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Everything posted by FreeEarCandy

  1. Thanks @KSband & @David Rossi for the suggestions! The drum compression was applied inside of AD2 and only on the toms. Ratio 3:1 and a very late attack. The ratio doesn't seem too extreme, but perhaps the threshold of -18db can be backed off. Funny you mentioned the vocal effects, David. I had intended to shut the vocal effect off but got side tracked & totally forgot. So yeah. I agree its a problem. Great comments! Thanks!
  2. FreeEarCandy

    Baby Blue

    This tune started back in 2014. I have since acquired some new plugins and have been updating some tunes from the past. The basic theme is about an overwhelming desire to put an end to sadness and depression. The tune has hills and valleys. An emotionally charged rollercoaster ride of sorts. I used a lot of instrumentation throughout. Having received some good feedback on past tunes posted, I have tried to beef up the low end. I did this by panning 2 bass guitars. I also worked on the drums to cut through all that extra low end energy. I may have over done it. Hope not. I want to give a shoutout to @Wookiee. Cheer up! We miss you. Updated version as per comment section recommendations. Reduced AD2 compression on toms, and vocal effects (i.e. VX-64 Vocal Strip Delay) turned off after 1 verse. Added reverb to drums, adjusted levels and remastered. https://www.bandlab.com/free_ear_candy/baby-blue-72d340a0?revId=363c21be-5cf4-ed11-907c-6045bd31b313
  3. Thanks Paul!! Hello Bjorn. No Cello. Synth. Yeah. I agree. The vocals and a few other things need more attention. Good feedback. Very much appreciated!
  4. Getting closer to the finish line. While I tend to like big spaces, it comes with some drawbacks-residual sound floating around in the depths. Much of what you have done cut through the mud of residual sound, so it really isn't an issue, and it actually builds the atmosphere in a positive way. But I do think the high hat is rather low, and perhaps a few cymbals here and there could use some considerations.
  5. FreeEarCandy


    Very cool sound scape to start off with, but the introduction of the drums took it up a notch and got the foot tapping. Nice work!
  6. Fine track! Alice Cooper was the first live concert I ever attended-"Welcome to my Nightmare". "Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon. "Love is a loaded gun"-Alice Cooper. Same page, but just a paragraph down. Awesome work fellas!
  7. Thank you Makke! Thanks Lynn! Especially your thoughts about the EQ. You are not the first to point out the brightness, and I'm now paying special attention to this issue in my future mixes. Glad you enjoyed the tune enough to double dip.
  8. Sounds pretty much like a bunch of different interpretations of the same thing being squeezed together. In my opinion, for whatever its worth, there are areas of tension between all these interpretations that may need to be sorted out. In other words, you could look at what you have and decide which interpretation will dominate any particular area of the composition at any given time. The drums and bass are going to serve as the backbone, so your choices between which interpretation will dominate should only involve the other elements. The vocals treatment also needs some attention. Its a good start for now. That's my inflated 2 cents, Lynn. Always glad to listen and be helpful if I can.
  9. Awesome! Top shelf production. Several trophies to hand out for the work and result you got. Impressive low end management. Vocal treatment is spacious and pristine. Guitar work fits beautifully. The drum knocks it out of the park. And the video plays along with all the emotional tension. Fine work Indeed!
  10. The seven sisters: Loved the composition-huge! I think you can bring the intro vocals up a tad and in other areas. You need more dynamics in the volume levels. Its a big wall of sound and a bit overwhelming. Its not breathing in that area. You may try unmasking the vocals, but I really think if you add more dynamics to the volume levels and let it breath those vocals may find the room to pop. Cool song!
  11. YT says I'm not old enough to listen to this, and I don't think I can take the beatings in my old age if I get caught listening to salty language before I mature.
  12. Interesting composition. The vocal treatment makes it difficult to understand the lyrics. Maybe run a cleaner channel of the vocals down the middle and widen the existing one, and then mix the 2 until the words come across clear and understandable?
  13. Awesome! The bass is insane! Loved it all!
  14. I agree with everyone else. Its a nice mix and cool song. Considering the composition I really don't think there is very much space & time for the orchestra to pop out and I don't think its the center attraction in this track. So my feelings are that what you did works fine.
  15. Yeah. Very nice Larry. I can appreciate the laid back mood and the fine guitar tones and performance. The snare and toms sound a bit to the back in relation the cymbals? But at the same time I wouldn't want to intrude on the guitar space too much by pulling them forward a tad. Don't really now how I would handle this one or if its just best to let it be. In any event, I enjoyed the feel and mood of the tune very much.
  16. Surf like. Nice guitar playing. As far as the mix, I think the bass is drowning out the kick. Perhaps some light ducking is the solution just to let that kick peek through a tad. Outside of that I think the composition captures that familiar surf style along with the classic Fender tone we all remember from the early days. Awesome!
  17. Cruising around in big spaces and sucking it all in. Nice and easy. I felt that.
  18. While we audiophiles could pick apart some things here and there, the performance and talent contained in this track are outstanding. Really nice work by all involved. Yeah. The use of the sax is a delightful treat, for sure. Nevertheless, the keyboard work deserves a trophy too. This has a very creative groove going on, and everyone has tapped into it elegantly. Well done!
  19. FreeEarCandy

    June 21

    Cool. I didn't hear any vocals so I'm wondering what you used the Melodyne for? The relatively small space you created with your reverb is well done. Not too echoic, which small spaces tend to sound like to me. This has a sort of sci-fi quality to it, but not necessarily. Yes. I hear the tension created between the various element used, but it all follows a underlying pattern that glues it all together and gives it a backbone. Interesting composition. Well done!
  20. The story line and music work for me. Depicts the dingy side of substance abuse, which is indeed a hell unto itself. But the poverty that pops out in the pictures comes from many directions. No doubt, many turn to substances to escape mental depression. So while you were focusing on the substance abuse, all the other issues underneath it popped out for me. I think it's important to note that the rich are not immune from the desire to escape the reality around them. You could easily frame the substance abuse issue in their worldview as well. All the above aside, you did a wonderful job here. You performed the music with a very noticeable level of talent. It pulled me in immediately and held my attention. It really doesn't get better than that for me. Very cool, thought-provoking, and a joy to listen to. Excellent work!
  21. A wonderful cover of a great song I haven't heard in a while. I miss those old songs. I didn't hear the first stab at this mix, so I can't offer any comparatives. You do sound a bit like Lennon, or does the song mimic Lennon's style? Maybe both. As far as the mix, please take what I say with a grain of salt. I think there are a few frequencies in the mix that need a little more taming. According to my ears, I would guess they are around the 3000–5000 range. Right around where one finds sibilance issues. I'm not sure where it's coming from, and it's not terribly bad, but my ears seem to be picking up on something hissy popping in and out. If I'm correct and you are able to address it, I think it could possibly warm this mix up more. But the bottom line here is you did a fantastic job capturing the mood and feeling, and for me, that goes a very long way. Your vocal deliveries are very well done, and you have a wonderful voice.
  22. Cool song. Is the video AI generated?
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