of those emulations and I still have a real Big Muff from the 80s. Frankly, one thing that all the emulations are missing, is the noise and the feedback like behavior between the notes (and this is not because the unit is that old, no it's been like that from the beginning)! I guess it will be difficult, or even impossible, to replace the real thing as a plugin IMHO!
  23. But the users are no aid agency! 😉 IMO it's a question of consumer demand that has to be met. Enforcing selling by authorization games is not the proper way! But YMMV! Oops, I've said too much again! (too pert?)
  24. But with a single activation!
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