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Everything posted by Grem

  1. Not seeing this on my Surface. If I hit Ctrl+O, or use the File/Open menu it still opens on my selected project folder. I even switched folders several times in the Browser.
  2. The OP is Erik, and I think he's pretty much figured out what the problem was. We are just continuing this conversation as it's developed. Erik still jumps in from time to time! : ) I ran an Athlon DAW for years. In fact I was running that machine as my main DAW and had an Intel q6600 in my home PC. Had Sonar loaded on both and was constantly surprised at how that Athlon did a better job than the Q6600. Granted the Athlon was running XP SP2 and the Intel had Vista!! But when Win 7 came out I put it on the Q6600 and then upgraded my Athlon machine to i7 2600 with WIn7. And that thing is still going strong with Win10. It does get bogged down when I start mixing down, but I just increase the buffers and it just keeps rolling on. It has an older AMD video card in it that was new at the time, but not top of the line at all. When AMD came out with Ryzen I was really hopeful that it would put them back in the game and it did. I know that Intel still has the best single core brute strength, but AMD is, like Jim said, doing better with multicore programs. You can build a great video workstation for less money using AMD. Way off topic now! : )
  3. Personally, I would never use onboard graphics in my main DAW. I do use them with my Surface Pro. And it works great for getting ideas down. But if you have no other choice, I would go for the AMD Ryzen solution. They have much APU than nVida or Intel.
  4. John, I saw your post in the other section. I wanted to help so I went to try out Groove Quantize with a Blues clip from EZK. Using the default setting all I got was what you described. Also tried some of the presets. Did you try them? Nothing really seemed to be useful. I have used the Groove Quantize to good effect before. But it was Grooves that I captured from another clip. And it's been so long since I had a need for it that I haven't used it in a long while. But the key to getting good results from the GQ is the Goove File. I then got off on another whim and started working with Catanya. Great product! I played with that for a few hours! : ) Work around 1: Convert the clip ( or just a section of the clip) into the Step Sequencer clip and use the swig and timing parameters in the SS to get the desired feel. 2: Convert to audio and a): Use Audio Snap to adjust the feel of it, b): Use Melodyne to do the same thing. I have worked with Audio snap and you can select three or more transients and grab one and slide it forward or backward and the rest of the selected transients will adjust to equal the time out between all selected transients. I have had excellent results using this method. Takes a little practice, but once you get it.... : ) HTH
  5. If True Pianos is not authorized, does it produce silence? I didn't see that mentioned on thier site. Just to make sure, did you check your cords/cables/wires? : )
  6. Are you talking about the Keyboard on the PRV or the keyboard that you can play? I am assuming you mean the one that you can actually play. I use this on my Surface Pro and it works extremely well. Little to no lag at all which makes it useful. I also see the key I press gets darker when I press it, so I have visual feedback as I am playing. However I do not find it desirable to have the key playback when my trk plays back. Nor do I want anything to affect the way the keyboard works now. For us using it on small systems, it's works! That's all we care about. : )
  7. Oh, ok! Transfer speed. Duh! First thing that I really thought about was a cable somewhere. I know it's simple, but we all have been caught/bit by that bug once or twice. Jack not shoved in all the way. Can't be the brand new cable!! Can it? LOL!!
  8. I think you missing the point Steev. Jim is referring to an adapter. And I think his point is that Firewire can not take advantage of all the speed that PCIe has to offer. I may be wrong, but that's how I am reading it. YMMV
  9. I think (from what I have read) that's the gist of it. There also may be a language communication problem, he may have difficulty saying what he means in English, so he showed a pic of what he thought was a good idea (the link). I have to agree with him. I don't use the keybindings editor much, but when I do I always want more screen real estate to work with. : )
  10. If your using 6gb SSD drives (where did you get them?), I would say that's the problem! : ) But I am thinking it's just a typo and you really mean 6TB. Have you tried another DAW to see if it still happens? Or even try a media player to see if it's something system wide or isolated to CbB.
  11. Never seen this Sky. It should be the same. Have you tried to restart CbB?
  12. @Steev, I have been following this thread the whole time. I do this for the sole reason of I may learn something. I saw no where in this thread that any one suggested you were an idiot. And I did not take some of the responses as a "Pissing" contest. To me it was just a conversation that went in a direction that kept my interest. IIRC, ( and I'm not going back to fact check) no one suggested that the OP get a new Presonus Quantum. The conversation, as I remember, lead into talking about latency, and the Quantum was brought up in the conversation, not as a solution. : )
  13. Once the plugin browser came in, I hardly use the Plugin Manager anymore. I use the default plugin menus. I thought they did a good enough job of getting me where I need to be in good time. But what I really like about the browser is the search function. Try it. : )
  14. I don't believe there are release notes for BandLab Assistant. Yes, that's what it means. I haven't given it a full going over, but from what I can see and tell, you have some options in what format things get imported/exported. And you are right in that this is gonna open it wide open for collaborations. I am already thinking of using BandLab as a way to put up some trks from my main pc and when I get on the road d/l them to my Surface to mess around with. Also, I can uplaod the stuff I makeup on the Surface and want to transfer to my main music machine. This is really what I have been waiting for!! But I think to do all this you have to have BA 5.0.2. Not much literature in that regard.
  15. Have you tried to use sends on your trks/busses? [edit] Then send the sends to a buss that you can route to where you want. Put a Send on the Master and send that to New Buss. Send the output of the new buss to 7/8 output. [edit2] How many in/outs are you selecting in Preferences/Audio/Devices/Input and Output? On my Fireface I got four choices. How many you have? And do you have them all selected? HTH
  16. Wow!! They must be some good ones! I walked away from old plugins long ago. And I could, because I really didn't have any favs that would stop me from getting a newer version of what I already had. The one thing I had that I still really miss is my ole Turtle Beach Pinnacle. It was a 20 bit sound card that was ISA only. It also had a Kurzweil synth/sampler on it. When I gave that up I was heart broken. Because all I could afford at the time was a Sound Blaster 16 PCI.
  17. Actually, Melda plugins remind me of a synth. I mean almost all their plugs have modulation control. And if you learn to use it, whoa!! I mean wow! : )
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