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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I try to give the business locally first before Amazon. I still appreciate knowledgeable service and willing to pay a little extra for it. I have been on the end where a customer blatantly shows me the price on Amazon after I just spent 20 minutes explaining the ins and outs of the few products. So if the price is way lower at Amazon we just trim that line and customers lose a demo and our knowledge. Yes Amazon might have the best price but now you have to order several of what we use to sell and try them out and return the ones that you opened and didn't work for you. So someone might get a great deal on the open box version. Time is money too. My wife doesn't understand Amazon for clothing and hopes Kohls is able to stick around. She wants to go try on the outfits and not order 10 online to return 9 of them. Of course we know several friends that do it all the time.
  2. We would expect no less. But please no pictures 😆
  3. Only so much money to go around and I figured I can be behind the curve on some software. Don't need the latest and greatest there is. Finale V27 is coming out and from the couple of blogs on it already I don't see anything that makes me go, take my money. I use Finale time to time and glad I have it but heck I only upgraded last time because I wanted the X64 version.
  4. Looks like I shall stay put on Version 4.
  5. Well don't leave us hanging Fleer. Are they in your left hand or right hand
  6. My teenage daughters say the same thing to me about forums. Dad they are so old fashioned. What can I say I'm not a spring chicken. I started way back in the day with dail-up modems and CompuServe BBS. These young whipper snappers don't know how good they have it
  7. You don't have to tell us that you have been taking your Prune Juice every morning
  8. Hey the way Meng is going it might end up being Amazon by BandLab!
  9. They have to give you the serial code and heck you didn't pay-up for Prime so we make you wait for us to send it 😜
  10. Only because he doesn't have Amazon Prime and has to wait 5-7 days for delivery 😆
  11. Funny my imagination to me is great. But others just don't get it 😆
  12. Well in California anything goes 😆
  13. The add-on will be "Mission to Mars"
  14. @Mr. KubikoV if you get this done with only one post. You're the Man! 😆
  15. and once in a while Ed thinks of himself and goes to Em.
  16. Just asking here, His spacecraft desk has nothing to do with Lift Off or does it?
  17. I'm waiting for the Sour Big Piano version to be released 😜
  18. So Air Music Tech is really for the customer that wants to only play an Air Guitar Sorry I couldn't resist
  19. @Bapu Looking over your Family I couldn't tell which one is the "Meathead"
  20. I have a picture in my head of you playing that song at the Nudist camp. I don't think I would want to see all those people jumping up and down 😏
  21. Off-topic (Sorry) My dad in the early to mid 1970's pretty much did the cover shots of the JC Penny and Sears Christmas catalogs. Too bad he didn't get to bring home all the toys he took pictures of! As a worker/contract worker he never became rich doing it but he did love his work and photography. He basically retired when digital was taking over. I have to say it was cool to see the big studio where they were developing 8x10 film/transparencies. I still remember my dad showing me how to develop B&W film in his personal darkroom. We use to go shoot nature photography with old TLR type cameras.
  22. I only used a small reel to reel machine a few times. My dad got it from a photo shoot in the 1970's. The rep from the company didn't want it back and my dad did the photo-work for one of the electronic catalogs. Boss said take it if you want it. Cleaning up my dad's house after he passed away I found the machine and a couple rolls of tape. We tried it and it still worked but replacement tape was not cheap so we let it go cheap for someone else to play with.
  23. Still amazes how much was done with old fashioned tape recording
  24. Could we make a new version based on the Coffee House of Wonder Years?
  25. Did you ever wonder why we post such silly stuff 🤔
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